Ellenbergeria oviventris, Heiss, 2016

Heiss, Ernst, 2016, New genera and species of Aradidae in Cretaceous Burmese Amber (Hemiptera: Heteroptera), Linzer biologische Beiträge 48 (1), pp. 419-429 : 425

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.5416610



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Ellenbergeria oviventris

sp. nov.

Ellenbergeria oviventris nov.sp. (Figs 6-8, photo 3)

H o l o t y p e: Submacropterous female in a piece of Burmese amber from " Kachin State " in Myanmar ( Burma) embedded in epoxyd resin (14x20x 6mm), legs and antennae complete, both hemelytra spread laterally, head and thoracic structures partly obscured. It is designated as holotype and labeled accordingly.

D e s c r i p t i o n: H e a d: Longer than wide (31/27); clypeus apically enlarged and rounded, nearly reaching apex of antennal segment II, surface beset with small tubercles; antenniferous lobes long and acute, lateral margins serrate; antennae 1.17x as long as width of head, segment I cylindrical, II longer and tapering toward base, III shortest, IV longest and fusiform, length of antennal segments I/II/III/IV = 6/8/5.5/12; eyes oval inserted in head; postocular lobes not reaching outer margin of eyes, straightly converging posteriorly, lateral margins serrate.

P r o n o t u m: Trapezoidal, 2.14x as wide as long (47/22); paranota distinct, lateral margins rounded at humeri then straight and converging anteriorly, anterolateral angles blunt; disk with four carinae, obscured by dark colour.

S c u t e l l u m: 1.6x as long as wide, lateral margins carinate, subparallel on anterior half, apex rounded; disk with a median carina on basal half.

H e m e l y t r a: Short posteriorly truncate corium nearly reaching apex of scutellum, lateral angulate expansion at a lower level produced over abdomen; disk with two distinct carinate veins; membrane hyaline with three veins reaching half of mtg VI.

A b d o m e n, v e n t e r and l e g s as generic description.

M e a s u r e m e n t s: Length 4.3mm; length of antennae 0.78mm; width of corium at angulate expansion 1.5mm; length of abdomen 2.55mm, width across tergite V 1.70mm.

E t y m o l o g y: Refers to the oval abdomen of this taxon.













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