Doggerella Mahmood, Quicke & Papp

Mahmood, Khalid, Papp, Jeno & Quicke, Donald L. J., 2011, A new Afrotropical genus Doggerella gen. nov. of braconine wasp (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) with twelve new species, Zootaxa 2927, pp. 1-37 : 2-3

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.277970


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Doggerella Mahmood, Quicke & Papp

gen. nov.

Key to the species Doggerella Mahmood, Quicke & Papp gen. nov.

1. Head in dorsal view transverse, 1.7–1.8 times as broad as long and temple strongly receding behind eyes ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 a)......... 2

-. Head in dorsal view cubic or sub-cubic, at most 1.4–1.6 times wider than long and temple not strongly receding ( Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 c)........................................................................................................ 5

2. Second metasomal tergite more than 1.5 times longer than third metasomal tergite medially.......................... 3

-. Second metasomal tergite less than 1.3 times length of third metasomal tergite medially............................. 4

3. Top of head entirely coriaceous ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 c). Fore wing second submarginal cell short (veins 2-M & 3-SR, 2.75 times & 1.75 times as long as r-m, respectively), vein SR1 3.4 times longer than vein r. Mesosoma including sternites black................................................................................................... D. azhari sp. nov.

-. Top of head polished ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 c). Fore wing second submarginal cell long (veins 2-M & 3-SR, 3.33 times & 2.00 times as long as r-m, respectively), vein SR1 4.9 times longer than vein r. Mesosoma including sternites light brown....................................................................................................... D. shaheena sp. nov.

4. Propodeum entirely coriaceous. Fore wing second submarginal cell long (veins 2-M & 3-SR, 3.33 times & 2.00 times as long as r-m, respectively). Ovipositor 4.8 mm long (longer than body length)........................ D. albopilosa com. nov.

-. Propodeum polished (at least in the middle). Fore wing second submarginal cell short (veins 2-M & 3-SR, 2.85 times & 1.6 times as long as r-m, respectively). Ovipositor (exserted part) 0.9 mm long (shorter than body length)...................................................................................................... D. transversa sp. nov.

5. Second metasomal tergite 1.4–1.5 times longer than third metasomal tergite....................................... 6

-. Second metasomal tergite almost equal to or slightly,1.1–1.2 times, longer than third metasomal tergite medially......... 10

6. Face approximately quadrate in frontal view (as wide as high).................................................. 7

-. Face transverse in frontal view (at least 1.3 times wider than high)............................................... 9

7. Propodeum entirely coriaceous. Antenna with fewer than 28 segments........................................... 8

-. Propodeum at least medially polished. Antenna with 32 segments............................... D. mishkati sp. nov.

8. Face entirely light brown ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 b). Ovipositor (exserted part) 1.9 mm long. All legs black with pale yellow joints. Hind femur wide (2.7 times longer than wide). Fore wing second submarginal cell long (veins 2-M & 3-SR, 3.75 times & 2.25 times as long as r-m, respectively)............................................................ D. angustata sp. nov.

-. Face black with a light brown patch below each antennal base ( Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 b). Ovipositor (exserted part) 0.8 mm long. Fore and mid legs light yellow, hind femur light yellow with basal half black, hind tibia black with basal 0.2 pale yellow. Hind femur less thick (3.6 times longer than wide). Fore wing second submarginal cell short (veins 2-M & 3-SR, 3.00 and 2.00 times as long as r-m, respectively)..................................................................... D. cohaerens sp. nov.

9. Head black with face and malar area pale yellow ( Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 b). Antenna with 18 segments. Metasoma black with tergites 2 and apical half of tergite 3 pale yellow........................................................ D. landingi sp. nov.

-. Head entirely black ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 b). Antenna with 27 segments. Metasoma entirely light yellow............ D. minuta sp. nov.

10. Face transverse, 1.4 times broader than long. Head entirely black, mesosoma largely black ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 d) except sides of pronotum yellow, all legs and sternites black..................................................... D. longitergita sp. nov.

-. Face approximately quadrate, 1.1 times broader than long. Head and mesosoma not entirely black ( Fig. 23 View FIGURE 23 d), legs and sternites light yellow......................................................................................... 11

11. Second and third metasomal segments 1.3 times wider than long (1.0 mm broad). Antenna with 34 segments................................................................................................... D. deflexa sp. nov.

-. Second and third metasomal segments at least 1.8 times wider than long (1.5 mm broad). Antenna with 32 or fewer segments................................................................................................... 12

12. Ovipositor sheath 1.0 mm long. Second and third metasomal segments 1.8 times and 2.0 times wider than long respectively....................................................................................... D. turneri sp. nov.

-. Ovipositor sheath 1.5 mm long. Second and third metasomal segments 2.0 and 2.4 times wider than long respectively.......................................................................................... D. sulphurea sp. nov.











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