Novochares baca, Short & Girón, 2023

Short, Andrew Edward Z. & Giron, Jennifer C., 2023, Revision of the Neotropical water scavenger beetle genus Novochares Giron & Short (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Acidocerinae), ZooKeys 1171, pp. 1-112 : 1

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scientific name

Novochares baca

sp. nov.

Novochares baca sp. nov.

Figs 9N, O View Figure 9 , 10C View Figure 10

Type material.

Holotype (male): "PERU: Madre de Dios: Tambopata/ - 12.54034 S, - 69.00074 W, 190m/ Kawsay Biological Station, Palm swamp; lots of detritus/ PE22-0604-01B, leg. Short et al." (MHNSM). Paratypes (9 exs.): Brazil: Pará: ca. 25 km E of Alenquer, -1.96253, -54.50458, 44 m, 4.ii.2018, Short & Benetti, Palm swamp, lots of detritus, BR18-0204-01A (1, SEMC, DNA Voucher SLE1513); Vale do Paraíso, ca. 55 km N. Alenquer, -1.49292, -54.51566, 150 m, leg. Short & Benetti, seeps & pools by waterfall, BR18-0203-01D (1, INPA, DNA Voucher SLE1617); same data except pool with rocks and detritus on trail, BR18-0203-01E (1, SEMC, DNA Voucher SLE2081). Ecuador: Sucumbíos: Sacha Lodge, 0.5°S, 76.5°W, 270 m, 10-12.xi.1994, leg. Hibbs, ex. Malaise (1, SEMC). Peru: Madre de Dios: Same data as holotype (4, SEMC, MHNSM). Suriname: Sipaliwini: Sipaliwini Savannah Nature Reserve, North of Basecamp, 2°00.656'N, 55°59.070'W, 275 m, 1.iv.2017, leg. Short, grassy pools near river, SR17-0401-01A (1, NZCS).

Differential diagnosis.

The relatively long and straight outer margins of the parameres and the very long and narrow fork of the apex of the dorsal plate of the median lobe (Fig. 9N View Figure 9 ) help to distinguish this species from others in the species group.


Body length 6.0-6.2 mm. Coloration: Dorsal surfaces pale brown to yellowish brown, with paler (yellowish) clypeus and margins of pronotum and elytra. Head: Maxillary palps only slightly longer than width of head, uniformly yellow in color. Thorax: Elytra without rows of serial punctures, each with very faint rows (one dorsal and two or three lateral) of scarce and weakly marked systematic punctures. Posterior elevation of mesoventrite broadly and somewhat triangularly elevated, weakly posteriorly transversely impressed, with low medial longitudinal ridge extending anteriorly. Abdomen: Apical emargination of fifth ventrite moderately deep and broad. Aedeagus: (Fig. 9N, O View Figure 9 ) Outer margin and apical region of each paramere rounded at apex and laterally pointed; dorsal plate of median lobe with long and narrow neck, ovally expanded at apical region, with two narrow, elongated, laminate (dorsoventrally oriented), distal arms, basally separated by width of arm; arms as long as base of fork; ventral plate of median lobe triangular, strongly sclerotized, apically broadly angulate, reaching mid-length of dorsal plate.


This species is named after Stephen Baca, long-time member of the Short Lab, who supported the lab and its members by providing assistance during fieldwork, lab work, and overall being a great friend, colleague, and mentor. The last name Baca, when read, sounds similar to the Spanish word vaca, cow in English; the distal region of the dorsal plate of the median lobe somewhat resembles the head of a cow with horns.


Known from a few but widely separated localities in Brazil ( Pará), Ecuador, Peru, and Suriname (Fig. 10C View Figure 10 ).


This species has been collected in palm swamps, forested pools alongside rivers and waterfalls, and in the case of the Suriname locality, in a grassy pool alongside a river in an open savanna.













