Enoplomischus spinosus, Wanda Wesolowska, 2005

Wanda Wesolowska, 2005, A new species of Enoplomischus from Kenya (Araneae: Salticidae: Leptorchestinae), Genus 16, pp. 307-311 : 309-310

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Enoplomischus spinosus

n. sp.

Enoplomischus spinosus View in CoL n. sp.

¢Γigs l-8) Holotype, ſemale, Kenya, Kakamega ſoreSt , 0°17´H 34°45´E, 1654 m a.S.l., in HalaiSe trap, 20-17.ɬ.2002, leg. D. SHILABIRA SMITH, HuSee Royal de l'Aſrique Centrale, 212732 ¢Τervuren). GoogleMaps


An ant-like Spider With a big conical proceSS on pedicel. Τhe SpecieS iS diStinguiShed by the ſorm oſ the epigyne, With tWo large rounded depreSSionS, by the very long, coiled Seminal ductS and Sac-like receptacleS.


HeaSurementS bin mm]∶ Carapace length 3.2, Width 1.6, height 1.1. Pedicel length 1.0. Abdomen length 3.5, Width 2.3. Eye ſield length 1.2, anterior Width 1.3, poSterior Width 1.6.

Hale unknoWn.

Γemale. Ant-like, almoSt black, rather big Spider ¢about 8.0 mm in length). General appearance ShoWn in ΓigS 1 and 2. Carapace elongated, ſlat. Τhoracic part Slightly loWer ¢Γig. 2) and narroWer ¢Γig. 4) than cephalic one. Eye ſield, Separated ſrom thorax by groove, occupieS leSS than halſ oſ carapace length. Second roW oſ eyeS placed at Short diStance ſrom ſirSt. Carapace black, covered With thin grey hairS, on eye ſield hairS longer. Eye ſield With delicate punctured microSculpture. ΓeW Small White ScaleS SideWayS in carapace groove. ClypeuS very loW, With Setae protruding, laterally denSer. Chelicerae long, dark broWn, With tWo teeth on promargin and toothleSS retromargin ¢Γig. 5). Labium blackiSh, maxillae dark broWn With Slightly paler tipS. Sternum narroW, black. Pedicel long With big conical proceSS, Slightly curved ſorWard ¢ΓigS 2 and 3). Long hairS cover proceSS. Abdomen ovoid, Slightly broadened poSteriorly, broadeSt at tWo thirdS oſ itS length. General coloration oſ abdomen black, but Whole Surſace covered With Short, gold gleaming hairS, among them SparSely Scattered longer broWn hairS. venter blackiSh With metallic Shine. Book-lung coverS big, Strongly Sclerotized. SpinneretS Short, greyiSh broWn. LegS rather long, thin, leg ſormula ɬv, ɬɬɬ, ɬ, ɬɬ. Coxae black, only coxae oſ Second pair oſ legS WhitiSh ¢Γig. 2). LegS dark broWn, tarSi Slightly lighter than remaining SegmentS. Οrange Streak along ventral Surſace oſ ſirSt patella, tibia and metatarSuS, WhitiSh ring on diStal end oſ ſirSt ſemur ¢ΓigS 1 and 2). Leg hairS broWn. Leg Spination Scanty; Single Spine on dorSal Surſace oſ ſemora oſ all legS, tibiae With prolateral SpineS ¢one on tibia ɬ, tWo on tibia ɬɬ, three on tibia ɬɬɬ and ɬv), metatarSi ɬ and ɬɬ With pair oſ ventral SpineS and pair oſ apical oneS, metatarSi ɬɬɬ and ɬv With tWo ventral and ſour apical SpineS. PalpS broWn. Epigyne oval, With tWo large, rounded depreSSionS, placed poSteriorly ¢Γig. 6). ventral Structure oſ epigyne ShoWn in Γig. 7. Seminal ductS Weakly Sclerotized, very long, coiled in diStal partS. ReceptacleS large, one-chambered, Sac-like. BulbouS acceSSory glandS ſall into Seminal ductS at their mouthS to receptacleS.


Τhe Speciſic name iS Latin ſor "thorny", and reſerS to the proceSS on pedicel.













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