Campanula feijoana Gardère, 2015

Gardère, Mathieu L., 2015, Two new species of Campanula (Campanulaceae) from the island of Santo Antão, Cabo Verde archipelago, Phytotaxa 197 (2), pp. 104-114 : 105-107

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Felipe (2024-09-03 05:47:39, last updated 2024-09-03 07:27:58)

scientific name

Campanula feijoana Gardère

sp. nov.

Campanula feijoana Gardère View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Fig.1 View FIGURE 1 & Fig. 2A, 2B View FIGURE 2 )

Campanulae jacobaeae C.Sm. ex Webb affinis, sed calycis angustis triangularis lobis, infundibuliforme caerulea vel alba sed semper albescente basi, majoribus et revolutis lobis corolla, praecipue differt.

Type:— CABO VERDE. Island of Santo Antão : Ribeira da Vinha, rocher humide en station ombrophile, fleur bleue, blanchâtre à la base, 400 m, 17°08’14”N, 25°04’12”O, 13 December 2013, M. Gardère 460 (holotype, LISC [2 parts]; isotypes, CECV, K, P) GoogleMaps .

—“ Campanula jacobaea ” auct. nonC.Sm. ex Webb: Schmidt, Beiträge zur Flora der Cap Verdischen Inseln: 208 (1851); Bolle, Bonplandia View in CoL 9: 50–51 (1861); Henriques, Boletim da Sociedade Broteriana 13: 147 (1896); Cardoso Júnior, Subsídios para a Matéria Médica e Therapeutica das Possessões Ultramarinas Portuguezas 1: 244 (1902); idem, 2: 285, 288 (1905); Coutinho, Arquivos da Universidade de Lisboa 1: 313 (1914); Chevalier, Revue de Botanique Appliquée et d’Agriculture Tropicale 15: 888–889 (1935); Sventenius, Index Seminum Hortus Acclimatationis Plantarum Arautapae 1970: 39 (1971); Sunding, Check-list of the vascular plants of the Cape Verde Islands: 8 (1973); Sunding, Garcia de Orta, Sér. Bot. View in CoL 2(1): 22 (1974); Eriksson et al., Flora of Macaronesia: 20 (1974); Nogueira, Garcia de Orta, Sér. Bot. View in CoL 3(1): 28 (1976); Eriksson et al., Flora of Macaronesia 2. rev. ed., part 1: 28 (1979); Sunding, Garcia de Orta, Sér. Bot. View in CoL 5(2): 133 (1982); Lobin, Garcia de Orta, Sér. Bot. View in CoL 5(2): 216 (1982); Hansen & Sunding, Sommerfeltia View in CoL 1: 36 (1985); Hansen & Sunding, Sommerfeltia View in CoL 17: 76–77 (1993); Rustan & Brochmann, Garcia de Orta, Sér. Bot. 11(1–2): 39–40 (1993); Leyens & Lobin, Willdenowia View in CoL 25: 215–228 (1995); Figueiredo, Flora de Cabo Verde 86: 8–10 (1995); Brochmann et al., Sommerfeltia View in CoL 24: 193–197 (1997); Sánchez-Pinto et al., Lista preliminar de especies silvestres de Cabo Verde: 42 (2005).

Herbaceous plant, perennial, reaching heights of 30–60 cm, with the aspect of a subshrub, ramified branches, erect, lignified in lower part. Leaves radical, wider in their upper third, spatulate, separated by short internodes; cauline leaves of flowering branches elliptic to spatulate; leaves (2.2–)4.4–7.5(–8.1) × (0.5–)1–1.5(–2.1) cm, sessile, alternate; blade attenuate at the base, dotted with hispidulous hairs on the adaxial face, also present on the abaxial face, denser around nerves; margin entire to crenulate or faintly denticulate. Inflorescence monochasial pauciflorous cyme. Flowers inserted at the axil of bracteal leaves, borne by 1.7–4.5 cm erect pedicels. Calyx with narrowly triangular lobes, fused at the base, spread-out to obliquely erect, 13–16.5 × 4.5–9.5 mm, dotted with hispidulous hairs, reflexed oval appendages, 1.5–3 mm. Corolla glabrescent blue, blue-violet or white, sometimes light blue on the edges and on nerves, but always white at the base, infundibuliform; sub-cylindrical tube slightly constricted around the middle part, 9–12 mm in diameter at the base, 2 cm long; lobes explanate or revolute, 6–10 × 11–18 mm, apex apiculate. Roof of the ovary glabrous, flat, topped by a yellowish-white nectary disk, flat-convex, 9 mm wide. Stamens with glabrous filaments pressed up against the corolla tube; anthers oblong, dehiscing longitudinally. Style, thick, fleshy, 9–11 mm long, longer than the stamens, but not the corolla tube, terminating with trifid, papillose stigma. Fruit capsular, obconic, dehiscing by basal valves, trilocular, containing numerous seeds. Seeds 0.4 × 0.2 mm, dark brown, ellipsoid.

