Promalactis vulvida Wang, Du & Li, 2013

Wang, Shuxia, Du, Zhaohui & Li, Houhun, 2013, Taxonomic study of the genus Promalactis Meyrick, 1908 from Southeast Asia (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae), Zootaxa 3669 (4), pp. 401-455 : 433-434

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scientific name

Promalactis vulvida Wang, Du & Li

sp. nov.

Promalactis vulvida Wang, Du & Li , sp. nov.

( Figs 28 View FIGURES 25–34 , 59 View FIGURES 59–62 )

Type material: Holotype ♂, THAILAND, Doi Suthep-Pui (18°49'N, 98°56'E), Chiang Mai, 1440 m, 22−23.ix.1986, leg. G. S. Robinson, BM 1986−299, genitalia slide No. BMNH-33549 ( BMNH). GoogleMaps

Description. Imago ( Fig. 28 View FIGURES 25–34 ) with wingspan 9.5 mm. Head with vertex shining grayish white, frons yellowish brown, occiput dark brown mixed with white. Labial palpus with basal and second segments grayish black; third segment relatively thick, shorter than second, black except basal 1/3 and apex white. Antenna with scape white except black at apex, pecten dark brown; flagellum white and black on dorsal surface, dark brown on ventral surface. Thorax and tegula ochreous brown. Forewing yellowish brown, markings white edged with black scales: costal margin black along basal 1/5, with a large triangular patch beyond middle extending posteriorly to midwing, with black scales laterally; fold with a very short streak at base, with a short longitudinal streak from above middle extending to basal 1/3 of Sc vein, with a short streak from distal 1/5 to lower angle of cell; three streaks arising from dorsal margin: first one from basal 1/5 to near base of fold, second one arched inward, from basal 1/3 extending to 2/5 of fold, third one from 3/5 obliquely extending to 2/3 of fold; tornus with an ill-defined circular gray spot, its outer margin with dense black scales; apex with a large triangular white patch, with denser black scales on inside stretching to middle; cilia yellowish brown, gray along distal part of dorsal margin, mixed with black scales at base from distal part of dorsal margin to middle of termen, white at tornus. Hindwing and cilia gray. Foreleg black, tibia with white spot at base and middle on dorsal surface, with a tuft of short white scales at apex, tarsus with white spots on dorsal surface; midleg with tibia and tarsus yellow on ventral surface, black on dorsal surface, tibia with a white spot at base, with tuft of long white scales at middle and apex on dorsal surface, tarsus with white spots on dorsal surface; hindleg yellow, tarsus black with white spots on dorsal surface.

Male genitalia ( Fig. 59 View FIGURES 59–62 ). Uncus with basal 2/5 broadly rounded, with a long and strong seta at basal 1/3 laterally, distal 3/5 slender, finger-like, narrowly rounded at apex. Gnathos broad, tongue shaped, rounded at apex, about 2/3 length of uncus; lateral arms very thin, about 1/2 length of gnathos. Tegumen projected at posterior 1/3 laterally, branched from near posterior margin, obliquely truncate anteriorly, with two large sub-triangular posterolateral processes. Valva short, narrow at base, broadened distally; apex widened in broad V shape, forming two processes: dorsal process large, broad, subtriangular, with a strong ventral spine before apex, which extends basally into valva in a narrow band; ventral process small, thumb-like, narrowly rounded at apex, with a cluster of short, fine spines dorso-distally; costa narrow, sclerotized, slightly broadened near apex, apex pointed and setose. Sacculus narrow. Saccus long and narrow, digitate, about 1.8 x length of uncus, narrowly rounded apically. Juxta narrow at base, gradually broadened to 1/4, distal 3/4 nearly parallel, broadly folded inward laterally; apex rounded, reaching middle of tegumen. Aedeagus straight, slightly broader at basal 1/5, with a long, slightly curved subapical spine; cornutus absent.

Female unknown.

Diagnosis. This new species is similar to P. tricuspidata Wang & Li, 2004 , but can be separated by the valva with dorso-apical process having a strong ventral spine extending basally into valva in a narrow band, the juxta with distal 3/4 nearly parallel laterally and not bifurcate, and the aedeagus with a long subapical spine in the male genitalia. In P. tricuspidata , the dorso-apical process has no spine, the juxta is bifurcate distally, and the aedeagus has a hooked subapical process in the male genitalia.

Distribution. Thailand (Chiang Mai).

Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin vulv- (= fold) and the adjective postfix -idus, referring to the juxta folding inward laterally in the male genitalia.













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