Campylocera caudata ( Hendel, 1914 ), 2016

Korneyev, V. A., 2016, New Taxa And Synonymy In The Family Pyrgotidae (Diptera Tephritoidea) Ii Subtribe Adapsiliina And Afrotropical Campylocera, Vestnik Zoologii 50 (3), pp. 195-218 : 211-214

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Felipe (2022-04-12 16:06:53, last updated by GgImagineBatch 2022-04-12 16:13:14)

scientific name

Campylocera caudata ( Hendel, 1914 )

comb. n.

Campylocera caudata ( Hendel, 1914) , comb. n. ( fig. 18–21)

Hypotyphla caudata Hendel, 1914: 99 ; Steyskal, 1980: 559. — Lygiohypotyphla hyalipennis Vanschuytbroeck, 1963: 43 ; Steyskal, 1980: 559, syn. n. — Lygiohypotyphla ruwenzoriensis Vanschuytbroeck, 1963: 45 ; Steyskal, 1980: 559, syn. n.

M a t e r i a l. Type. Holotype ♀ Hypotyphla caudata : [ Ghana]: “ Obuasi / Ashanti / W. Africa / 14. VIII. 1907 / Dr. W. M. Graham / 1908–245”, “Caught on leave of hedge 6 p. m.”, “ Hypotyphla /caucata H. / det. Hendel ”, “Type ♀ ” [red-boarded circle], “Holo- / type” [red-boarded circle], “ Holotype Hypotyphla caudata Hendel verified by J. E. Chainey, 2002”, “BMNH (E) # 252204” ( BMNH).

Holotype Ơ Lygiohypotyphla hyalipennis: DR Congo: [ Virunga National Park ] “S[outh of] L[ake] Edouard: R[iver] Rwindi / (1000 m) 4-II-1936 / L. Lippens / Parc National Albert”, “ Vanschuytbroeck det., 195… / Lygiohypotyphla / hyalipennis n. sp. ”, “ HOLOTYPUS ” [orange label with frame], “Type” [pink label with frame], “ Campylocera caudata Hendel V. Korneyev det. 2006” ( MRAC) . Paratypes Lygiohypotyphla hyalipennis: DR Congo : 1 ♀, “Musée du Congo / Semliki: Mutwanga / Beni, 1932 / Dr Van Hoof”, “ Lygiohypotyphla ♀ / hyalipennis n. sp. / Dr. M. Aczél det. 19…”, “INST. M. LILLO / Preparación № 246 — W”, “ Vanschuytbroeck det., 195… / Lygiohypotyphla / hyalipennis n. sp. ”, “ PARATYPUS ” [orange label with frame] ( MRAC) ; 1 ♀, “ Congo belge, P. [arc] N. [ational de la] G. [aramba] / Miss. H. De Saeger / II/fd/17, 27-VIII-[19]52 / H. De Saeger. 3983”, “Para- / type” [orange label], “ Campylocera caudata Hendel V. Korneyev det. 2006” ( KBIN) .

Holotype Ơ Lygiohypotyphla ruwenzoriensis: DR Congo: [ Virunga National Park ] “ Congo Belge: P. [arc] N. [ational] A. [lbert] / 16-XI-1957 / P. Vanschuytbroeck / VS-230a”, “Massif Ruwenzori / Vallée Mont Mulungu / 2.400 m ”, “ Vanschuytbroeck det., 195… / Lygiohypotyphla / ruwenzoriensis n. sp. ”, “prep. No 67”, “ HOLOTYPUS ” [orange label with frame], “Type” [pink label with frame], “ Campylocera caudata Hendel V. Korneyev det. 2006” ( MRAC) . Paratype ♀: DR Congo: [ Virunga National Park ], “ Congo Belge: P. [arc] N. [ational] A. [lbert] / 29-VIII-1956 / P. Vanschuytbroeck / VS 488”, “Massif Ruwenzori / riv. Lume (moyenne) / affl. Semliki / 1.830 m ”, “ Vanschuytbroeck det., 195… / Lygiohypotyphla / ruwenzoriensis n. sp. ♀ ”, “Para- / type” [orange label], “ Campylocera caudata Hendel V. Korneyev det. 2006” ( KBIN) .

