Myrmica rugulosa Nyl. var. minuta Karawajew, 1929b: 206

Martynov, Alexander V. & Radchenko, Alexander G., 2016, Karawajew’s ant type specimens (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the National Museum of Natural History of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Zootaxa 4097 (2), pp. 244-254 : 248-249

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Plazi (2016-03-31 08:29:33, last updated 2023-10-24 23:57:19)

scientific name

Myrmica rugulosa Nyl. var. minuta Karawajew, 1929b: 206


Myrmica rugulosa Nyl. var. minuta Karawajew, 1929b: 206 View in CoL , w, m. Junior primary homonym of Myrmica minuta Say, 1836: 294 and Myrmica laevinodis var. minuta Ruzsky, 1905: 670 . Replacement name: Myrmica constricta Karawajew, 1934: 74 .

Current status: Myrmica constricta (see also Note below).

Type locality(-ies): “Umgegend von Kiew, jenseits des Dnjepr, Kiefernwald hinter der Nikolskaja Slobodka, 1.VIII.1919 (Nr. 2770), W. Karawajew, ww und einige mm aus dem Nest”.

Original Karawajew label(-s): “ Myrmica (Myrmica) / rugulosa var. slobo- / densis Karav. / Никольск. слоб. бл. / Киева. Караваев [= Nikolskaya Slobodka near Kiev Karawajew], 2770” (see also Fig. 5 View FIGURES 1 – 5 ).

Material: SYNTYPES, 12 w (newly mounted, IN 314/6/2), 621 w (in alcohol, IN 314/ BAMS 1/Karaw52, 53).

Notes. The name M. rugulosa var. minuta Karawajew, 1929b was preoccupied and Karawajew (1934) proposed the replacement name M. rugulosa var. constricta . Simultaneously Arnoldi (1934) also gave the replacement name var. slobodensis for Karawajew’s var. minuta , referring it to “Karavajev 1932,” Most probably Arnoldi expected that a paper by Karawajew would be published in 1932 using this name because he had discussed the matter with Karawajew and in private correspondence (see Karawajew 1936: 274). Later Karawajew (1936) believed that Arnoldi’s name slobodensis had priority and used it instead constricta . However, Arnoldi’s (1934) name Myrmica rugulosa rugulosa var. slobodensis is unavailable (quadrinomen) and therefore the first available use of the name M. rugulosa var. slobodensis was made by Karawajew (1936). Consequently, the name M. rugulosa var. constricta Karawajew, 1934 has priority over slobodensis and the latter must be considered as an unnecessary proposed replacement name. Later Arnoldi considered var. slobodensis (= constricta ) to be a junior synonym of M. rugulosa ( Arnoldi 1970; see also Radchenko 1994), whereas Radchenko (2009) believed it to be a synonym of M. hellenica Finzi. Most recently, Seifert et al. (2009) showed that M. constricta is morphologically distinct from M. hellenica and can be considered as a good species (see also Radchenko & Elmes 2010).

Arnoldi, K. V. (1934) Studien uber die Systematik der Ameisen. VIII. Vorlaufige Ergebnisse einer biometrischen Untersuchung einiger Myrmica - Arten aus dem europaischen Teile der USSR. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, 6 (2), 151 - 174.

Arnoldi, K. V. (1970) A review of the ants of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the European part of the USSR. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 49, 1829 - 1844. [in Russian]

Karawajew, W. (1929 b) Myrmecologische Fragmente. II. Trudy Fizychno-Matematychnogo Viddilu Vseukrains'kej Akademiyi Nauk, 13 (1), 205 - 220.

Karawajew, W. O. (1934) The fauna of the family Formicidae (ants) of Ukraine. Pt. 1. Trudy Instytutu Zoologii ta Biologii Vseukrainskoi Akademii Nauk. Ser. 1 - a. Pratsi z systematyky ta faunistyky, 1 - 164. [in Ukrainian]

Karawajew, W. O. (1936) The fauna of the family Formicidae (ants) of Ukraine. Pt. 2. Trudy Instytutu Zoologii ta Biologii Vseukrainskoi Akademii Nauk. Ser. 1 - a. Pratsi z systematyky ta faunistyky, 165 - 316. [in Ukrainian]

Radchenko, A. G. (1994) A review of the scabrinodis- group species of the genus Myrmica (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Central and Eastern Palaearctic. Zoologichesky Zhurnal, 73 (9), 75 - 82. [in Russian]

Radchenko, A. G. (2009) New data on taxonomy and distribution of the ants Myrmica hellenica and Myrmica vandeli (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). Vestnik Zoologii, 43, 69 - 72. [in Russian]

Radchenko, A. & Elmes, G. W. (2010) Myrmica ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Old World. Fauna Mundi, Vol. 3. Natura Optima Dux Foundation, Warszawa, 789 pp.

Ruzsky, M. (1905) The ants of Russia (Formicariae Imperii Rossici). Systematics, geography and data on the biology of Russian ants. Part I. Trudy Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelej pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitete, 38 (4 - 6), 1 - 800. [in Russian]

Say, T. (1836) Descriptions of new species of North American Hymenoptera, and observations on some already described. Journal of Natural History, 1, 209 - 305.

Seifert, B., Schlick-Steiner, B. & Steiner, F. (2009) Myrmica constricta Karavaiev, 1934 - a cryptic species of Myrmica hellenica Finzi, 1926 (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Soil Organisms, 81, 53 - 76.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1 – 5. Examples of original vials and labels from the Karawajew’s ant collection: 1 — original vials; 2 – 5 — original labels of the type material.











