Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) pinophilus Morón and Woodruff, 2014

Morón, Miguel-Ángel & Woodruff, Robert E., 2014, New Species of Phyllophaga Harris (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae) from northeastern Mexico., Insecta Mundi 2014 (328), pp. 1-9 : 6-8

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Felipe (2021-08-07 04:36:08, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-03 20:09:14)

scientific name

Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) pinophilus Morón and Woodruff

sp. nov.

Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) pinophilus Morón and Woodruff , new species

( Figures 15-21 View Figures 15-21 )

Description. Holotype male. Total body length: 11.8 mm. Humeral width: 4.7 mm. Head and pronotum shiny, reddish brown; elytra shiny, yellowish brown; abdomen and legs shiny reddish brown. Clypeus glabrous, 1.5 times wider than long, anterior border slightly elevated, anterior margin broadly curved, slightly sinuate at middle, disk nearly flattened, slightly rising at middle, with numerous round punctures, separated nearly 1 diameter from each other. Frontoclypeal suture clearly impressed, slightly sinuate at middle. Frons 1.2 times wider than long, nearly flattened, glabrous, with many round punctures irregularly distributed; occipital carina well-marked, occipital surface with scattered punctures, mainly at sides ( Fig. 15 View Figures 15-21 ).

Antenna with 10antennomeres and 3- lamellate club, lamellae 2.8 times longer than length of preceding 5 antennomeres combined; antennomeres 3 and 4 equal in length; antennomeres 5 and 6 shorter than preceding, each with prominence on anterior side, segment 7 much short, hidden at base of antennal club. Frons 3.3 times wider than dorsal diameter of eye. Eye canthus long, narrow, with 9 setae ( Fig. 15 View Figures 15-21 ). Labrum reniform, broadly concave, with scattered setae along borders. Mentum shallowly concave, with scarce punctures and slender setae at sides,anterior border slightly sinuate.

Pronotum 1.7 times wider than long and 2.5 times wider than frons. Pronotal disk glabrous, with small, round punctures regularly distributed, except along smooth midline; anterior bead narrowed, complete, without setae; lateral borders broadly angled, lateral marginal bead clearly crenulate, with slender, long setae; basal bead very thin, but complete, without setae; anterior angles broadly obtuse, rounded; posterior angles broadly obtuse, not prominent ( Fig. 15 View Figures 15-21 ).

Scutellum 1.2 times wider than long, with punctures on posterior half; anterior border broadly sinuate, with many short setae.

Elytron 2.5 times longer than wide, shiny, glabrous, with abundant punctures irregularly distributed on disk; epipleural border progressively narrowed toward apex, with irregular row of slender, short setae; humeral callus rounded, prominent; apical callus rounded. Metathoracic wings completely developed.

Pterosternum with many yellowish, long setae. Visible abdominal sternites 2 to 5 with white pruinosity and scattered yellow setae at sides, slightly convex at middle; anal plate wide, convex, with row of short setae along posterior border. Propygidium shiny, with many small punctures and some minute setae. Pygidium shiny, widely convex, glabrous, with numerous, shallow punctures regularly distributed; apical margin with 16 slender, short setae; basal margin narrow, not distinct at sides.

Protibia slightly shorter than protarsus (0.8:1), with 2 large teeth and 1 basal small tooth on external border, preapical spur acute, straight, as long as 2nd protarsomere. Mesotibia with an oblique, wellmarked, setiferous carina and small setiferous teeth on external side; upper apical spur with acute apex, longer than lower spur. Metatibia as long as metatarsus (1:1), with an oblique setiferous carina and small setiferous tooth on external side; upper apical spur articulated, straight, sharply pointed, longer than basal metatarsomere, and 1.4 times longer than lower spur; lower apical spur articulated, slightly curved, apex rounded. Protarsomeres 1-4 semicylindrical elongate with enlarged apex, with scattered ventral setae and crown of apical setae. Meso- and meta tarsomeres semicylindrical, elongate, with enlarged apex and crown of apical setae, and a narrow keel along ventral side, with scattered erect setae. Ventral border of tarsal claws serrate, with acute, small tooth near middle ( Fig. 16 View Figures 15-21 ).

