Euphoria sepulcralis Species-Group

Orozco, Jesús, 2012, Monographic Revision of the American Genus Euphoria Burmeister, 1842 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae), The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 11) 66, pp. 1-182 : 28-29

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Carolina (2021-06-07 18:14:33, last updated 2024-11-29 10:03:28)

scientific name

Euphoria sepulcralis Species-Group


Euphoria sepulcralis Species-Group

(Appendix 3: Plate 1k–r View Plate 1 )

Species in the sepulcralis species-group are distinguished by having a shiny surface, black, brown, or metallic coloration, pronotum with a cretaceous lateral line, base of the pronotum in front of the scutellum strongly emarginated, mesometasternal process well developed, and elytra with reniform and/or vermiform, cretaceous markings (except Euphoria boliviensis Blanchard ). The male genitalia are useful for the diagnosis of some of the species.

Composition. The five species included in this group are: E. boliviensis Blanchard , E. leucographa (Gory and Percheron) , E. lurida (F.), E. sepulcralis (F.), and E. yucateca Bates.

Natural History. Some of the species can become a nuisance for cultivated crops, fruits, and flowers.


1. Mesotibial carina developed into 1–2 long spines. Elytral markings globose, frequently almost entirely covering elytra and pygidium ( Fig. 10a, d View Fig ) .................................................... ................... E. boliviensis Blanchard (p. 29)

1′. Mesotibial carina developed into 1–2 short spines. Elytral markings frequently reniform or vermiform, only partially covering elytra ....................................................................... 2

2. Pronotum with 2 cretaceous bands at each side ( Fig. 12a View Fig ). Abdominal sternites sparsely punctate ........................ E. lurida (F.) (p. 32)

2′. Pronotum with 1 cretaceous band at each side, rarely without band. Abdominal sternites moderately densely to densely punctate.......3

3. Apex of clypeus strongly reflexed in males, moderately reflexed in females. Male antennal club longer than stem ........... E. leucographa (Gory and Percheron) (p. 30)

3′. Apex of clypeus weakly to moderately reflexed in both sexes. Antennal club never longer than stem.....................................................4

4. Pronotal punctures small and sparse, giving the pronotum a polished appearance ( Fig. 14a View Fig ). Scutellum impunctate. Parameres as in Fig. 14c View Fig ................................. E. yucateca Bates (p. 40)

4′ Pronotal punctures dense, moderate in size, giving the pronotum a coarse appearance ( Fig. 13a View Fig ). Scutellum frequently densely punctate. Parameres as in Fig. 13c View Fig ....................... ............................ E. sepulcralis (F.) (p. 34)


1. Quilla mesotibial formada por 1–2 espinas largas. Máculas cretáceas elitrales globosas, frecuentemente cubriendo los élitros y el pigídio completamente ( Fig. 10a, d View Fig ) ......................... ................. E. boliviensis Blanchard (p. 29)

1′. Quilla mesotibial formada por 1–2 espinas cortas. Máculas cretáceas elitrales frecuentemente reniformes o vermiformes, cubriendo los élitros solo parcialmente ............................................. 2

2. Pronoto con 2 bandas cretáceas a cada lado ( Fig. 12a View Fig ). Esternitos abdominales levemente punteados...................... E. lurida (F.) (p. 32)

2′. Pronoto con 1 banda cretácea a cada lado, banda raramente ausente. Esternitos abdominales moderada a densamente punteados................. 3

3. Ápice clipeal fuertemente elevado en machos, moderadamente elevado en hembras. Maza antenal del macho más larga que el resto de los segmentos antenales ........ E. leucographa (Gory y Percheron) (p. 30)

3′. Ápice clipeal ligera a moderadamente elevado en ambos sexos. Maza antenal nunca más larga que el resto de los segmentos antenales.........4

4. Punteaduras pronotales pequeñas y dispersas, dándole al pronoto una apariencia pulida ( Fig. 14a View Fig ). Escutelo sin punteaduras. Parámeros como en la Fig. 14c View Fig ...................................... ............................. E. yucateca Bates (p. 40)

4′ Punteaduras pronotales densas, medianas en tamaño, dándole al pronoto una apariencia rugosa ( Fig. 13a View Fig ). Escutelo frecuentemente densamente punteado. Parámeros como en la Fig. 13c View Fig ................ E. sepulcralis (F.) (p. 34)

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Plate 1. Euphoria species. biguttata species-group: a, b) E. biguttata, c, d) E. canescens, e) E. dimidiata. histrionica species-group: f) E. devulsa, g) E. histrionica, h) E. levinotata, i) E. sonorae, j) E. subtomentosa. sepulcralis speciesgroup: k) E. boliviensis, l, m) E. leucographa, n) E. lurida, o, p) E. sepulcralis, q, r) E. yucateca. fulgida species-group: s, t) E. fulgida, u, v, w) E. limbalis, x, y) E. monticola.

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Fig. 10. Euphoria boliviensis. a) Habitus, b) Head, c) Parameres, d) Color variation, e) Temporal distribution, f) Geographic distribution in Bolivia.

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Fig. 12. Euphoria lurida. a) Habitus, b) Head, c) Parameres, d-e) Color variation, f) Temporal distribution, g) Geographic distribution in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay.

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Fig. 14. Euphoria yucateca. a) Habitus, b) Head, c) Parameres, d) Color variation, e) Temporal distribution, f) Geographic distribution in Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Mexico, Panama, and Venezuela.

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Fig. 13. Euphoria sepulcralis. a) Habitus, b) Head, c) Parameres, d-e) Color variation, f) Temporal distribution, g) Geographic distribution in the Bahamas, Cayman Islands, Mexico, and the United States.













