Akalyptoischion quadrifoveolata (Fall)

Hartley, Christopher S., Andrews, Fred G. & Mchugh, Joseph V., 2007, A Taxonomic Revision Of The Genus Akalyptoischion Andrews (Coleoptera: Latridiidae), The Coleopterists Bulletin (mo 6) 61, pp. 1-50 : 43-44

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Carolina (2021-06-08 12:54:44, last updated 2024-01-19 04:21:00)

scientific name

Akalyptoischion quadrifoveolata (Fall)


Akalyptoischion quadrifoveolata (Fall)

Cartodere quadrifoveolata Fall 1899: 136 Microgramme quadrifoveolata Walkley 1948: 150

Akalyptoischion quadrifoveolata Andrews 1976 a: 12

Description. Length 1.25 mm. Width 0.40 mm. Body elongate, subparallel, uniformly reddish brown; uniformly setose, short setae; head narrower than pronotum by size of one eye facet, sides straight, narrowing slightly anteriorly; clypeus narrowing at 45u angle anterior to antennal insertions; head foveae shallow, indistinct, elongate ovals; head setation dense, setae short and decumbent; head punctation even, surface rugose; eyes small and slightly prominent with 4 facets; tempora equal to eye width; hind angles greater than 90u; clypeal fovea length of antennomere III, 0.7 times width of labrum; labrum anterior margin deeply and evenly emarginate; antennae with a 3-segmented club; antennae short reaching halfway down pronotum; antennomere I wider than long, an irregular oval with sides slightly pointed, II slightly longer than wide, subglobular, III small, somewhat flattened, sides straight, IV–VIII submonilliform, IX–XI form club, IX large, globular, X wider than long, straight sided, expanding slightly apically, XI an elongate trapezoid.

Pronotum widest at middle, anterior angles rounded, lateral margin evenly arcuate, scarcely explanate with,12 small tubercles each bearing a short decumbent seta; median 4/5 raised with dense, short decumbent setae; pronotal foveae distinct, all 4 equal in size and extending from lateral margin to base of raised area; dorsal punctation even, surface rugose.

Elytra subparallel, lateral flange weak, visible in anterior 1/2; 6 striae; humeral angle a slight, weak lobe; strial interspaces 3 and 5 carinate, interspace 5 more prominent than 3; very short decumbent setae present on every interspace and lateral margin; epipleuron complete and very narrow posteriorly.

Undersurface evenly setose, setae short, submental fovea length of antennomere I.

Material Examined. HOLOTYPE, USA: label data: ‘‘LosGatos Cal,’’ ‘‘ Coll Hubbard & Schwarz,’’ ‘‘HCFall det.,’’ ‘‘TYPE (underlined in red)’’ Type No. 4448 U.S. N.M.,’’ ‘‘ Cartodere 4 foveolata Fall (handwritten)’’ ( USNM).

Remarks. The only known specimen of this species is the type specimen described by Fall. Andrews (1976 a) comments that extensive litter sampling in the Los Gatos area where the holotype was collected produced no new specimens. In the years since Andrews’ study, no additional specimens have been collected. The lack of additional specimens prevented the preparation of a slide mount and the measurement of many characters. This species is very distinct, however. The uniform, short decumbent setae, pronotum widest at the middle and a 3- segmented antennal club distinguish it. Amongst the species with a 3-segmented antennal club, none have only decumbent setae on the elytra except A. lasiosus . Akalyptoischion quadrifoveolata is easily distinguished from A. lasiosus by its very short setae of uniform length.

Andrews, F. G. 1976 a. Akalyptoischion, a new genus of Lathridiidae from Western North America (Coleoptera). Occasional Papers in Entomology Number 22, 23.

Fall, H. C. 1899. Revision of the Lathridiidae of boreal America. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 26: 101 - 190.

Walkley, L. M. 1948. Notes on nomenclature in the Lathridiini. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 50: 149 - 150.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History











