Ranunculus trigonus Handel-Mazzetti (1931: 304)

Fei, Wen-Qun, Yuan, Qiong & Yang, Qin-Er, 2023, Ranunculus tengchongensis and R. yanshanensis (Ranunculaceae), both described from Yunnan in China, are merged with R. trigonus, Phytotaxa 595 (1), pp. 7-36 : 24-35

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Plazi (2023-05-03 07:18:05, last updated by Juliana 2023-05-03 18:22:32)

scientific name

Ranunculus trigonus Handel-Mazzetti (1931: 304)


Ranunculus trigonus Handel-Mazzetti (1931: 304) View in CoL View at ENA . Figs.1 View FIGURE 1 , 3–19 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURE 11 View FIGURE 12 View FIGURE 13 View FIGURE 14 View FIGURE 15 View FIGURE 16 View FIGURE 17 View FIGURE 18 View FIGURE 19 , 21–23 View FIGURE 21 View FIGURE 22 View FIGURE 23 .

Type:— CHINA. Yunnan: Ninglang, Yongning (= Yungning) town, alt. ca. 2725 m, 22 July 1914, H. Handel-Mazzetti 3141 (holotype WU0039284 !). Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4 .

= Ranunculus yanshanensis Wang (1996: 161) , syn. nov.

Type:— CHINA. Yunnan: Yanshan, Panlong town , alt. 1200 m, in moist places by river, 24 October 1939, C.W. Wang 84625 (holotype KUN1262283 !; isotypes KUN365880 !, PE00466455 !). Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 .

= Ranunculus tengchongensis Wang (2008: 519) , syn. nov.

Type:— CHINA. Yunnan: Tengchong, Daju , Beihai , alt. 1730 m, 29 May 2006, Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 29700 (holotype CAS474694 !; isotype KUN1409969 !). Fig. 3 View FIGURE 3 .

Description:—Perennial herbs, sometimes with stolons. Roots fibrous, cylindric. Stems 4.5–48 cm tall, prostrate or ascending, subglabrous, sparsely spreading hirsute, subappressed hirsute, or densely spreading hirsute, usually branched. Basal leaves 3–6; blade simple or ternate, 2–5.7 cm long, 2–7 cm broad, subglabrous or subappressed hirsute on both sides; blades 3-partite or 3-sect, with central lobe or leaflet rhombic-cuneate or rhombic-obovate, 3-partite or 3- lobed, incised-dentate and lateral lobes or leaflets obliquely rhombic or obliquely flabellate, unequally 2-cleft; petioles 2–28 cm long, subglabrous, sparsely spreading hirsute, subappressed hirsute, or densely spreading hirsute. Lower stem leaves similar to basal ones; upper stem leaves 3-sect. Inflorescence monochasial or compound monochasial, 2–10- flowered. Flowers 1–1.4 cm in diameter. Pedicels 2–5 cm long, sparsely or densely subappressed hirsute. Receptacle hirsute, inflated at fruiting stage. Sepals 5, ovate or broadly ovate, 4–5 mm long, 2–3 mm broad, abaxially sparsely or densely subappressed hirsute, reflexed at anthesis. Petals 5, rarely 3 or 7, oblong, 5–6 mm long, 2–2.5 mm broad, apex rounded, with inconspicuous claw at base and nectary covered by a scale. Stamens 15–25; filaments linear, 1.2–2 mm long; anthers oblong, 1–1.5 mm long. Gynoecium subglobose. Carpels numerous, obliquely ovate; ovaries ca. 1.3 mm long, with very short and slightly curved styles. Aggregate fruit subglobose or globose, 6–8 mm in diameter. Achenes flat, obliquely obovate, ca. 3 mm long, ca. 2 mm broad, glabrous, narrowly marginate, with short, acute beaks at apex.

Phenology:—Flowering from March to June; fruiting from May to July.

Distribution and habitat:— Ranunculus trigonus is distributed in northwestern Guizhou, southwestern Sichuan, southeastern Xizang (Tibet), and Yunnan ( Fig. 24 View FIGURE 24 ). It grows by roadsides, riverbanks, or in farmlands at elevations of 1300–3300 m above sea level.