Non-type. [ Ghana]: “///Obuasi / 7.1907 / c[aptured] on bath near lamp 8 p. m. Dr. W. M. Graham ”, “Pres. Com. Inst. Ent. B. M. 1957 — 303”, 1 ♀ ( BMNH) . Cameroon: Balgom , rég. Ramoun ( MHNP) . Uganda: Ankole , Kichwamba, 1– 5.05.1968, 2 ♀ (P. J. Spangler) ( USNM) ; Kikondo Forest , 0.34755° S, 31.87017º E, h = 1153 m, forest near Lake Victoria, Malaise trap, 25.04– 9.05.2007, 1 Ơ, 1 ♀, 23.05– 6.06.2007, 1 Ơ (R. Copeland) ( NMKE) GoogleMaps .

D i a g n o s i s. C. caudata is a peculiar, moderately large (wing length 7.5– 12 mm) species with long abdomen in both sexes; it can be differentiated from other species of the genus from the combination of entirely reddish yellow body, elongate pedicel, long, apically bluntly rounded and parallel-sided flagellomere 1, short and blunt, subshining ocellar triangle with 2 ocellar setae, parafacial narrower than flagellomere 1; prosternum with 4–5 short setulae, proepisternum with 5–6 setae; scapular seta twice as long as setulae; presutural supra-alar seta present or lacking; scutellum with 4 setae, short setulose; wing slightly darkened along anterior margin and crossvein dm-cu or entirely hyaline with grey microtrichia; vein R 2+3 without or rarely with very short stump vein, vein R 4+5 dorsally often with 3–7 setulae at base ( fig. 18, 3); femora ventrally moderately short setose, with subbasal ventral (longest) seta longer than femur width ( fig. 18, 8–10); apicoventral setae moderathely thickened; female mid coxa with 2 thickened setae laterally and comb of 10–15 thick black setae medioventrally (brown ciliae in male); hind coxa with dense, thickened and short black setae forming flat brush ( fig. 18, 7) (in male with numerous thin brown setulae — fig. 21, 6); female abdomen long, with wide sternites ( fig. 19, 6); oviscape long and narrow, curved anteroventrally ( fig. 18, 19, 5), more than 1.4× as long as abdominal tergites combined and without sclerotized lobes or long sensillar brushes or combs at its apical aperture; aculeus ( fig. 19, 7) elongate, slightly longer than oviscape width at aperture ( fig. 19, 5). Male abdomen long, with narrow sternites ( fig. 19, 1); genitalia ( fig. 19, 2–4): epandrium globose, bare, cerci moderately short, long setose ( fig. 19, 2), inner and outer surstyli long, bar-like, attached anteroventrally and directed posteriorly, outer surstyli short spinulose as in most Adapsiliina , and inner surstyli with numerous apico-ventral setulae, but without prensisetae ( fig. 19, 3); vanes of phallapodeme delta-like, basally widened ( fig. 19, 2); phallus glans as on fig. 19, 4.

It shares narrow parafacial, shape of antenna, long scapular seta, lacking presutural supra-alar seta, 4 scutellar setae and very long and narrow oviscape with C. gracilis and C. loewi , differing from them by larger size, and much more setulose mid and hind coxa (in females C. gracilis and C. loewi at most with sparse setulae).

R e m a r k. Vanschuytbroeck (1963) described Lygiohypotyphla hyalipennis ( fig. 20) and L. ruwenzoriensis ( fig. 21) based on series of males and females from Ruwenzori (North- Eastern Congo) without a comparison with C. caudata or to each other. Th ey show no essential differences except some variation in size and coloration (some specimens are either teneral or pinned after keeping in alcohol). Vestiture of femora shows certain variability even among specimens from Eastern Africa (thin, long and dense setulae in larger females and moderately long and less conspicuous in smaller specimens). Otherwise, all the Eastern African specimens do not show any essential differences from the specimens from Ghana and Cameroon and I consider them conspecific, and establish synonymy as given above.

The nominal genus Hypotyphlina Enderlein, 1942 syn. n. is considered a part of Campylocera and is synonymized with the latter, as well as closely related Hypotyphla .

Enderlein, G. 1942. Klassifikation der Pyrgotiden. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschenden Freunde zu Berlin, (1941) (2), 98 - 134.

Hendel, F. 1914. Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Pyrgotinen. Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 79 A (11) (1913), 77 - 117 + 1 Taf.

Steyskal, G. C. 1980. 42. Family Pyrgotidae. In: Crosskey, R. W., ed. A catalogue of the Diptera of the Afrotropical Region. British Museum (Natural History), London, 556 - 562.

Vanschuytbroeck, P. 1963. Pyrgotidae (Diptera Otitoidea). Institut des Parcs Nationaux du Congo et du Rwanda, Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba, Miss. H. De Saeger, 38, 1 - 76.


Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale


Museum d'Histoire Naturelle Perpignan


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


National Museum of Kenya











