Torrenticola tjiwalensis (K. Viets, 1935 )

Pešić, Vladimir & Smit, Harry, 2014, Torrenticolid water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia: Torrenticolidae) from Malaysian Borneo, Zootaxa 3840 (1), pp. 1-72 : 22-25

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Felipe (2021-06-11 17:17:35, last updated 2024-11-28 21:40:34)

scientific name

Torrenticola tjiwalensis (K. Viets, 1935 )


Torrenticola tjiwalensis (K. Viets, 1935)

( Figs. 14A–D View FIGURE 14 , 16E View FIGURE 16 , 17E View FIGURE 17 )

Atractides tjiwalensis K. Viets 1935: 595 . New   GoogleMaps records. Malaysia, Borneo   GoogleMaps , Mahua stream, downstream of national park entrance, Crocker Range, 5º46.491 N, 116º25.770 E, alt. 865 m asl., 22.ix.2012 Smit 1/0/0 (mounted); unnamed stream Bansadon Trail, Inobong, Crocker Range, 5º51.456 N, 116º68.403 E, 18.ix.2012 Smit 0/1/0 ((bar-coded).


Male. General features —Idiosoma elongated-oval (dorsal shield L/W ratio 1.3-1.4); gnathosomal bay Ushaped, proximally pointed; Cxgl-4 subapical, only slightly posterior of Cx-I tips; genital field subrectangular; posterior suture lines of Cx-IV starting at right angle from genital field; excretory pore away from the line of primary sclerotization, excretory pore on the level with Vgl-2; gnathosomal rostrum shortened, ventral margin in lateral view curved ( Fig. 14D View FIGURE 14 ); P-2 ventral margin with a denticulation also in proximal half of the segment, distally with a small, laterally compressed, anteriorly directed and apically serrated hyaline extension (rudimentary flange, Wiles 1997) and a very short, denticle-like seta laterally at base of projection; P-3 with a subrectangular, apically serrated ventrodistal projection, and a very long seta (longer than P-3) laterally at base of projection; P-4 stout, with ventral tubercles pointed and separated, bearing one long and three short setae ( Figs. 14 View FIGURE 14 B-C).

Measurements —Idiosoma (ventral view: Figs. 14A View FIGURE 14 , 17E View FIGURE 17 ) L 522, W 397; dorsal shield ( Fig. 16E View FIGURE 16 ) L 438, W 322, L/W ratio 1.36; dorsal plate L 403; shoulder plate L 131-138, W 50-54, L/W ratio 2.5-2.6; frontal plate L 91- 95, W 45-47, L/W ratio 2.0–2.03; shoulder/frontal plate L 1.44–1.45. Gnathosomal bay L 86, Cx-I total L 189, CxI mL 103, Cx-II+III mL 94; ratio Cx-I L/Cx-II+III mL 2.0; Cx-I mL/Cx-II+III mL 1.1. Genital field L/W 122/97, ratio 1.26; ejaculatory complex L 168; distance genital field-excretory pore 78, genital field-caudal idiosoma margin 111. Gnathosoma vL 246; chelicera total L 266; palp total L 246, dL/H, dL/H ratio: P-1, 26/28, 0.94; P-2, 69/51, 1.36; P-3, 55/46, 1.2; P-4, 75/29, 2.58; P-5, 21/11, 1.9; P-2/P-4 ratio 0.93.

Remarks. The specimens from this study matches the general morphology of Torrenticola tjiwalensis (K. Viets, 1935) , a species originally described from Java (K. Viets 1935), and later on reported from Peninsular Malaysia ( Wiles 1997) and Borneo ( Wiles 1999). The differences with the original description (in parentheses, from K. Viets 1935) are found in slightly smaller dimensions, stouter P-4 and the excretory pore lying on the same level as Vgl-2 (shifted slightly posterior to Vgl-2) of the specimen from Borneo. Thus, our assignment of the specimen from Borneo is tentative. Only with more material in the future it will be possible to decide whether this is really just a variable species or a complex of several similar species.

Distribution. Java (K. Viets 1935), Peninsular Malaysia ( Wiles 1997), Borneo ( Wiles 1999, our study)

Lundblad, O. (1941) Neue Wassermilben. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Entomologisk Tidskrift, 62, 97 - 121.

Viets, K. (1935) Die Wassermilben von Sumatra, Java und Bali nach den Ergebnissen der Deutschen Limnologischen Sunda- Expedition. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie, Supplement 14 (Tropische Binnengewasser), 1 - 113.

Wiles, P. R. (1997) Asian and Oriental Torrenticolidae Piersig, 1902 (Acari: Hydrachnidia: Lebertioidea): a revision of the family and description of new species of Torrenticola Piersig and Pseudotorrenticola Walter, from Southeast Asia. Journal of Natural History, 31, 191 - 236. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222939700770121

Wiles, P. R. (1999) The water mites (Acari: Hydrachnidia) of Borneo and additional new species from Thailand and Sulawesi. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 47, 409 - 439.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 14A–D. Torrenticola tjiwalensis (K. Viets, 1935), male, Mahua stream: A = idiosoma, ventral view; B = palp, medial view (P-1 lacking); C = palp, lateral view; D = gnathosoma. Scale bars = 100 µm.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 16A–F. Photographs of dorsal shield. A–B Torrenticola minuta (Lundblad, 1941): A = male, Kemantis stream; B = female, Great Lumotok stream. C–D T. neoindica n. sp., Mahua stream: C = male holotype; D = female paratype. E T. tjiwalensis (K. Viets, 1935), male, Mahua stream. F. T. schilthuizeni n. sp., female holotype, Kibamabangan River.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 17A–F. Photographs of ventral shield. A–B Torrenticola minuta (Lundblad, 1941): A = male, Kemantis stream; B = female, Great Lumotok stream. C–D T. neoindica n. sp., Mahua stream: C = male holotype; D = female paratype. E T. tjiwalensis (K. Viets, 1935), male, Mahua stream. F T. schilthuizeni n. sp., female holotype, Kibamabangan River.