Additional specimens examined (barcodes are cited when available):— CHINA. Guizhou: Weining , Anonymous 165 ( HGAS 013365 ), Y.P. Zeng 58 ( IBSC). Sichuan: Daocheng , Anonymous 768 ( CDBI0025669 ), T.T. Yu 13236 ( KUN0688325 , PE00466458 ); Muli, F.Q. Lu 7750 ( CDBI0025667 ; SZ00091769 ), T.T. Yu 7214 ( PE00466418 , PE00466419 ); Yanyuan, H.Handel-Mazzetti2229 ( WU0039285 ), Yanyuan Exped.360 ( SM704604258 , SM704604310 ). Xizang: Zayü , Z.C. Ni et al. 529 ( PE00466470 ). Yunnan: Binchuan , Anonymous 65-0600 ( KUN00051668 ); Dali , G. Forrest 4374 ( P00193607 ), H. Koyama et al. 846 ( KUN0691513 ), C.W. Wang 63499 ( KUN0688343 , LBG00051663 , NAS00185275 , PE00466420 , PE00466421 ), Q.E. Yang 9407 ( PE02344185 ), Q.E. Yang 9428 ( PE00466437 ), Z.J. Yin & H.J. Dong 535 ( KUN1215331 ); Dayao , Y. Chen & B. Bai 61 ( KUN0691624 ); Dêqên , Qinghai-Xizang Veg. Exped. 8344 ( PE00048478 ); Eryuan : J.M. Delavay 1080 ( P00193774 ), J.M. Delavay 2171 ( P00193779 ), J.M. Delavay s.n. ( P); Fengqing , C.W. Wang 71958 ( PE00466450 , PE00466453 ); Fuming , B.Y. Qiu 59220 ( KUN365926 ); Guangnan , C.W. Wang 87228 ( KUN377504 , PE00466457 ), C.W. Wang & Y. Liu 87447 ( KUN365882 , PE00466454 ); Heqing , J.M. Delavay 1515 ( P00193776 , P00193777 , P00203884 ), Q. Lin et al. 771826 ( KUN0691531 , KUN0691531 ); Jianchuan , Q.E. Yang 94132 ( PE02344183 ); Jingdong , M.K. Li 3105 ( KUN0687344 ), Y.P. Zeng 21 ( IBSC), Y.P. Zeng 25 ( IBSC); Kunming , Anonymous 50776 ( PE00466447 ), W.Q. Fei & Y.P. Zeng 253 ( IBSC), K.H. Liang 168 ( KUN0687346 ), T.N. Liou 13553 ( PE00466466 ), T.N. Liou 13747 ( PE00466467 ), T.N. Liou 16940 ( PE00466442 ), T.N. Liou 19470 ( KUN378507 , PE00466443 ), B.Y. Qiu 70124 ( CDBI0025670 , IBK00356836 ); Lijiang , D. Chamberlain et al. SBL 000000132 ( E, K), R.C. Ching 20284 ( KUN0688352 , KUN0688353 , PE00466433 ), H. Li et al. 611 ( KUN0691536 ), Q. Lin et al. 771015 ( KUN0691522 , KUN0691522 ), S.H. Nie 71406 ( PE01458722 ), C. Schneider 3387 ( K), C.W. Wang 65016 ( KUN0688341 , PE00466426 , PE 00466430 ), C.W. Wang 71462 ( KUN0688340 , LBG00051841 , PE00466422 , PE00466431 ), Q.E. Yang 94131 ( PE00459650 ), Q.E. Yang 94154 ( PE02344184 ), S.W. Yu 65061 ( KUN365907 , PE00466427 , PE00466432 ), S.W. Yu & A.L. Zhang 100864 ( KUN378522 ), Zhongdian Exped. 674 ( KUN0688334 , PE00466428 , PE00466429 ); Longling , Gaoligong Shan Biodiversity Survey 17637 ( KUN1409911 ); Luquan , P.I. Mao 1338 ( KUN365901 , PE00466461 ); Lushui , W.Q. Fei & Y.P. Zeng 216 ( IBSC); Mengzi , M. Tanant s.n. ( P00193782 ); Ninglang , Y.P. Zeng & Y.F. Luo 500 ( IBSC), T.J. Tong & Y. Hong 61 ( IBSC); Precise locality unknown, J.M. Delavay 488 ( P00186621 ), J.M. Delavay 2314 ( P00186623 ), F. Ducloux 6179 ( P00186624 ); Shangrila , Anonymous 78 ( HITBC), Y.P. Zeng & Y.F. Luo 520 ( IBSC), X.W. Tian et al. 466 ( PE00500487 , SZ00378189 ), Q.E. Yang & H.Z. Kong 98-241 ( PE0234425 , PE0234426 ), Q.E. Yang & Q. Yuan Yangqe 2028 (PE02032596), Q.S. Yang et al. ZhouZK-07ZX-0201 ( KUN1232831 ), Zhongdian Exped. 63-2732 ( KUN0688357 ); Shizong, Shizong Exped. 78 ( IBK00356777 ); Shuangjiang , C.W. Wang 72986 ( NAS00185278 , PE00466451 , PE00466452 ); Songming , B.Y. Qiu 51347 ( KUN0688330 ), B.Y. Qiu 51649 ( KUN51649 , PE51649 ); Tengchong , W.Q. Fei & Y.P. Zeng 223 ( IBSC), H. Li 11334 ( E00208506 , PE1409868 ), Y.Z. Zhou zhyz-205 ( KUN1232845 ); Weixi, Qinghai-Xizang Exped. 6490 ( KUN0691599 , PE00466459 , PE01108284 , PE01108286 ); Wenshan , Y.M. Shui 2322 ( PE00466434 ); Yangbi , R.C. Ching 22285 ( KUN378513 , PE00466424 ), H. Hara & K.Y. Guan 325 ( KUN377401 ); Yanshan , W.Q. Fei & Y.P. Zeng 248 ( IBSC), W.Q. Fei & Y.P. Zeng 252 ( IBSC); Yimen , W.Q. Yin 39 ( PE00466460 ); Yongsheng, NW Yunnan Jinsha River Exped. 6462 ( KUN068326 , PE00458477 , PE00466423 ), Yongsheng Chin. Med. Resour. Exped. 5307220520 ( IMDY0001862 ); Yunlong , Q.E. Yang 93050 ( PE00466438 ); Zhenkang , T.T. Yu 16979 ( KUN378514 , PE00466445 , PE00466446 )