Note:— Campanula feijoana is distinguishable from C. jacobaea ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ) by a narrower corolla tube and by explanate, often revolute lobes with greater dimensions, giving them the appearance of Campanula dichotoma L. (1756: 10) flowers.

Habitat & Ecology:— C. feijoana is endemic to the Northeast side of the island of Santo Antão. The species is hygrophyte or mesophyte and restricted to humid and steep rocky areas, rarely on the banks of waterways and frequently in shaded stations. It can be observed from elevations of 150 m in the back of deep river valleys (“ribeiras”), cliffs near waterfalls in the Ribeira das Pombas and in the Ribeira da Torre, up to 850 m, in places where water seeps out over the rock in Agua dos Velhos and in the upper part of the Ribeira de Paúl. Adiantum capillus-veneris L. (1753: 1096), and Pteris vittata L. (1753: 1074) are always abundant in these stations and are the dominant species. Often, they may also be associated with: Echium stenosiphon Webb (1848 : tab. 772), Lotus oliveirae A.Chev. (1935: 966) and Launaea picridioides (Webb) Engl. (1910: 820) .

Phenology:— Flowering was observed in July, August, and December. The species seems to flower and fruit year-round.

Etymology:— The epithet feijoana is dedicated to João da Silva Feijó (1760–1824), naturalist, mineralogist and Portuguese soldier who was the first to collect some specimens of the genus Campanula genus in Cabo Verde between 1783 and 1789. He made expeditions to most of the 10 islands that make up the archipelago during the Portuguese Philosophical Voyages of the 18th century ( Barbosa 1962, Guedes 1997, Torrão 2012, Romeiras et al. 2014).

