Heissiphara, Gerry Cassis & Loren Vanags, 2006

Gerry Cassis & Loren Vanags, 2006, Jewel Bugs of Australia (Insecta, Heteroptera, Scutelleridae), Denisia 19, pp. 275-398 : 367

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12996779



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scientific name


gen. nov.

Heissiphara nov.gen. ( Figs 24b View Fig , 27 View Fig , 37 View Fig , 38 View Fig )

Type species: HeissipHara minuta nov.sp., original designation

Diagnosis: HeissipHara nov.gen. is recognised by the following combination of characters: small species ( Figs 24b View Fig , 37 View Fig ); dorsum strongly convex; dorsum heavily punctate with setigerous punctures ( Figs 24b View Fig , 37 View Fig ); head strongly declivent and rounded ( Fig. 38b View Fig ); jugae rounded ( Fig. 38b View Fig ); bucculae small, arcuate ( Fig. 31c View Fig ); anterior margin of scutellum with submedial subreniform polished calli ( Fig. 24b View Fig , 37 View Fig ); lateral margins of pronotum subcarinate; external efferent system of metathoracic glands moderately developed, with raised obovate peritreme ( Fig. 38c View Fig ); evaporative areas extending to mesepimeron ( Fig. 38c View Fig ); spermathecal fecundation canal very short ( Fig. 38d View Fig ); reservoir oval, not heavily sclerotized; and, spermathecal pump large ( Fig. 38d View Fig ).

Description: Small species ( Figs 24b View Fig , 37 View Fig ); ovoid; dorsum strongly convex ( Figs 24b View Fig , 37 View Fig ); body evenly punctate, with setigerous punctures ( Figs 24b View Fig , 37 View Fig ). Head: transverse ( Figs 38a View Fig ), strongly rounded and declivent ( Fig. 38b View Fig ); lateral margins of jugae rounded ( Fig. 38b View Fig ). Antennae: AIII and AIV bicompressed. Pronotum: subtrapezoidal, strongly convex ( Figs 24b View Fig , 37 View Fig ); anterolateral margins elongate, rectilinear, subcarinate; posterolateral margins short, rounded; posterior margin truncate ( Figs 24b View Fig , 37 View Fig ). Scutellum: broad, U-shaped, base of forewings and abdominal connexiva III-VII visible ( Figs 24b View Fig , 37 View Fig ); anterior margin with submedial, subreniform, polished calli ( Figs 24b View Fig , 37 View Fig ); tip of forewings not exposed; propleuron large, platelike, with anterior margins of proepisternum arcuate; external efferent system of metathoracic glands moderately developed ( Fig. 38c View Fig ), evaporative ar-eas extensive, rugose, extending beyond peritreme and on to mesepimeron ( Fig. 38c View Fig ); ostiole small; peritreme raised, obovate ( Fig. 38c View Fig ). Abdominal Venter: SIII carinate along midline. Female Terminalia: paratergites IX small, subelliptoid; gonocoxae I large, subtriangular, posterior margin weakly excavate. Spermatheca: basal sclerites present; fecundation canal very short ( Fig. 38d View Fig ); reservoir oval ( Fig. 38d View Fig ); prominent pump ( Fig. 38d View Fig ).

Male unknown.

Etymology: This genus is named after our colleague Dr. Ernst Heiss in recognition of his significant contribution to Heteropterology.

Included species: H. minuta nov.sp. Australia

Diversity and distribution: HeissipHara is a monotypic genus, known from a single locality in temperate Western Australia.

Remarks: HeissipHara superficially resembles a number of Australian pentatomid species, with an enlarged scutellum, such as Kapunda . However, HeissipHara is a member of the Scutelleridae based on the following characters: greatly enlarged scutellum, spermatheca with basal sclerites, and the spermathecal reservoir without a sclerotized rod.

The position of HeissipHara within the scutellerid hierarchy is difficult to determine, as males are unknown. It is conclusively excluded from the Elvisurinae in that it does not possess keel-like thoracic sterna. It is unlikely to be a member of the Tectocorinae as its female terminalia and spermatheca are consistent with those of the scutellerines. HeissipHara shares some similarites with Morbora , in that both the body has setigerous punctures and the metathoracic peritreme is obovate. However, HeissipHara also shares these characters with CHoerocoris , and on the basis of the similar spermathecae, the former genus is putatively assigned to the Scutelleri-nae , despite its dull colouration.

HeissipHara differs from CHoerocoris in the shape of the head, which is more round-ed and the lateral jugal margins are not explanate. In addition, HeissipHara has a more densely punctate body, and is significantly smaller, the anterior margin of the scutellum has submedial calli, and the spermathecal reservoir is not heavily sclerotised.











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