Notes:—Morphologically Ranunculus trigonus is somewhat similar to R. chinensis in having hirsute stems, obliquely ovate carpels with very short and slightly curved styles, and flat, obliquely obovate, glabrous, narrowly marginate achenes with short, acute beaks. However, R. trigonus ( Figs. 10–14 View FIGURE 10 View FIGURE 11 View FIGURE 12 View FIGURE 13 View FIGURE 14 , 18 View FIGURE 18 , 19 View FIGURE 19 , 21 View FIGURE 21 ) is easily distinguishable from R. chinensis ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 ) by having subglobose (vs. long ovoid) gynoecium, subglobose or globose (vs. long ovoid-cylindric) aggregate fruit, and ovoid (vs. long ovoid-cylindric) receptacle.

Ranunculus trigonus var. strigosus Wang (1996: 164) View in CoL was described on the basis of a single specimen, C.W. Wang 72869 (KUN1262286; Fig. 25A View FIGURE 25 ), from Gengma county in Yunnan province, China. In the protologue, Wang (1996) stated that this variety was distinguishable from the type variety, var. trigonus , by having densely strigose (vs. spreading pubescent) stems and petioles, larger flowers (ca. 1.5 cm vs. 0.6–1 cm in diameter), longer sepals (ca. 5 mm vs. ca. 6 mm), and larger petals (7–8 mm × 3–4 mm vs. 3.2–6 mm × 1.6–4 mm). Our survey of herbarium specimens resulted in the discovery of four duplicate sheets of the holotype of R. trigonus var. strigosus , three at PE ( Fig. 25B–D View FIGURE 25 ) and one at LBG (not shown here). In 1975, L. Liou identified two of the PE sheets ( Fig. 25B, C View FIGURE 25 ) as R. chinensis , and the remaining one at PE ( Fig. 25D View FIGURE 25 ) as R. cantoniensis Candolle (1824: 43) View in CoL . However, the latter PE one ( Fig. 25D View FIGURE 25 ) was identified as R. laetus Wallich ex Royle (1834: 53) View in CoL in December 1955 and R. silerifolius Léveillé (1909: 257) View in CoL in October 2004, by W.T. Wang, the author of R. trigonus var. strigosus . The LBG sheet has not as yet been identified. Based on critical observations on type specimens of R. trigonus var. strigosus , we suspect that this variety may be a hybrid, with R. chinensis and R. silerifolius as its parents, because its basal leaves is somewhat similar to those of R. chinensis in shape, and its carpels is somewhat similar to those of R. silerifolius in having long, recurved styles at apex. Further studies, particularly observations on living plants in the wild and molecular work, are needed to determine the relationships among R. chinensis , R. silerifolius , R. trigonus var. strigosus and R. trigonus var. trigonus .

Candolle, A. P. (1824) Ranunculaceae. In: Prodromus Sysematis Naturalis Regni Vegetabilis, vol. 1. Treuttel & Wurtz, Paris, pp. 2 - 66.

Handel-Mazzetti, H. (1931) Ranunculaceae. In: Symbolae Sinicae, vol. 7. Julius Springer, Wien, pp. 265 - 321.