Additional specimens examined (paratypes):— CABO VERDE. Island of Santo Antão : Ribeira João Affonso, March 1887, J. Cardoso s.n. ( COI) ; Ribeira do S. Jorge , November 1893, J. Cardoso s.n. ( LISU) ; Ribeira de Paúl, December 1852, C. Bolle s.n. ( FI-W) ; ibid., 06 March 1866, R. T. Lowe s.n. ( BM) ; ibid. montanhas de Paúl, September 1892, J. Cardoso 55 ( COI) ; ibid., 380 m, 24 October 1972, P. Sunding 2634 ( O) ; oberer Teil des Ribeira Paúl, aufsteig nach Covão, 21 November 1979, W. Lobin 1607 ( BONN, CECV, FR) ; ibid., along the levada on the Nfacing slopes, 820 m, 17°06’N, 25°03’W, 20 January 1980, Ø. H. Rustan 848 ( O) GoogleMaps ; ibid., along the road above the village Lombinho , 400 m, 17°07–09’ N, 25°02–04’ W, 09 January 1982, Ø. H. Rustan & C. Brochmann ØHR-1386–1388 ( O) GoogleMaps ; ibid., wet rock face, 300–400 m, 29 December 1993, N. Kilian 2989 & T. Leyens ( B, BONN) GoogleMaps ; no Ribeirãozinho de Cima , erva vivaz, flores azuis-lilacíneas, abundante nas paredes musgosas, com a Gram. anterior, 28 March 1956, L. A. Grandvaux Barbosa 7014 ( CECV, LISC) ; Ribeira da Torre , March 1864, R. T. Lowe s.n. ( FI-W) ; ibid., 04 March 1864, R. T. Lowe s.n. ( K) ; ibid., 04 March 1864, R. T. Lowe 20225 ( BM) ; südöstl., neben-Ribeira des Ribeira da Torre , 24 December 1978, K. Lewejohann CV-78-180 ( GOET) ; ibid., talsohle auf 180 m, 11 December 1985, N. Kilian 808 ( B, FR) ; ibid., in einer Felsspalte übem der Strasse, NO-Expos., 15 September 1986, B. Mies 50 ( BONN) ; ibid., Xôxô , erva perene ou subarbusto ca. 40 cm alto de caule ascendente, corolla vistosa de cor lilás-pálido, pouco frequente, no leito húmido da ribeira e fendas das rochas, 400 m, 14 October 1990, E. S. Martins & I. Gomes 320 ( LISC) ; ibid., lieu dit Marradouro, au bord de la route, 250 m, 17°08’34”N, 25°04’04”O, 12 December 2013, M. Gardère 449 ( P) GoogleMaps ; ibid., près du village de Vinha, 300 m, 17°08’31”N, 25°04’06”O, 12 December 2013, M. Gardère 452 ( LISC, P) GoogleMaps ; ibid., près du village de Vinha, 300 m, 17°08’31”N, 25°04’06”O, 12 December 2013, M. Gardère 453 ( COI, LISC, P) GoogleMaps ; ibid., entre le village de Vinha et Marradouro, 300 m, 17°08’37”N, 25°04’09”O, 13 December 2013, M. Gardère 462 ( LISC) GoogleMaps ; ibid., entre le village de Vinha et Marradouro, 300 m, 17°08’37”N, 25°04’09”O, 13 December 2013, M. Gardère 463 ( LISC) GoogleMaps ; Covão , 16–22 September 1934, Chevalier 45461 ( P) ; Ribeira da Igreja , 22 November 1979, W. Lobin 1654 ( BONN, FR) ; Agua dos Velhos, on wet rock, 800 m, October 1986, F. Hiemstra H669 ( FR) ; Ribeira Fria , humid wall with trickling water from irrigation, 580 m, white flowering specimen, 06 February 1995, T. Leyens CV-95-314 ( BONN) ; Ribeira da Garça , 15 January 1866, R. T. Lowe s.n. ( BM) ; Ribeira das Pedras, 200 m, 06 November 1976, P. Sunding 3434 ( O) ; Lombo do Mar, near Ribeira de Adrião , 630 m, 17°06–07’ N, 25°10–11’ W, 05 January 1982, Ø. H. Rustan & C. Brochmann ØHR-1339–1341 ( O) ; Ponta do Sol , March–April 1893, J. Cardoso s.n. ( LISC) ; ibid., Caminho da Ponta do Sol , March–April 1893, J. Cardoso s.n. ( LISU) ; between Vila Ribeira Grande and Ponta do Sol, above Ponta da Calheta , 220 m, 17°11–12’ N, 25°05–06’ W, 03 January 1982, Ø. H. Rustan & C. Brochmann ØHR-1273 ( O) ; Ribeira da Vinha, bord de rivière en station ombrophile, 400 m, 17°08’07”N, 25°04’09”O, 09 August 2013, M. Gardère 193 & A. J. da Costa e Silva ( LISC) GoogleMaps ; ibid., bord de rivière en station ombrophile, 400 m, 17°08’07”N, 25°04’09”O, 09 August 2013, M. Gardère 194 & A. J. da Costa e Silva ( P) GoogleMaps ; ibid., bord de rivière en station ombrophile, 400 m, 17°08’07”N, 25°04’09”O, 09 August 2013, M. Gardère 195 & A. J. da Costa e Silva ( P) GoogleMaps ; ibid., rochers humides, près des cascades (niv. sup.), 400 m, 17°08’07”N, 25°04’09”O, 09 August 2013, M. Gardère 199 ( LISC) GoogleMaps ; ibid., rochers humides, près des cascades (niv. sup.), 400 m, 17°08’07”N, 25°04’09”O, 09 August 2013, M. Gardère 202 ( P) GoogleMaps ; ibid., rochers humides, près des cascades (niv. sup.), 400 m, 17°08’07”N, 25°04’09”O, 09 August 2013, M. Gardère 203 ( LISC) GoogleMaps ; ibid., rocher humide, 400 m, 17°08’14”N, 25°04’12”O, 13 December 2013, M. Gardère 456 ( P) GoogleMaps ; ibid., rocher humide, 400 m, 13 December 2013, 17°08’14”N, 25°04’12”O, M. Gardère 457 ( LISC) GoogleMaps ; ibid., rocher humide, 400 m, 17°08’14”N, 25°04’12”O, 13 December 2013, M. Gardère 458 ( LISC) GoogleMaps ; ibid., rocher humide, 400 m, 13 December 2013, 17°08’14”N, 25°04’12”O, M. Gardère 459 ( CECV, LISC, P) GoogleMaps ; ibid., rocher humide en station ombrophile, fleur bleue blanchâtre à la base, 400 m, 17°08’14”N, 25°04’12”O, 13 December 2013, M. Gardère 460 ( CECV, K, LISC [2 parts], P) GoogleMaps ; ibid., rocher humide (niv. inf.), 400 m, 17°08’07”N, 25°04’09”O, 13 December 2013, M. Gardère 461 ( LISC, P) GoogleMaps ; Delgadinho de Corda, entre Corda et Delgadim , rochers au bord de la route, station exposée aux vents, 750–800 m, 17°08’51”N, 25°05’01”O, 15 December 2013, M. Gardère 508 ( LISC [2 parts], P) GoogleMaps ; no Poio, no leito muito fundo duma, Ribeira Seca , com paredes húmidas e sombrias, como as anteriores, mas locais mais húmidos e sombrios, var. diferrente ? pouco abundante, 2 March 1956, L. A. Grandvaux Barbosa 6796 ( CECV, LISC) ; na passagem pela Ribeira do Cativo , erva vivaz, nas paredes sombrias, aparece com frequência, 28 March 1956, L. A. Grandvaux Barbosa 7008 ( CECV) .

