Sinoperlodes zhouchangfai Chen, 2020

Chen, Zhi-Teng, 2020, Sinoperlodes, a new genus of subfamily Perlodinae (Plecoptera, Perlodidae) from coastal southeastern China, Zootaxa 4779 (4), pp. 584-594 : 588-593

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Plazi (2020-05-22 09:03:35, last updated 2024-11-24 21:18:40)

scientific name

Sinoperlodes zhouchangfai Chen

sp. nov.

Sinoperlodes zhouchangfai Chen View in CoL , sp. nov.

Figs. 1–10 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 View FIGURE 9 View FIGURE 10 .

Adult habitus ( Figs. 1–3 View FIGURE 1 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 ). Head mostly dark brown, with scattered yellow pattern. Triocellate; anterior ocellus smaller than posterior ones, with a V-shaped anterior marking; each posterior ocellus with a pale lateral stripe, con- nected with yellow band behind each eye; interocellar area brown with an oval, yellow spot; occiput yellow with triangular medial yellow spot, two dark brown rugose areas extended to epicranial arms. Submental gills reduced. Antennae dark brown and slender, subequal in length to the body. Pronotum subquadrate, corners obtuse, generally dark brown except for the pale median stripe. Meso- and metanota mostly dark brown, median area pale; arms of the mesosternal ridge reaching posterior corners of the furcal pits, suture between basisternum and furcasternum indistinct. Macropterous in females but slightly shortened in the male, wings exceed abdominal apex. Wings dark brown, veins pale brown with unpigmented margins. Legs banded; femora and tarsi each with one pale area; tibiae with two pale areas; joints dark. Abdominal terga mostly dark brown; segments 1–5 divided into distinct terga and sterna by lateral pleural folds, segment 6 partially divided. Cerci slender, subequal in length to the abdomen, basal half pale, apical half brown, each segment with long bristles.

Male ( Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 , 3–8 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 View FIGURE 6 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8 ). Body length ca. 12.5 mm; forewing length ca. 10 mm, hindwing length 9 mm. In the forewing, apical half with net-like, complex venation formed by apical branches of Sc, RA, RP, M, CuA and CuP; approximate ten crossveins present between C and Sc; anal area with six apical branches. In the hind wing, the apical net with fewer cells than forewing; anal area large, with 12 anal branches.

Abdominal terga and sterna mostly dark brown; sterna 1–7 each with a diffuse pale spot medially, reducing in size to sternum 7. Terga 7–8 without conspicuous humps at posterior half, covered by dense sharp spines; tergum 8 with a pale median area bearing short spines. Tergum 9 with a pale anteromedial area bearing short spines, covered by dense sharp spines. Tergum 10 entire, moderately elevated at posterior half, posterior margin with an unelevated, small transverse membrane; anteromedial area pale with a fusiform median sclerite; posterior half covered with dense stout sensilla basiconica and sharp spines. Paraproct sclerites mostly covered by tergum 10, dorsal half weakly sclerotized with sparse bristles, ventral half darkly sclerotized with dense bristles; the eversible paraproct lobe short, elliptical in shape, apex rounded, with shallow scales and spinules anteriorly. The everted aedeagus membranous, apically with a large lobe which composed of five main posterior lobes and two slender lateral lobes.

Female ( Figs. 2 View FIGURE 2 , 9 View FIGURE 9 ). Body length ca. 14.5 mm, color pattern generally similar to male. In the forewing, apical half with net-like, complex venation formed by apical branches of Sc, RA, RP, M, CuA and CuP; approximate 11 crossveins present between C and Sc; anal area with seven apical branches. In the hind wing, the apical net with fewer cells than forewing; anal area large, with 13 anal branches. Abdominal terga 1–8 with pale brown median areas, each segment with four small dark pits. Abdominal sterna mostly pale, sterna 2–5 with dark lateral sclerites. Sternum 8 with two large dark anterior sclerites. Subgenital plate originating from half-length of sternum 8, covering sternum 9. The subgenital plate broad and near elliptical, covered by short bristles, anterolateral margins sclerotized, lateral margins straight, posterior margin slightly arched. Sternum 9 with three dark oval spots, one of which present beneath the subgenital plate.