Genital capsule with short, widened, curved parameres fused dorsally, apex narrowed ( Fig. 17, 19- 21 View Figures 15-21 ). Aedeagus with sclerotized tube-like support with apex deeply cleft at each side ( Fig. 19-20 View Figures 15-21 ); inner sac membranous with scarce minute spines. Tectum strongly convex. Length of genital capsule from apex of parameres to border of basal piece: 3.1 mm.

Allotype female. Similar to male except as follows: total body length: 13.3 mm. Humeral width: 5.4 mm.; antennal club slightly longer than preceding 5 antennomeres combined; pronotal punctuation deeper; anal plate slightly longer; pygidium smaller, less convex. Ventral and dorsal genital plates sclerotized, fused distally, nearly symmetrical, convex, with slightly rounded distal border, with 3-4 setae near lateral angles ( Fig. 18 View Figures 15-21 ).

Variation. Body length varies from 11.2 mm to 13.7 mm in length and 4.3 to 5.9 mm in humeral width. Color of elytra varies from yellowish to reddish brown.

Type Series. (Described from 22 males and 18 females). Holotype male; MEXICO: Nuevo Leon, Cerro del Potosí (base), 2 km del ejido 18 de marzo, 1-VII-1969, en pino agujas cortas, J. M. Mathieu and M. W. Sanderson ( FSCA) . Paratypes (21 males, 18 females): same data as holotype, (4 males, 5 females FSCA, 2 pairs IEXA, 2 pairs MXAL) ; Nuevo Leon, Zaragoza, Sierra de Guacamayas , 2/ 3-VII-1969, hospedero Pinus ayacahuite var. brachyptera Shaw, J. M. Mathieu and M. W. Sanderson (1 male, 1 female IEXA) ; Nuevo Leon: 6 km S Galeana , 30-VI-1969, J. M. Mathieu and M. W. Sanderson (2 males FSCA, 2 males CMNC, 2 males MXAL) ; Nuevo Leon: 7 km S Galeana , 3-VIII-1968, en Pinus montezuma, J. M. Mathieu y C. Reyes (4 females FSCA, 1 pair IEXA, 1 pair MXAL) ; Coahuila, Sierra de La Encantada, rancho La Encantada , 16-VII-1969, en Pinus cembroides, J. M. Mathieu, M. W. Sanderson and E. Friezer (1 female FSCA,) ; same data except 17-VII-1969, en pino piñonero (1 male IEXA, 2 males IEXA) ; same data except: en Quercus mohriana (1 pair FSCA) .

Type Locality. Cerro Potosí , Galeana municipality, state of Nuevo Leon, Mexico (24°51' 12”N; 100° 13' 35” W) GoogleMaps .

Biological Data. This species inhabits pine-oak forests located at 2300-3100 m elevation in the mountains between Sierra de la Encantada, Coahuila and the region of Galeana, Nuevo Leon, including Cerro Potosi. Studied specimens were obtained during July (32) and August (8), frequently in coupling pairs, most of them on the needles of Pinus ayacahuite Ehr. , P. montezuma Lamb. and P. cembroides Zucc. (rarely on leaves of Quercus mohriana Buckl.ex Rydb. ).

Remarks. Phyllophaga (L.) pinophilus is a member of the “parilis” species group (sensu Morón, 1986) possessing similar genitalia, except that the sclerotized support of the aedeagus is nearly symmetrical. The shortened parameres are as in other members of this group, but the form of its apical half, broadly angled and latero-basally prominent, is clearly different from other species in the subgenus.

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from Latin pinus, pine, and ancient Greek philos, loving, fond of ( Jaeger 1955), in reference to its host.

Jaeger, E. C. 1955. A source-book of biological names and terms. Charles C. Thomas Publisher, Springfield, Illinois. 323 p.

Moron, M. A. 1986. El genero Phyllophaga en Mexico. Morfologia, distribucion y sistematica supraespecifica. Instituto de Ecologia, Mexico. 341 p.

Gallery Image

Figures 15-21. Phyllophaga (Listrochelus) pinophilus. 15) Head and pronotum. 16) Male fore tarsal claw. 17) Parameres, distal view. 18) Female genital plates, ventral view. Complete genital capsule: 19) lateral view. 20) dorsal view. 21) Aedeagus and parameres, ventral view. Scale lines = 1 mm, except in Fig. 15 = 2 mm, Fig. 16 = 0.5 mm.


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology











