Argyrochlamys tomkovichi Grichanov, 2023

Grichanov, I. Ya. & Gilasian, E., 2023, Three new species of the genus Argyrochlamys Lamb, 1922 (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from mangroves of Iran and Oman, Russian Entomological Journal 32 (2), pp. 210-220 : 215

publication ID 10.15298/rusentj.32.2.12

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scientific name

Argyrochlamys tomkovichi Grichanov

sp. nov.

Argyrochlamys tomkovichi Grichanov View in CoL , sp.n.

Figs 15–23 View Figs 15–23 .

MATERIAL. Holotype ♂, Oman, Barr al-Hikman peninsula, 300 km S Muscat, 20°44´24´´N, 58°41´45.6´´E, yellow pan trap, 19– 24.XI.2011, P.S. Tomkovich leg. ( ZMUM). Holotype in good condition. Paratypes: 7♂, 1♀, same data as for holotype ( ZIN, ZMUM; one male terminalia dissected and stored in glycerin in microvial pinned with the specimen) GoogleMaps .

DESCRIPTION. Male ( Fig. 15 View Figs 15–23 ). Length (mm): body 3.5, wing 3.0/1.1, antenna 0.9. Setae on body and legs are black except as noted below. Head ( Fig. 16 View Figs 15–23 ) wider than high; frons, face and postcranium densely white pollinose; frons 1.5 times wider than high; one strong black vertical seta bend forward, one shorter yellow postvertical, a pair of strong black ocellar setae present; eyes with short hairs; postocular setae yellow, uniseriate; upper and lower postoculars strong- er than lateral setae; face glabrous, broad, widest under antennae, 1.5 times wider than height of postpedicel, clypeus small, not reaching lower margin of eyes; antenna ( Fig. 17 View Figs 15–23 ) about as long as height of head; yellow-orange; scape and pedicel simple, with short setulae; postpedicel elongate-triangular, 2.5 times as long as high, with acute apex and very short hairs, 2.7 times as long as arista-like stylus, which nearly apical, black, with microscopic hairs; length (mm) of scape, pedicel, postpedicel, stylus (stylomeres 1 and 2), 0.10/ 0.07/0.41/0.11/0.40; palpus and proboscis small, yellow, with yellow, black and brownish cilia. Thorax entirely orange-yellow, whitish pollinose, with black bristles and setae; 6 strong dorsocentral setae with 5th seta shifted towards median axis; 2 rows of strong acrostichals; 2 strong notopleural, 1 strong humeral, 1 posthumeral setae present; proepisternum with 1 strong seta above fore coxa; scutellum with 2 long strong setae and 2 small lateral setae. Legs whitish-yellow, with mid tarsomeres 4 and 5, hind tarsus from apex of basitarsus brownish to brown; all coxae yellow; fore and mid coxae with several black setae anteriorly; hind coxa with 1 strong black external seta in middle; fore tibia with 2 anterodorsal, 2 small posterodorsal, 1 posteroventral bristles; fore femur, tibia and tarsomere (from first to fifth) length (mm): 0.9/0.81/0.46/0.25/0.19/0.12/0.13; mid femur with 1 anterior subapical bristle; mid tibia with 2 anterodorsals, 3 posterodorsals, 1 strong and 1 weak ventrals at middle and 4–5 apical bristles; segments 1–4 of mid tarsus each with short apical setae; mid femur, tibia and tarsomere (from first to fifth) length (mm): 1.12/1.22/0.66/0.55/0.45/0.3/0.22; hind femur with 1 anterodorsal preapical bristle, 1 small anteroventral preapical, and row of short dorsal setae, at most 1/3 as long as femur height; hind tibia with 3 anterodorsal, 3 posterodorsal, 3–4 apical bristles; hind basitarsus with 1 short basoventral seta; tarsomeres 1–4 each with apicoventral setae; hind femur, tibia and tarsomere (from first to fifth) length (mm): 1.23/1.54/0.45/0.74/0.58/0.38/0.25. Wing ( Fig. 18 View Figs 15–23 ) hyaline, simple; veins yellow; R 1 reaching 2/5 of wing; R 2+3 almost straight; length of costa between R 1, R 2+3, R 4+5 and M 1+2 (mm), 1.25/0.49/0.09; R 4+5 mainly straight, slightly curved posteriad in distal 1/4; M 1+2 with gentle sinuation in middle of distal part, joining costa before wing apex; crossvein dm-m straight, forming right angles with longitudinal veins; length of dm-m and distal part of M 4, 0.28/0.65; posterior wing margin evenly convex; anal vein weak; anal lobe pronounced; anal angle obtuse; lower calypter yellow with white cilia; halters yellow. Abdomen conoid (dorsal view), entirely orange-yellow, weakly whitish pollinose; tergite 6 hardly visible; segment 7 small, glabrous; segment 8 yellow, with several black setae; epandrium and appendages ( Figs 19–22 View Figs 15–23 ) almost symmetric, yellow; hypandrium ( Fig. 22 View Figs 15–23 ) bifurcated at apex, with thick curved lobes, pointed at apex; phallus bulbous at base, narrow apically, pointed; distoventral epandrial lobe fused with epandrium, with 3 pedunculate setae; 1 epandrial seta; postgonite narrow, strongly curved ventrally, pointed at apex, with subapical indentation; surstylus with 2 narrow lobes of unequal length; ventral lobe short, curved, with 2 simple ventral setae, 1 long and 2 short thickened dorsal setae at apex; dorsal lobe straight, with very long basidorsal seta, 1 long subapical simple seta, and few setulae at apex; cercus yellow, 0.6 times as long as epandrium, with yellow hairs and black setae, narrow, with rounded apex.

Female. Length (mm): body 3.1, wing 3.1, antenna 0.8. Similar to male in all respects except as noted: antenna ( Fig. 23 View Figs 15–23 ) with postpedicel 1.9 times as long as high, 1.2 times as long as arista-like stylus; length (mm) of scape, pedicel, postpedicel, stylus (stylomeres 1 and 2), 0.09/0.04/0.37/ 0.06/0.26; femur, tibia and tarsomere (from first to fifth) length (mm): fore leg: 0.94/0.87/0.43/0.23/0.18/0.14/0.15; mid leg: 1.04/1.24/0.59/0.46/0.36/0.29/0.19; hind leg: 1.16/ 1.54/0.43/0.66/0.57/0.39/0.21; oviscapt with ventral lobes; each hemitergite with two thick spines; cercus with long yellow setae.

ETYMOLOGY. The name of the new species is dedicat- ed to the collector of the type series, Konstantin Tomkovich (Moscow, Russia) .

DISTRIBUTION. Afrotropical: Oman.

DIAGNOSIS. Argyrochlamys tomkovichi sp.n. belongs to the A. impudicus species group [ Grichanov, 2010]. The new species keys to A. marshalli , differing from the latter in shorter female body; coxae with black cilia and bristles; female arista-like stylus distinctly shorter than postpedicel (20/25); costal section between R 1 and R 2+3 2.8 times longer than costal section between R 2+3 and R 4+5. A. marshalli females have coxae with yellow cilia and bristles; arista-like stylus as long as postpedicel; costal section between R 1 and R 2+3 3.2 times longer than costal section between R 2+3 and R 4+5 [ Grichanov, 2010].


Zoological Museum, University of Amoy


Russian Academy of Sciences, Zoological Institute, Zoological Museum













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