Barbosa, L. A. G. (1962) Les Botanistes dans l'Archipel du Cap-Vert. In: Fernandes, A. (Ed.) Comptes rendus de la IVe reunion pleniere de l'Association pour l'Etude Taxonomique de la Flore d'Afrique Tropicale (Lisbonne et Coimbre, 16 - 23 septembre, 1960). Junta de Investigacoes do Ultramar, Lisboa, pp. 77 - 94.

Guedes, M. E. (1997) Joao da Silva Feijo: viagem filosofica a Cabo Verde. Asclepio 49 (1): 131 - 138. http: // dx. doi. org / 10.3989 / asclepio. 1997. v 49. i 1.381

Romeiras, M. M., Duarte, M. C., Santos-Guerra, A., Carine, M. & Francisco-Ortega, J. (2014) Botanical exploration of the Cape Verde Islands: From the pre-Linnaean records and collections to late 18 th century floristic accounts and expeditions. Taxon 63 (3): 625 - 640.

Torrao, M. M. (2012) Circulacao de conhecimentos cientificos no Atlantico. De Cabo Verde para Lisboa: memorias escritas, plantas, solos e minerais. Os envois cientificos de Joao da Silva Feijo. In: Rodrigues, J. D. (Ed.) O Atlantico Revolucionario: circulacao de ideias e de elites no final do Antigo Regime. Centro de Historia de Alem-Mar, Ponta Delgada, pp. 137 - 160.

Webb, P. B. (1848) Campanula jacobaea. In: Hooker, W. J. (Ed.) Icones Plantarum or figures, with brief descriptive characters and remarks, of new or rare plants, selected from the author's herbarium 8. Hippolyte Bailliere, London, 762 pp.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Campanula feijoana. A. Habit. B. Vegetative branch. C. and D. The two distinct radical leaves. E. Cauline leaf. F. and G. Flowers. H. Dissection of a flower. I. Fruiting calyx (capsule). Drawings by V. Damianthe from Gardère 461 (A–H) and Gardère 460 (I).

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. Campanula feijoana, humid and steep rocky areas in Ribeira da Vinha, Santo Antão: A. (Gardère 458) Habit; B. (Gardère 461) Flower. Campanula jacobaea, Serra Malagueta, Santiago: C. Habit. Campanula hortelensis, northwestern faces of Monte Hortelão, Santo Antão: D. (Gardère 471) Habit; E. (Gardère 467) and F. (Gardère 474) Flowers


Botanische Staatssammlung München


Jardim Botânico Tropical, Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical


Royal Botanic Gardens


Museum National d' Histoire Naturelle, Paris (MNHN) - Vascular Plants


Nationaal Herbarium Nederland, Leiden University branch


University of the Witwatersrand


University of Coimbra Botany Department


Department of Botany, Swedish Museum of Natural History


Museu Nacional de História Natural


University of Copenhagen


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Tavera, Department of Geology and Geophysics


Bristol Museum


Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


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Botanical Museum - University of Oslo


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Nanjing University


Botanischer Garten und Botanisches Museum Berlin-Dahlem, Zentraleinrichtung der Freien Universitaet


Harvard University - Arnold Arboretum


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Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh


"Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University


Field Museum of Natural History, Botany Department











