Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) berezovskiyi Triapitsyn

Triapitsyn, Serguei V., 2013, Review of Gonatocerus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) in the Palaearctic region, with notes on extralimital distributions, Zootaxa 3644 (1), pp. 1-178 : 56-57

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.3644.1.1

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scientific name

Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) berezovskiyi Triapitsyn

sp. nov.

Gonatocerus (Lymaenon) berezovskiyi Triapitsyn View in CoL , sp. n.

( Figs 78–80 View FIGURES 78 – 80 )

Type material. Holotype female [UCRC] on slide: TURKMENISTAN. AHAL , Babadurmaz , 37°38’50’’N 59°09’24’’E, 195 m, 18–20.vi.1997, V.V. Berezovskiy, MT in backyard orchard [ UCRC ENT 294204 ]. GoogleMaps

Description. FEMALE. Head and mesosoma dark brown, gaster yellow anteriorly and brown posteriorly; antenna brown, legs mostly light brown to brown except coxae dark brown.

Antenna ( Fig. 78 View FIGURES 78 – 80 ) with radicle 0.3× total length of scape, rest of scape 3.2× as long as wide, faintly sculptured; pedicel longer than F1 (the shortest funicle segment); F3 as long as F5, both longer than respective following and preceding funicle segments; mps on F4 (1 or 2), F5 (2), F6 (2), F7 (2), and F8 (2); clava with 8 mps (2 subbasal, 2 more or less in the middle, and 4 subapical), 3.6× as long as wide, longer than combined length of F7 and F8.

Mesosoma. Propodeum ( Fig. 79 View FIGURES 78 – 80 ) with submedian lines rather close to each other. Fore wing ( Fig. 80 View FIGURES 78 – 80 ) 3.2× as long as wide; longest marginal seta 0.23× maximum wing width; disc with a brownish tinge throughout, bare behind submarginal vein and setose elsewhere although sparsely between marginal vein and cubital row of setae. Hind wing ( Fig. 80 View FIGURES 78 – 80 ) 22× as long as wide; disc rather densely setose and with a slight brownish tinge; longest marginal seta 2.5× maximum wing width.

Metasoma ( Fig. 79 View FIGURES 78 – 80 ). Gaster longer than mesosoma. Petiole 1.9× as wide as long. Ovipositor occupying entire length of gaster, slightly exserted beyond its apex (by 0.06× own length); ovipositor length: mesotibia length ratio 1.8:1.

Measurements (µm). Body 1218; mesosoma 437; petiole 30; gaster 578; ovipositor 603. Antenna: radicle 61; rest of scape 140; pedicel 61; F1 32; F2 55; F3 73; F4 69; F5 73; F6 69; F7 65; F8 56; clava 176. Fore wing 1015:314; longest marginal seta 73. Hind wing 794:36; longest marginal seta 91.

MALE. Unknown.

Diagnosis. Gonatocerus berezovskiyi resembles no other Palaearctic species of G. ( Lymaenon ) and can be recognized by the female antenna ( Fig. 78 View FIGURES 78 – 80 ) with F3–F7 much longer than wide and F4–F8 with mps, and 8 mps on the clava (2 of them subbasal). It differs from G. beshbarmak , which has a similar body coloration in the female and chaetotaxy of the fore wing, in bearing mps on F4 of the female antenna and a different arrangement of mps on the clava (mps lacking on F4 and no subbasal mps on the clava in G. beshbarmak ). From G. africanus , which also has 8 mps on the clava and rarely may have a mps on F4 of the female antenna, G. berezovskiyi differs by the entirely dark brown coloration of the mesosoma, a different arrangement of mps on the clava, and by a relatively much longer ovipositor which occupies the entire length of gaster (the mesosoma is partially yellow to brown and dark brown, there are no sabbasal mps on the clava, and the ovipositor is occupying at most 0.8× length of gaster in G. africanus ).

Etymology. The species is named after Vladimir Vasilievich Berezovskiy (UCRC), the collector of this species, an enthusiastic mymarid taxonomist, and an outstanding preparator who over the years has made thousands of excellent microscopic slides of various Mymaridae and other groups of parasitic Hymenoptera .

Hosts. Unknown.


University of California, Riverside













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