Laemosaccus browerorum Hespenheide, 2019

Hespenheide, Henry A., 2019, A Review of the Genus Laemosaccus Schönherr, 1826 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Mesoptiliinae) from Baja California and America North of Mexico: Diversity and Mimicry, The Coleopterists Bulletin 73 (4), pp. 905-939 : 928-930

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Carolina (2021-05-25 12:48:18, last updated by Tatiana 2021-08-17 18:53:23)

scientific name

Laemosaccus browerorum Hespenheide

new species

Laemosaccus browerorum Hespenheide , new species ( Fig. 25 View Figs )

Description: Holotype Male. Length 2.35 mm, width 1.10 mm. Very robust, subcylindrical in cross section, broadly rounded behind, narrowly so in front, black except each elytron with broadly oval, red posthumeral spot on elytral intervals 2–9, about 0.75 mm long and not close to base, appearing trapezoidal from above; head, pronotum, elytra, and propygidium glabrous, thorax and abdomen ventrally and metafemora with punctures each with a small, inconspicuous, silvery seta, setae less dense and more slender on legs, longer, hair-like, semierect and transversely oriented on tergite 8. Head hemispherical, 0.50 mm wide, rostrum roundedterete, punctate, matte, 0.35 mm long, antennae inserted at middle. Pronotum weakly convex in cross section at base, very strongly constricted before anterior margin, abruptly gibbous posteriorad, 0.90 mm long, 1.00 mm wide, broadest anterior to middle, with lateral margins very shallowly arcuate on basal half, more strongly so in front, and convex in lateral view, coarsely, evenly punctate, punctures rounded and separate at base, becoming reticulate and somewhat confluent longitudinally on apical half, indistinct medial carina on basal half. Elytra wider than pronotum at base, sides nearly parallel, 1.45 mm long, 1.10 mm maximum width, elytral striae subequal in width to intervals, striae very coarsely rounded-punctate, intervals rounded, interval 3 very weakly toothed on middle third, interval 5 weakly toothed on apical half. Profemora with acute ventral tooth at middle, mesofemora with small ventral tooth, abdominal ventrite 5 0.5–1.0X length of ventrite 4 at middle. Genitalia as in Fig. 25 View Figs ; aedeagus 0.60 mm long.

Allotype Female. As male but rostrum subcylindrical, polished, very finely, inconspicuously punctate, glabrous, forming nearly 45° angle with plane of eyes, antennae inserted at basal third; tergite 7 convex, coarsely punctate, glabrous; 3.20 mm long, 1.60 mm wide.

Specimens Examined. Holotype: Arizona: Pima Co., Madera Cn, 7.1973, Dr. Lenczy ( USNM) . Allotype: Arizona: Santa Cruz Co., Santa Rita Mts., Madera Canyon , 9.08.2001, J. & A. Rifkind, C. Bellamy, oak/juniper zone ( WFBM) .

Etymology. This species is named in honor of the late Lincoln Brower and Jane Van Zandt Brower, whose studies on the effectiveness of Müllerian mimicry in monarch butterflies are classics.

Discussion. Laemosaccus browerorum is known only from the types from extreme southern Arizona. Ventrally, it is the least conspicuously setose of all species treated here. This small species is superficially similar to the following species in having the relatively small, red posthumeral spot placed farther posteriorly from the anterior margin of the elytra, but is distinctive in having a very strong pronotal collar, large punctures in the elytral striae, and an aedeagus in the males similar to that of L. clytrinoides , but even more acuminate.

Gallery Image

Figs. 25–30. Laemosaccus species. Dorsal and lateral views of aedeagus and paramere: 25) L. browerorum; 26) L. rileyi; 27) L. vaurieae; 28) L. westcotti; 29) L. peninsularis; 30) L. texanus, dorsal and lateral views of aedeagus only. 31) L. peninsularis, dorsal habitus.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


W.F. Barr Entomological Collection











