Podagrionini, Janšta & Delvare & Baur & Wipfler & Peters, 2020

Janšta, Petr, Delvare, Gérard, Baur, Hannes, Wipfler, Benjamin & Peters, Ralph S., 2020, Data-rich description of a new genus of praying mantid egg parasitoids, Lasallegrion gen. n. (Hymenoptera: Torymidae: Podagrionini), with a re-examination of Podagrion species of Australia and New Caledonia, Journal of Natural History 54 (9), pp. 755-790 : 771-772

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Carolina (2020-11-25 13:33:26, last updated 2024-11-26 06:43:04)

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Key to Australasian genera of Podagrionini and species of Lasallegrion

1 Hind tibia with apex elongately produced, the truncation at least 2x width of tibia and with spur at base of truncation near basitarsus Podagrionella Girault View in CoL

― Hind tibia with apex diagonally truncated and ventrally not or only slightly produced; the truncation subequal in length to width of tibia and with spur at apex of truncation ...................................................................................................................... 2

2 (1) Mesepimeron bulged outwardly and raised into lamelliform plate above surface of metapleuron and overhanging (partially obscuring) ventral shelf of metepisternum; fore wing with well delimited spot.......................... Propachytomoides Girault View in CoL

― Mesepimeron not bulged, abutting metepimeron and not overhanging ventral shelf of metepisternum; fore wing without delimited spot, rarely with diffuse stain.................................................................................................................................................... 3

3 (2) Anellus elongate, as long as broad, fore wing entirely covered with setae, without distinct vein tracts, cells or speculum.................................................... Palmon Dalman View in CoL

― Anellus transverse, fore wing with distinct vein tracts, cells and speculum........ 4

4 (3) Pronotum with a sharp and carinate pronotal collar; antennal clava distinctly 3segmented, females with a narrow line of micropilosity on apical claval segment 2 and 3; metadiscrimen as median strip delimited by irregular submedian ridges......... ................................................................................................................................. Lasallegrion gen n., 5

― Pronotum round and without a carinate collar; antennal clava not distinctly 3segmented, females with a large micropilosity area covering the ventral side of the clava; metadiscrimen broader, with one median or two submedian carinae................................................................................................ Podagrion Spinola View in CoL

5 (4) Ventral margin of clypeus with small median tooth; metafemur with 6–8, moderately short, teeth plus one composite tooth distally ( Figure 12f View Figure 12 ); ovipositor sheaths short, 0.9–1.5× as long as body; OI = 3.3–5.0; relatively smaller species (2.9–3.7 mm without ovipositor)..................... ..................... L. washingtoni ( Girault, 1915) , comb. n.

― Ventral margin of clypeus hardly convex; metafemur with 5 or 6 stout teeth ventrally plus one composite tooth distally ( Figures 8e View Figure 8 , 11c View Figure 11 ); ovipositor sheaths 1.6–2.5× as long as body; OI = 5.2–7.6; relatively bigger species (3.5–4.4 mm without ovipositor)...................................................................................................................... 6

6 (5) Combined length of pedicel and flagellum 1.45–1.65× breadth of head; head height 0.85–1.02× (in one marginal case up to 1.04) as long as marginal vein; antennae inserted high on the head, distance from lower edge of toruli to ventral margin of clypeus 1.1–1.6× as long as distance from lower edge of toruli to anterior ocellus; parascrobal area remarkably raised above the outline of head anteriorly (best seen from dorsal view, Figure 8a View Figure 8 ); setae on lower face not so dense, long and wide than in alternate ( Figure 8 View Figure 8 b–c); propodeum with adpetiolar area (behind posterior branches of carinae) coarsely rugose ( Figure 6d View Figure 6 ), metafemur with 5 teeth preceding the composite terminal one, at least length of 3 rd and 4 th tooth same as or longer than breadth of tibia opposite to tooth ( Figure 8e View Figure 8 ); costal cell of fore wing with 2 complete rows of setae on the underside ( Figure 8f View Figure 8 );.................................................................. .............................................................................................. L. koebelei ( Crawford, 1912) , comb. n.

― Combined length of pedicel and flagellum 1.1–1.4× breadth of head; head height 1.04–1.13× as long as marginal vein; antennae inserted less high on the head, distance from lower edge of toruli to ventral margin of clypeus 1.0–1.2× as long as distance from lower edge of toruli to anterior ocellus; parascrobal area not so remarkably raised above the outline of head anteriorly ( Figure 11a View Figure 11 ); setae on lower face very dense, long and lanceolate ( Figure 11b View Figure 11 ); propodeum with adpetiolar area rugulose reticulate ( Figure 11e View Figure 11 ); metafemur with 4 stout teeth preceding the composite terminal one; length of 2 nd – 4 th tooth longer than breadth of tibia opposite to tooth ( Figure 11c View Figure 11 ); costal cell of fore wing at most with one incomplete row of setae on the underside ( Figure 11f View Figure 11 )................................ ..................................................................................... L. virescens ( Strand, 1911) , comb. n.

Crawford JC. 1912. Descriptions of new Hymenoptera. No 4. Proc U. S. N. M. 42: 1 - 10.

Girault AA. 1915. Australian Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea, XII. The family Callimomidae with descriptions of new genera and species. Mem Queensl Mus. 4: 275 - 309.

Strand E. 1911. Neue Arten der Chalcididengattungen Epistenia Westw., Aepocerus Mayr und Podagrion Spin. Arch Naturgesch. 77: 153 - 159.

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Figure 6. Diagnostic characters of Lasallegrion gen. n.; L. koebelei (a – e), L. washingtoni (f). (a), habitus, lateral; (b), antenna, lateral; (c), head and mesosoma, lateral (arrows indicate pronotal collar carina and metapleuron); (d), propodeum, dorsal; (e), head, posterior; (f), petiolus and first sternite, ventral.

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Figure 8. Lasallegrion koebelei, female. (a), head, dorsal; (b), head, frontal; (c), lower face, detail; (d), mesosoma, dorsal (arrows indicate notauli in their posterior part); (e), right hind leg, outer aspect; (f), left fore wing, ventral.

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Figure 11. Lasallegrion virescens, female. (a), head, dorsal; (b), head, frontal; (c), right hind leg, outer aspect; (d), mesosoma, dorsal (arrows indicate notauli in their posterior part); (e), mesoscutellum and propodeum, dorsal; (f), left fore wing, ventral.

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Figure 12. Lasallegrion washingtoni, female. (a), head, dorsal; (b), head, frontal; (c), lower face,detail; (d), mesosoma, dorsal; (e), mesoscutellum and propodeum, dorsal; (f), left hind leg, outer aspect.









