Silene poa Lidén, 2023

Lidén, Magnus & Oxelman, Bengt, 2023, FLORA OF NEPAL NOTULAE IV: NEW SPECIES AND RESURRECTED NAMES IN SILENE, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 80 (367), pp. 1-28 : 26-27

publication ID 10.24823/EJB.2023.367


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scientific name

Silene poa Lidén

sp. nov.

10. Silene poa Lidén View in CoL , sp. nov.

Silene poa differs from S. nepalensis Majumdar in its more robust habit with thicker stems, grass-like leaves gradually tapering to an acute apex, a calyx larger and comparatively less deeply divided, and a petal limb much longer and deeply divided. – Type: India, Uttarakhand, Kumaon, Nipchang valley , Darma , 14,000–15000 ft, 31 viii 1884, J. F. Duthie 2742 (holotype DD, isotype E00074280 ). Figure 7M–U View Figure 7 .

Rhizome thick, branched, forming dense crown(s) with withered leaf remnants and few to several stems, with one or two non-flowering rosettes. Stems (15–) 30–40 cm long, simple, erect, rather stout, ± glabrous below, above with short recurved hairs, densely so towards apex and in inflorescence, with 3 or 4 pairs of leaves. Lower leaves subglabrous, attenuate towards the base, long vaginate; upper leaves not or shortly vaginate, sessile, pubescent with short recurved hairs; nodes ciliate with short and long reflexed hairs. Lamina narrowly linear-lanceolate, 4–10 cm × 3–6 mm, gradually tapering to acute apex. Terminal inflorescence usually 1-flowered, rarely 2- or 3-flowered; axillary flowers from uppermost leaves sometimes present. Flowers nodding. Bracteoles 2–5 mm long. Pedicels 4–15 mm long, longer and erect in fruit, densely hairy with short recurved hairs. Calyx campanulate, 15–17 mm long, pale green with dark veins, often with some short divaricate veinlets, with very short hairs overall and with longer glandular hairs on veins; divided to (1/5 to) 1/4; teeth triangular, sometimes slightly constricted 1/3 from base, ciliate with short obtuse hairs. Androgynophore 1.5 mm long, pubescent. Petal claw profoundly auriculate; petal limb 3–4 mm long, deeply bifid into narrow lobes, with two smaller lateral lobes basally; coronal scales 1 mm long, broad, fleshy, shallowly lobed. Stamens not exserted from corolla mouth. Styles 5. Seeds brown, c. 1 mm long including entire wing, body 0.5–0.6 mm.

Distribution. Uttarakhand and West Nepal.

Habitat and ecology. Open slopes. Altitudinal range 3000–4000 m. Flowering May to September.

Etymology. Greek ποα (‘grass’), alluding to the grass-like leaves.

Additional specimens examined. INDIA. Uttarakhand: Gangotri national park, Kedarganga valley , open slopes, common, 7 viii 2003, P. Pusalkar 104284 ( BSI, DD) ; Rudragonga valley , semi-open slopes, common, 1 viii 2003, P. Pusalkar 103987 ( BSD) .

NEPAL. Doti: Khaptad , 2950 m, open slope, 3 vii 1981, Dep. med. pl. (Kathmandu) 6293 ( KATH) . Jumla: Bhurchula Lek S of Jumla , open slopes, 11,000 ft, 19 vii 1952, O. Polunin, W. R. Sykes & L. H. J. Williams 4784 ( BM000017353 , TI 10004761 ) . Dolpa: near Balangra pass, open grassy slopes, small ravines, 13,000 ft, 26 vii 1952, O. Polunin, W. R. Sykes & L. H. J. Williams 2570 ( BM, E00066540 , TI) .


University of the Witwatersrand


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department


Forest Research Institute, Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Botanical Survey of India, Western Circle


Botanical Survey of India, Northern Regional Centre


Department of Plant Resources


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


Naturhistorisches Museum Wien


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


University of Helsinki


Bristol Museum


Herbarium of the Department of Botany, University of Tokyo

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