Artoadenus dius OPITZ, 2015

Opitz, Weston, 2015, Systematics of the checkered beetle subfamily Platynopterinae SPINOLA (Coleoptera Cleridae), Linzer biologische Beiträge 47 (2), pp. 1513-1572 : 1526-1527

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Marcus (2021-08-27 06:25:09, last updated 2024-11-29 11:00:29)

scientific name

Artoadenus dius OPITZ

sp. nov.

Artoadenus dius OPITZ nov. sp. ( Figs 64 View Figs 62-69 , 113, 114 View Figs 109-132 , 147 View Figs 145-148 , 175 View Fig )

Holotype: ♂. Panama, Pnma. Prov. K 8-13 El Llano-Carti Rd , 10-13 May 1996, Wappes Huether, & Morris ( FSCA). Paratypes: Three specimens. Panamá: Panamá: 7-11 km El Llano / Carti Rd. , 7-V-1999, Morris / Wappes ( JEWC, 1) ; Canal Zone: Barro Colorado Island , 3- VIII-1978, R.B. & L.S. Kimsey ( UCDC, 1). Venezuela: Tachira: La Morita , 8-14-IV-72, A. D’Ascoli, A. Montague, J. Salcedo ( WFBM, 1) .

Diagnosis: The metatibial glandular pit is prominent in the males of Artoadenus and Platynoptera . But, specimens of A. dius have subsecuriform terminal palpomeres, whereas Platynoptera specimens have securiform terminal palpomeres.

Description: Size: Length 12.0 mm; width 6.0 mm. Form: As in Fig. 147 View Figs 145-148 . Color: Cranium bicolorous, upper frons and region behind eyes black, remainder flavotestaceous; pronotum mostly flavotestaceous, disc with two lateral black lines; mesoscutellum flavotestaceous; elytral disc mostly flavotestaceous, posterior third black. Head: Antennal capitulum very long ( Fig. 64 View Figs 62-69 ), each capitular antennomere longer than combined length of scape, pedicel, and funicle; antennal carina very prominent; EW/FW 20/20. Thorax: Pronotal anterior margin not projected at middle; side margin of disc slightly rounded in posterior third; PW/PL 100/85; elytra moderately flared; EL/EW 180/55. Abdomen: Male pygidium not incised at distal margin; aedeagus as in Figs. 113, 114. View Figs 109-132

Variation: Size: length 12.0-15.0 mm; width 6.0-8.0 mm. The elytral disc may be entirely flavotestaceous, or mostly black with the basal margin and middle fascia flavotestaceous.

Natural history: Specimens were collected during April, May, and August. The specimen from Venezuela was collected at 300 m.

Distribution ( Fig. 175 View Fig ): Known from Panamá and Venezuela.

Etymology: The trivial name dius (= between) is a Greek adjective. I refer to the superficial similarities among specimens of Artoadenus, Platynoptera, and Tarandocerus.

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Figs 62-69: Antennae. (62) Ambonoides retinoides, male; (63) A. caraguata, female; (64) Artoadenus dius, male; (65) A. regina, male; (66) Aspitonis alarutinis, male; (67) A. graminis, female; (68) A. undulicornis, male; (69) Isoforma biguttula, male.

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Figs 109-132: Aedeagi. (109) Ambonoides retinoides phallus; (110) A. retinoides tegmen; (111) A. caraguata phallus; (112) A. caraguata tegmen; (113) Artoadenus dius phallus; (114) A. dius tegmen; (115) A. regina phallus; (116) A. regina tegmen; (117) Aspitonis alarutinis phallus; (118) A. alarutinis tegmen; (119) A. chiapas phallus; (120) A. chiapas tegmen; (121) A. undulicornis phallus; (122) A. undulicornis tegmen; (123) Isoforma biguttula phallus; (124) I. biguttula tegmen; (125) Platynoptera carti phallus; (126) P. carti tegmen; (127) P. flavohumeralis phallus; (128) P. flavohumeralis tegmen; (129) P.humeralis phallus; (130) P. humeralis tegmen;(131)P.lyciformis phallus;(132)P.lyciformis tegmen.

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Figs 145-148: Habitus illustrations of (145) Ambonoides retinoides, holotype; (146) A. caraguata, holotype; (147) Artoadenus dius, holotype; (148) A. regina, holotype.

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Fig. 175: Geographic distribution of species as noted.


USA, Florida, Gainesville, Division of Plant Industry, Florida State Collection of Arthropods


James E. Wappes


USA, California, Davis, University of California, R.M. Bohart Museum of Entomology


USA, Idaho, Moscow, University of Idaho, W.F. Barr Entomological Collection


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


R. M. Bohart Museum of Entomology


W.F. Barr Entomological Collection