Leveille, H. (1909) LXVII. Decades plantarum novarum. XXIII. Repertorium Novarum Specierum Regni Vegetabilis 7: 257 - 259. https: // doi. org / 10.1002 / fedr. 19090071605

Royle, J. F. (1834) Ranunculaceae. In: Illustrations of the Botany and Other Branches of the Natural History of the Himalayan Mountains, and of the Flora of Cashmere, vol. 1. Wm. H. Allen & Co., London, pp. 51 - 57.

Wang, W. T. (1996) Notulae de Ranunculaceis Sinensibus (XIX). Bulletin of Botanical Research (Harbin) 2: 155 - 166.

Wang, W. T. (2008) New taxa of Ranunculaceae from Yunnan. Acta Botanica Yunnanica 30: 519 - 524. https: // doi. org / 10.3724 / SP. J. 1143.2008.00423

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FIGURE 1. Holotype (A) and isotype (B, C) sheets of Ranunculus yanshanensis (= R. trigonus). A. Inset: portion of subappressed hirsute petiole. B. Inset: globose aggregate fruit. C. Inset: portion of subappressed hirsute stem.

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FIGURE 3. Holotype (A) and isotype (B) sheets of Ranunculus tengchongensis (= R. trigonus). Inset a: globose aggregate fruit; inset b: portion of hirsute stem; inset c: portion of hirsute petiole.

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FIGURE 4. Holotype sheet of Ranunculus trigonus. Inset: portion of sparsely spreading hirsute stem.

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FIGURE 5. Paratype (A–D) sheets of Ranunculus trigonus. B. Inset a: globose aggregate fruit; inset b: portion of sparsely spreading hirsute stem. C. Inset: portion of sparsely spreading hirsute stem. D. Inset: globose aggregate fruit.

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FIGURE 6. Paratype (A–D) sheets of Ranunculus trigonus. A. Inset: portion of sparsely spreading hirsute stem. C. Inset: globose aggregate fruit.

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FIGURE 7. Paratype (A–D) sheets of Ranunculus trigonus. A. Inset: portion of subglabrous stem. B. Inset: portion of subglabrous stem. C. Inset: globose aggregate fruit.

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FIGURE 8. Paratype (A–D) sheets of Ranunculus trigonus. A. Inset: portion of densely spreading hirsute stem. C. Inset: portion of subappressed hirsute stem. D. Inset: portion of densely spreading hirsute stem.

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FIGURE 9. Selected specimens of Ranunculus trigonus, showing the variation in length of petioles of basal leaves. A. China, Yunnan, Shunning (now Fengqing), C.W. Wang 71958 (PE00466450). B. China, Sichuan, Muli, F.Q. Lu 7750 (CDBI0025667). C. China, Yunnan, Precise locality unknown, J.M. Delavay 488 (P00186621). D. China, Xizang, Zayü, Z.C. Ni et al. 529 (PE00466470).

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FIGURE 10. Ranunculus trigonus in the wild (China, Yunnan, Lushui). A. Habitat. B. Habit. C. Roots. D. Portion of stem. E. Leaf (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). F. Flower (lateral view). G. Flower (top view). H. Sepal (left: abaxial side; right: adaxial side). I. Petal (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). J. Stamens. K. Carpels. L. Aggregate fruit. M. Achenes. N. Receptacle.

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FIGURE 11. Ranunculus trigonus in the wild (China,Yunnan, Ninglang, type locality).A. Habitat.B. Habit. C. Roots. D. Portion of stem. E. Leaf (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). F. Flower (lateral view). G. Flower (top view). H. Sepal (left: abaxial side; right: adaxial side). I. Petal (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). J. Stamens. K. Carpels. L. Aggregate fruit. M. Achenes. N. Receptacle.

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FIGURE 12. Ranunculus trigonus in the wild (China,Yunnan, Jingdong). A. Habitat. B. Habit.C. Roots. D. Portion of stem. E. Leaf (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). F. Flower (lateral view). G. Flower (top view). H. Sepal (left: abaxial side; right: adaxial side). I. Petal (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). J. Stamens. K. Carpels. L. Aggregate fruit. M. Achenes. N. Receptacle.

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FIGURE 13. Ranunculus trigonus in the wild (China, Yunnan, Kunming, paratype locality). A. Habitat. B. Habit. C. Roots. D. Portion of stem. E. Leaf (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). F. Flower (lateral view). G. Flower (top view). H. Sepal (left: abaxial side; right: adaxial side). I. Petal (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). J. Stamens. K. Carpels. L. Aggregate fruit. M. Achenes. N. Receptacle.

