Agelopsis metallicus ( Bryant, 1954 ), 2020

Bezděk, Jan, 2020, Revision of Agelopsis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae), Zootaxa 4731 (2), pp. 223-248 : 231-232

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Plazi (2020-02-05 07:08:24, last updated 2024-11-27 02:03:51)

scientific name

Agelopsis metallicus ( Bryant, 1954 )

comb. nov.

Agelopsis metallicus ( Bryant, 1954) , comb. nov.

( Figs 13 View FIGURES 11–14 , 22 View FIGURES 19–22 , 28 View FIGURES 28–31 , 39 View FIGURES 38–46 , 49 View FIGURES 47–53 , 56, 63 View FIGURES 61–67 )

Bijukta metallica Bryant, 1954: 415 (original description); Wilcox 1973: 453 (catalogue).

Type locality. “N. E. Burma, Kambaiti ” .

Types examined. Holotype: ♂ ( NHRS), “N. E. BURMA / Kambaiti 2000m / R. Malaise 28/5 1934 [w, p] // Type [white round label with red collar, p] // Bijukta / metallica / Type Bry [h] / G. E. Bryant det. [w, p]” . Paratypes: 1 ♂ ( NHRS), “N. E. BURMA / Kambaiti , 2000 m / 12-17/6.34 Malaise [w, p] // Paratypus [r, p] // Bijukta / metal- lica / Paratype Bry [h] / G. E. Bryant det. [w, p] // NHRS-JLKB / 000023031 [w, p]” ; 1 ♀ ( NHRS), “N. E. BURMA / Kambaiti , 2000 m / 1/6.1934 Malaise [w, p] // Bijukta / metallica / Paratype Bry [h] / G. E. Bryant det. [w, p] // NHRS-JLKB / 000023030 [w, p]” .

Redescription. Measurements. Males: 7.0– 7.9 mm, female: 8.3 mm. Dorsal side glabrous, elongate, divergent posteriorly. Whole body metallic green, anterolateral parts of head brownish, legs metallic green (less intensive than body) with brownish knees, antennomeres I-III metallic, rest of antennomeres black, extreme bases of antennomeres brownish.

Male (paratype, Fig. 13 View FIGURES 11–14 ). Labrum transverse, with shallowly concave anterior margin, lateral margins convergent, and rounded anterior angles, surface slightly convex, with transverse line of pores bearing long seta. Anterior part of head with straight anterior margin, surface with transverse triangular elevated keel, posteriorly produced to process forming nasal keel, surface lustrous, impunctate, antennal impressions with several long setae. Interantennal space 0.80 times as wide as transverse diameter of antennal socket. Eyes small. Interocular space wide, 3.83 time as wide as transverse diameter of eye. Frontal tubercles subtriangular, elevated, lustrous, separated by thin furrow. Vertex separated from frontal tubercles by almost straight furrow, surface impunctate, glabrous, with single pore bearing long seta behind each eye. Antennae slender, 0.87 times as long body, length ratio of antennomeres equals 11-5-10-15-16-15-15-14-14-14-18.

Pronotum transverse, 1.54 times as wide as long, lustrous, glabrous, widest at apical third, covered with very fine punctures. Surface moderately convex in anterior half and with distinct transverse impression at posterior third nearly interrupted in middle. Anterior margin nearly straight, lateral margins rounded in apical half, straight and convergent in basal half, posterior margin nearly straight, slightly oblique in lateral parts. Anterior and posterior margins thinly bordered, lateral margins with wider border. Anterior angles swollen, moderately pronounced, posterior angles obtuse, pointed, all angles with setigerous pores bearing long pale seta. Scutellum subtriangular, with widely rounded apex, impunctate, lustrous, glabrous.

Elytra 1.56 times as long as wide (measured at humeral calli) and 0.64 times as long as body, divergent posteriorly, widest at posterior third. Surface covered with small dense confused punctures. Humeral calli well developed. Epipleura relatively narrow, gradually narrowing towards apex. Macropterous.

Abdomen: last abdominal ventrite with two short V-shaped incisions and surface with thin transverse impressed line, median lobe with parallel lateral margins ( Fig. 39 View FIGURES 38–46 ).

Metatrochanter enlarged forming large sharp tooth ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 28–31 ). Tarsi: protarsomere I subtriangular, II triangular, I slightly wider than II, length ratio of protarsomeres equals 10-10-5-12, metatarsomere I narrowly subtriangular, length ratio of metatarsomeres equals 12-10-5-14.

