Tryphosella toowoomba, Lowry & Stoddart, 2011

Lowry, J. K. & Stoddart, H. E., 2011, The tryphosine genera Photosella gen. nov. and Tryphosella Bonnier, 1893 (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Lysianassoidea: Lysianassidae: Tryphosinae) in Australian waters 2956, Zootaxa 2956 (1), pp. 1-76 : 63-66

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Felipe (2021-08-23 16:10:50, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 13:21:22)

scientific name

Tryphosella toowoomba

sp. nov.

Tryphosella toowoomba View in CoL sp. nov.

( Figs 44–46 View FIGURE 44 View FIGURE 45 View FIGURE 46 )

Type material. HOLOTYPE, female, ovigerous (2 eggs), 4.4 mm, QM W29089, off Cape Moreton , Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, approx. 27°01'S 153°28'E, September 1995 GoogleMaps . PARATYPES: 1 male, 2.0 mm, QM W29090 ; 9 females, 5 males, QM W20919; same data as Holotype GoogleMaps .

Type locality. Off Cape Moreton , Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia, approx. 27°01'S 153°28'E GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The species is named for the city of Toowoomba in southern Queensland.

Diagnostic description. Head lateral cephalic lobe rounded, apically rounded; eyes apparently absent. Antenna 1 peduncular article 1 without anterodistal lobe; article 2 without anterodistal lobe; accessory flagellum present, not forming cap, 3-articulate, terminal article not offset; flagellum with strong 2-field callynophore, robust setae absent from proximal articles; calceoli absent. Antenna 2 peduncular article 3 long; articles 4 and 5 not enlarged; flagellum short, calceoli absent. Epistome/Upper lip separate; epistome produced beyond upper lip, broadly rounded; upper lip slightly produced, straight. Mandible molar with asymmetrically reduced column, proximally setose, distally triturating; palp attached about midway, article 3 with proximal A3-seta. Maxilla 1 outer plate setal-tooth 7 present, setal-tooth 7, left and right symmetrical, cuspidate along most of sinusoidal inner margin; palp distal margin with apical robust setae. Maxilliped basis without recurved hook; outer plate with 1 short apical robust setae.

Gnathopod 1 subchelate; coxa small (length 1.4 x breadth), subtriangular, tapering distally; basis sparsely setose along anterior margin; ischium short; carpus long, subequal in length to propodus, without posterior lobe; propodus small, margins subparallel, sparsely setose along posterior margin, palm moderately acute, entire, straight. Gnathopod 2 palm moderately obtuse. Pereopod 4 coxa without distinct lateral ridge, with a well-developed posteroventral lobe. Pereopod 5 coxa without distinct lateral ridge, without umbo; basis about as long as broad, without photophore, not posteroproximally excavate, posterior margin not serrate. Pereopod 7 basis posterodistally produced less than halfway along merus, not posterodistally excavate.

Pleonites 1–3 without mid-dorsal carina, not produced dorsodistally. Epimeron 3 posterior margin smooth, posteroventral corner acutely produced. Urosomite 1 not projecting over urosomite 2, with posteriorlydirected elongate rounded boss. Uropods 1 and 2 rami without stout striated robust setae. Uropod 2 inner ramus without constriction. Uropod 3 peduncle without dorsolateral flange, with 2 short apicomedial robust setae; inner and outer rami well developed, outer ramus article 2 short, with plumose setae on both rami. Telson deeply cleft, with dorsal robust setae, with 2 apical robust setae on each lobe.

Male (sexually dimorphic characters). Antenna 1 calceoli present, small. Antenna 2 flagellum long, calceoli present. Epistome/Upper lip epistome slightly produced beyond upper lip, straight. Gnathopod 1 simple; margins tapering distally, palm absent.

Remarks. Tryphosella toowoomba belongs to a group of four Australian species ( T. betka , T. martrudan , T. toowoomba and T. wangaratta ) in which the male gnathopod 1 is simple. Within this group T. betka , T. martrudan and T. toowoomba have a significantly reduced subtriangular coxa 1. Tryphosella toowoomba and T. martrudan both have an unusually shaped urosomite 1 forming a posteriorly-directed elongate rounded boss. Tryphosella toowoomba has many slight differences from T. martrudan (the slightly longer peduncular article 3 of antenna 2, the symmetrical maxilla 1 setal-tooth 7, the sparsely setose anterior margin of gnathopod 1 basis and the slightly more acute palm of gnathopod 1). The two species differ strongly in the presence of plumose setae on both rami of uropod 3 in the female T. toowoomba (none in T. martrudan ) and the long antenna 2 of adult male T. toowoomba (short in T. martrudan ).

Distribution. South-eastern Queensland, Australia.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 44. Tryphosella toowoomba sp. nov. Holotype, female, 4.4 mm, QM W29089; paratype, male, 2.0 mm, QM W29090; Moreton Bay, Queensland. Scales represent 0.1 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 45. Tryphosella toowoomba sp. nov. Holotype, female, 4.4 mm, QM W29089; paratype, male, 2.0 mm, QM W29090; Moreton Bay, Queensland. Scales represent 0.2 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 46. Tryphosella toowoomba sp. nov. Holotype, female, 4.4 mm, QM W29089; paratype, male, 2.0 mm, QM W29090; Moreton Bay, Queensland. Scales represent 0.1 mm.


Queensland Museum