Type material. Holotype: male, China: Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou City, Tianmu Mountain, Tianmu Stream ( Fig. 10A View FIGURE 10 ), 30.3604 N, 119.4434 E, 580 m, 5 April 2020, leg. Zhi-Teng Chen (ICJUST) GoogleMaps . Paratypes: four females, same locality and data as holotype (ICJUST).

Etymology. The species is named in honor of Prof. Chang-Fa Zhou (Nanjing Normal University) who has provided generous academic help to the author.

Remarks. Egg morphology provide useful taxonomic characters for the Perlodinae ( Stark & Szczytko 1984) , but no mature eggs were found in the newly emerged females available to us. Most specimens of S. zhouchangfai were collected at night on a handrail near the habitat stream, when a light trap was set nearby ( Fig. 10B View FIGURE 10 ). Only one female was found in the daytime, resting in shadow between rocks in the stream ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 C–E). According to the sex ratio of the obtained specimens and the failure of obtaining any relevant larval specimens in a series of sampling sites along the habitat stream, we speculated the peak time of adult emergence was in March.

Stark, B. P. & Szczytko, S. W. (1984) Egg morphology and classification of Perlodinae (Plecoptera: Perlodidae). Annales de Limnologie, 20, 99 - 104. https: // doi. org / 10.1051 / limn / 1984029

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FIGURE 1. Sinoperlodes zhouchangfai gen. et sp. nov., A. male habitus, dorsal view; B. male habitus, ventral view.

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FIGURE 2. Sinoperlodes zhouchangfai gen. et sp. nov., A. female habitus, dorsal view; B. female habitus, ventral view.

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FIGURE 3. Sinoperlodes zhouchangfai gen. et sp. nov., A. male head and thorax, dorsal view; B. male head and thorax, ventral view; the posterior corners of furcal pits indicated by black arrowheads.

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FIGURE 4. Sinoperlodes zhouchangfai gen. et sp. nov., A. left forewing of male, dorsal view; B. left hind wing of male, dorsal view; C–D. left forewing and left hind wing of male, original color; E. right forewing of female, dorsal view; F. right hind wing of female, dorsal view. Sc, subcosta; RA, anterior radius; RP, posterior radius; M, media; CuA, anterior cubitus; CuP, posterior cubitus; A1, first anal vein, and so forth for other anal veins. Apical branches of anal veins indicated by short lines.

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FIGURE 5. Sinoperlodes zhouchangfai gen. et sp. nov., A. male abdomen, dorsal view; B. male abdomen, lateral view; C. male abdomen, ventral view. Numbers of abdominal segments indicated for each segment.

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FIGURE 6. Sinoperlodes zhouchangfai gen. et sp. nov., A–B. male terminalia, dorsal view; C. male terminalia, ventral view; C. male terminalia, lateral view; D. male abdominal terga 7–10, dorsolateral view; shape of spines or sensilla basiconica illustrated above each tergum.

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FIGURE 7. Sinoperlodes zhouchangfai gen. et sp. nov., A. right paraproct lobe of male, ventral view; B. right paraproct lobe of male, dorsal view.

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FIGURE 8. Sinoperlodes zhouchangfai gen. et sp. nov., aedeagus, A. dorsal view; B. ventral view; C. drawing in dorsal view; D. drawing in lateral view; E–F. dorsolateral view.

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FIGURE 9. Sinoperlodes zhouchangfai gen. et sp. nov., A. female abdomen, dorsal view; B. female abdomen, ventral view. Numbers of abdominal segments indicated for each segment.

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FIGURE 10. Sinoperlodes zhouchangfai gen. et sp. nov., A. habitat stream in Tianmu mountain; B–C. sites of the collected specimens, indicated by red arrowheads; D–E. female habitus when alive.













