Verruconis guizhouensis Q.Y. Shao, Y.F. Han & Z.Q. Liang, 2022

Shao, Qiu-Yu, Ren, Yu-Lian, Chen, Wan-Hao, Liang, Jian-Dong, Zhang, Yan-Wei, Liang, Zong- Qi & Han, Yan-Feng, 2022, Verruconis guizhouensis sp. nov. (Sympoventuriaceae, Venturiales) from soil in China, Phytotaxa 572 (3), pp. 259-267 : 263-264

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.572.3.4


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scientific name

Verruconis guizhouensis Q.Y. Shao, Y.F. Han & Z.Q. Liang

sp. nov.

Verruconis guizhouensis Q.Y. Shao, Y.F. Han & Z.Q. Liang View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Figure 2 View FIGURE 2 )

MycoBank No.: MB844571

Type: — CHINA. Guizhou Province, Guiyang City , the rhizosphere soil of potted Viola philippica (N 26°44′, E 106°67′), October 2019, Q. Y. Shao, dried holotype HMAS 351906 View Materials , ex-holotype CGMCC 3.20874 View Materials (= GZUIFR 22.026) .

Colonies at 25 °C after 14 d: on PDA, the diameter attaining 20 mm, floccose at center, felty at periphery, brown aerial mycelium; reverse dark brown. On MEA, the diameter attaining 19 mm, velvety, yellowish-brown aerial mycelium, with radial folds or somewhat crateriform; reverse dark brown to almost black, with brown pigment exuded into the agar. On OA, the diameter attaining 17 mm, floccose at center, velvety at periphery, brown to fuliginous aerial mycelium; reverse dark brown, with ochreous pigment exuded into the agar. Vegetative hyphae pale brown, smooth or occasionally verrucose, 1.5–3.0 μm wide, thickened walls, branched, composed of septate. Conidiophores arising from vegetative hyphae, smooth or occasionally verrucose, thick-walled, pale brown, straight or flexuous, simple or occasionally sparsely branched, 0–3-septate, 5–35 × 1.5–2.5 μm. Conidiogenous cells, flask-shaped to cylindrical, 3–12.5 × 1.5–2.5 μm, mostly bearing one conidium, occasionally sympodial and producing conidia on denticles, rhexolytic conidial secession. Conidia ellipsoidal, sometimes ovoidal, subhyaline when immature, pale brown to olivaceous-brown at maturity, coarsely verrucose, thick-walled, 1-septate, darkened and slightly constricted at the septa, 5–10.5 × 3–5 μm (x̅ = 8 × 4 μm, n = 30), often asymmetric, basal cell wider than apical cell. Intercalary conidia are borne on the vegetative hyphae, solitary, ellipsoidal, pale brown to olivaceous-brown, thick-walled, 1-septate, constricted and darkened at the septum, 7.5–11 × 3.5–5 μm (x̅ = 9 × 4 μm, n = 30). Sexual morph not observed.

Etymology:— guizhouense, referring to Guizhou Province where the type locality was situated.

Additional specimens examined:— CHINA, Guizhou Province, Guiyang City, Guizhou University , N 26°44′, E 106°67′, from rhizosphere soil of potted medicinal plant Viola philippica , October 2019, Q.Y. Shao. The dried cultures GZAC 22.057 About GZAC and GZAC 22.058 About GZAC and their living cultures GZUIFR 22.057 and GZUIFR 22.058 deposited in the Institute of Fungus Resources, Guizhou University, China ( GZAC). The living cultures were kept in sterile 30% glycerol and deposited in a -80°C freezer .

Geographical distribution:— Guizhou Province, China.

Notes:— Phylogenetically, the new species is closely related to the clade contains V. verruculosa , V. terricola and V. thailandica ( Figure 1 View FIGURE 1 ). Verruconis guizhouensis is morphologically similar to these three species in having brown, 1-septate, constricted at the septum, verrucose conidia, but some subtle morphological characters may help to differentiate. For example, V. verruculosa has oblong conidia with the rounded ends ( Samerpitak et al. 2014), V. terricola has broadly ellipsoidal conidia with the distal end obtuse and proximal end slightly tapered ( Shen et al. 2020), and V. thailandica has broadly ellipsoidal conidia with a protuberant hilum and sometimes with a wing-like gelatinous brown sheath ( Hernández-Restrepo et al. 2020). Verruconis guizhouensis differs from these three species in that it has intercalary conidia and ovoidal conidia. Morphological and molecular phylogenetic results indicated that these isolates are a new species in the genus Verruconis , described here as V. guizhouensis .


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