Aedeagus ( Fig. 22 View FIGURES 19–22 ) constricted at apical third, apex triangular, apical part flattened. In lateral view, aedeagus widely curved. Ventral side with long narrow impression in apical half.

Female. Metatrochanters not modified. Spermatheca with sphaerical nodulus, cornu C-shaped ( Fig. 49 View FIGURES 47–53 ). Gonocoxae with basal apodemes short, robust, caudal fin-shaped ( Fig. 63 View FIGURES 61–67 ). Sternite VIII spade-shaped, tignum thin, 1.7 times as long as sternite VIII ( Fig. 56 View FIGURES 54–60 ).

Distribution. Myanmar.

Differential diagnosis. With the body lenght 7.0– 8.3 mm Agelopsis metallicus is the largest Agelopsis species and together with A. spinipes and A. traxlerorum sp. nov. it belongs to the group with modified male metatrochanters. The males of A. metallicus have modified metatrochanters forming wide and curved tooth directed posteriorly ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 28–31 ) while metatrochanters are wedge-shaped without distinct tooth in A. traxlerorum sp. nov. ( Fig. 31 View FIGURES 28–31 ) or narrower with tooth directed obliquely and not curved in A. spinipes ( Fig. 29 View FIGURES 28–31 ). All three species can be disntinguished also by the structure of aedeagus ( Figs 22 View FIGURES 19–22 , 23, 27 View FIGURES 23–27 ).

Bryant, G. E. (1954) Entomological results from the Swedish expedition 1934 to Burma and British India. Coleoptera. Chrysomelidae, Galerucinae. Arkiv for Zoologi, Series 2, 6 (18), 413 - 424.

Wilcox, J. A. (1973) Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae (Luperini: Luperina). In: Wilcox, J. A. (Ed.), Coleopterorum Catalogus Sup- plementa. Pars 78 (3). 2 nd Edition. W. Junk, ' s-Gravenhage, pp. 433 - 664.

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FIGURES 11–14. Habitus of Agelopsis. 11—A. belousovi (male, 6.4 mm); 12—A. caeruleus (male, 5.5 mm); 13—A. metallicus (paratype, male, 7.9 mm); 14—A. spinipes (male, 5.8 mm).

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FIGURES 19–22. Aedeagus in dorsal, lateral and ventral views. 19—Agelopsis aeneoviridis; 20—A. belousovi; 21—A. caeruleus; 22—A. metallicus. Not to scale.

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FIGURES 28–31. Left male metatrochanter. 28—A. metallicus (paratype); 29—A. spinipes (male from Sichuan); 30—A. spinipes (male from Gansui); 31—A. traxlerorum sp. nov. (holotype). Not to scale.

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FIGURES 38–46. Abdomen in ventral and lateral views. 38—Agelopsis aeneoviridis; 39—A. metallicus (paratype); 40—A. spinipes; 41—A. tibetanus; 42, 44—A. konstantinovi sp. nov. (paratype); 43, 45—A. malaisei sp. nov. (paratype); 46—A. traxlerorum sp. nov. (holotype). Not to scale.

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FIGURES 47–53. Spermatheca. 47—Agelopsis belousovi; 48—A. caeruleus; 49—A. metallicus; 50—A. spinipes; 51—A. tibetanus; 52—A. konstantinovi sp. nov.; 53—A. malaisei sp. nov.. Scale bars: 0.25 mm.

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FIGURES 61–67. Gonocoxae. 61—Agelopsis belousovi; 62—A. caeruleus; 63—A. metallicus; 64—A. spinipes; 65—A. tibetanus; 66—A. konstantinovi sp. nov.; 67—A. malaisei sp. nov.. Scale bars: 0.25 mm.

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FIGURES 54–60. Sternite VIII. 54—Agelopsis belousovi; 55—A. caeruleus; 56—A. metallicus; 57—A. spinipes; 58—A. tibetanus; 59—A. konstantinovi sp. nov.; 60—A. malaisei sp. nov.. Scale bars: 0.5 mm.

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FIGURES 23–27. Aedeagus in dorsal, lateral and ventral views. 23—Agelopsis spinipes; 24—A. tibetanus; 25—A. konstanti- novi sp. nov.; 26—A. malaisei sp. nov.; 27—A. traxlerorum sp. nov. Not to scale.


Swedish Museum of Natural History, Entomology Collections