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FIGURE 14. Ranunculus trigonus in the wild (China, Yunnan, Shangri-la). A. Habitat. B. Habit. C. Roots. D. Portion of stem. E. Leaf (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). F. Flower (lateral view). G. Flower (top view). H. Sepal (left: abaxial side; right: adaxial side). I. Petal (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). J. Stamens. K. Carpels. L. Aggregate fruit. M. Achenes. N. Receptacle.

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FIGURE 15. Distal stems, adaxial side of leaves and petioles of Ranunculus trigonus (A–E), R. yanshanensis (= R. trigonus) (F, G) and R. tengchongensis (= R. trigonus) (H) observed in the wild, showing the variation in indumentum of these parts.

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FIGURE 16. SEM photographs of stem indumentum in Ranunculus trigonus (A–G), R. yanshanensis (= R. trigonus) (H, I) and R. tengchongensis (= R. trigonus) (J, K). A. Stem subglabrous. B. Stem sparsely spreading hirsute. D, H. Stems subappressed hirsute. F, J. Stems densely spreading hirsute. C, E, G, I, K. Hairs micropapillate on surface.

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FIGURE 17. SEM photographs of indumentum on petiole (A, B), adaxial side of leaf (C, D), abaxial side of leaf (E, F), pedicel (G, H), abaxial side of sepal (I, J) and receptacle (K, L) in Ranunculus trigonus [voucher: W.Q. Fei & Y.P. Zeng 253 (IBSC)]. A. Petiole densely spreading hirsute. C, E, G, I, K. Adaxial side of leaf, abaxial side of leaf, pedicel, abaxial side of sepal all subappressed hirsute. B, D, F, H, J, L. Hairs micropapillate on surface.

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FIGURE 18. Ranunculus yanshanensis (= R. trigonus) in the wild (China, Yunnan, Yanshan, type locality). A. Habitat. B. Habit. C. Roots. D. Portion of stem. E. Leaf (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). F. Flower (lateral view). G. Flower (top view). H. Sepal (left: abaxial side; right: adaxial side). I. Petal (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). J. Stamens. K. Carpels. L. Aggregate fruit. M. Achenes. N. Receptacle.

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FIGURE 19. Ranunculus yanshanensis (= R. trigonus) in the wild (China, Yunnan, Yanshan, type locality). A. Habitat. B. Habit. C. Roots. D. Portion of stem. E. Leaf (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). F. Flower (lateral view). G. Flower (top view). H. Sepal (left: abaxial side; right: adaxial side). I. Petal (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). J. Stamens. K. Carpels. L. Aggregate fruit. M. Achenes. N. Receptacle.

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FIGURE 20. Ranunculus chinensis in the wild (China, Yunnan, Gengma). A. Habitat. B. Habit.C. Roots. D. Portion of stem. E. Leaf (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). F. Flower (lateral view). G. Flower (top view). H. Sepal (left: abaxial side; right: adaxial side). I. Petal (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). J. Stamens. K. Carpels. L. Aggregate fruit. M. Achenes. N. Receptacle.

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FIGURE 21. Ranunculus tengchongensis (= R. trigonus) in the wild (China, Yunnan, Tengchong, type locality). A. Habitat. B. Habit. C. Roots. D. Portion of stem. E. Leaf (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). F. Flower (lateral view). G. Flower (top view). H. Sepal (left: abaxial side; right: adaxial side). I. Petal (left: adaxial side; right: abaxial side). J. Stamens. K. Carpels. L. Aggregate fruit. M. Achenes. N. Receptacle.

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FIGURE 22. Specimens of Ranunculus tengchongensis (= R. trigonus) [W.Q. Fei & Y.P. Zeng 223 (IBSC)], showing the variation in plant height and petiole length.

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FIGURE 23. Two specimens collected from Tengchong in Yunnan, China (type locality of Ranunculus tengchongensis) correctly identified as R. trigonus. A. H. Li 11334 (E00208506). B. Y.Z. Zhou zhyz-205 (KUN1232845).

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FIGURE 24. Distribution of Ranunculus trigonus (●). Red arrow indicates the holotype locality, i.e. Ninglang in northwestern Yunnan, China. Black arrows indicate the paratype localities. Blue arrow indicates the type locality of R. yanshanensis (=R. trigonus), i.e. Yanshan in southeastern Yunnan, China. Green arrow indicates the type locality of R. tengchongensis (=R. trigonus), i.e. Tengchong in western Yunnan, China.

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FIGURE 25. Holotype (A) and isotype (B–D) sheets of Ranunculus trigonus var. strigonus. A. Inset: carpels with long, recurved styles.













