Macropygium bifidum (Westwood, 1837), 2021

Silva, Layse Mitsue Harada Da & Campos, Luiz Alexandre, 2021, Revision of Macropygium Spinola, 1837 (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae: Ochlerini) with the revalidation of three species and the description of one new species, Zootaxa 4958 (1), pp. 605-627 : 619

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Plazi (2021-04-15 08:51:38, last updated 2024-11-27 08:28:19)

scientific name

Macropygium bifidum (Westwood, 1837)

comb. nov.

Macropygium bifidum (Westwood, 1837) , NEW COMBINATION

( Figs 2A–B View FIGURE 2 ; 4I–L View FIGURE 4 ; 5G–I, S–U View FIGURE 5 ; 6C View FIGURE 6 ; 7C View FIGURE 7 ; 10 View FIGURE 10 ; 12 View FIGURE 12 ; Table 1 View TABLE 1 )

Pentatoma bifida Westwood, 1837 in Hope, 1837: 43 NEW SYNONYMY (removed from the synonymy with M. reticulare ).

Type specimen ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 ): Pentatoma bifida Westwood, 1837 , holotype female, collection site unknown ( OUMNH). Labels: TYPE HEM: 249 / PENTATOMA / BIFIDA WESTOOD / HOPE DEPT. OXFORD // Macropygium / reticulare / Fabr. // TYPE. / = = / WESTW. ( HOPE) / C. Hemipt. 1837 / Part I, page 43 / Distant, P.Z.S., / 1900, p. 807-825.

Distribution: Bolivia, Paraguay ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 ).

Material examined: BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz, Saavedra , 27♀, 12♂, 1959 ( FSCA), [-17.25277777778 - 63.211466666667] ; Santa Cruz, 2♂, 1960 ( FSCA); 1♀, 1973 ( DAR), [-17.8 -63.1666666667 ]. PARAGUAY, San Pedro, 1♂, 1989 ( JEE) .

Diagnosis. Antennae five-segmented, first and second antennomeres subequal in length; conical projection of ventral rim of pygophore bifurcate at apex; lateral angles of valvifers VIII little projected, not attaining the imaginary line connecting the mesial thrichobotria of urosternite VII.

Male. Genitalia: conical projection of ventral rim of pygophore bifurcate at apex; posterolateral angles acute, medial projection of posterolateral angles directed dorsoposteriorly, attaining the level of the dorsal limit of segment X in lateral view; lateral projection of dorsal rim thin, spine like, dorsal to the posterolateral angle, and partially covering the medial projection; segment X slightly higher than wide in posterior view, and longer than wide in ventral view ( Fig. 4I–L View FIGURE 4 ); parameres short, apical projection short and truncate, covered by long setae; largest axis of head equals half the length of stem ( Fig. 5G–I View FIGURE 5 ); vesica without lateral projections; ductus seminis distalis slender, middle portion twisted ( Fig. 5S–U View FIGURE 5 ).

Female. Genitalia: Valvifers VIII longer than wide, lateral angles little projected, not covering all the basal portion of laterotergites IX, reaching the level of a line connecting the mesial thrichobotria of urosternite VII; lateral margins of valvifers VIII reaching the laterotergites VIII; laterotergites IX with mid-lateral depression ( Fig. 6C View FIGURE 6 ). Folds of valvulae IX with few villi, conical microsculptures conspicuous; thickening of vaginal intima translucent; ring sclerites half the diameter of orificium receptaculi, this almost the width of the vaginal intima ( Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ).

Comments. Macropygium bifidum is known only from Bolivia ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 ), with an overlapping distribution with M. reticulare and M. spinolae . The pygophore in M bifidum is easily differentiated from M. reticulare and M. spinolae by the bifid apex of the conical projection in the ventral rim ( Fig. 4I View FIGURE 4 ), and by the slender segment X with subparallel lateral margins ( Fig. 4I, J View FIGURE 4 ). The conical projection and the segment X in M. graziae ( Fig. 4M, N View FIGURE 4 ) are similar to M. bifidum , but in M. graziae the lateral projections of the dorsal rim are broad and placed apart from the posterolateral angles of the pygophore ( Fig. 4O View FIGURE 4 ), while spine-like and close to the posterolateral angles in M. bifidum ( Fig. 4K View FIGURE 4 ). Female genital plates in M. bifidum are similar to M. reticulare and M. spinolae , as discussed in the comments made to M. reticulare . The valvifers VIII in M. bifidum are narrower than M. spinolae , not covering the limits between the laterotergites VIII and IX ( Fig. 6B, C View FIGURE 6 ). The valvifers VIII in M. bifidum are relatively longer than M. reticulare , surpassing posteriorly an imaginary line connecting the spiracles in laterotergtes VIII by at least twice the spiracle diameter ( Fig. 6C View FIGURE 6 ).

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FIGURE 2. Dorsal view of Macropygium species (female and male, respectively). Macropygium bifidum (Westwood, 1837) (A–B); Macropygium graziae Silva & Campos, sp. nov. (C–D, paratype and holotype respectively).

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FIGURE 4. Pygophore of Macropygium species, ventral, dorsal, lateral, and posterior view, respectively. Macropygium reticulare (Fabricius, 1803) (A–D); Macropygium spinolae Stål, 1860 (E–H); Macropygium bifidum (Westwood, 1837) (I–L), Macropygium graziae Silva & Campos, sp. nov. (M–P, holotype). Abbreviations: cp, conical projection; lp, lateral projections of dorsal rim; pl, posterolateral angles; ppla, medial projection of the posterolateral angle; par, paramere; X, segment X.

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FIGURE 5. Paramere ventral, lateral, and dorsal view, respectively (A–L), and phallus dorsal, lateral, and ventral view, respectively (M–Y) of Macropygium species. Figure O is slightly slanted to the left to show the projection of phallotheca. Macropygium reticulare (Fabricius, 1803) (A–C, M–O); Macropygium spinolae Stål, 1860 (D–F, P–R); Macropygium bifidum (Westwood, 1837) (G–I, S–U); Macropygium graziae Silva & Campos, sp. nov. (J–L, W–Y). Abbreviations: ap, apical projection; ds, ductus seminis distalis; mp, medial projection; ph, phallotheca; pp, projection of phallotheca; sap, second apical projection; v, vesica.

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FIGURE 6. Female genital plates of Macropygium species, ventroposterior view. Macropygium reticulare (Fabricius, 1803) (A); Macropygium spinolae Stål, 1860 (B); Macropygium bifidum (Westwood, 1837) (C); Macropygium graziae Silva & Campos, sp. nov. (D); Macropygium subsulcatum (Amyot & Serville, 1843) (E). Abbreviations: laIX, laterotergite IX; laVIII, laterotergite VIII; vfIX, valvifer IX; vfVIII, valvifer VIII; VII, urosternite VII; X, segment X.

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FIGURE 7. Female internal genitalia of Macropygium species, ventral view. Macropygium reticulare (Fabricius, 1803) (A), Macropygium spinolae Stål, 1860 (B), Macropygium bifidum (Westwood, 1837) (C), Macropygium graziae Silva & Campos, sp. nov. (D). Abbreviations: cs, capsula seminalis; dr, ductus recptaculi; er, ring sclerites; id, internal duct of the vesicular area; laIX, laterotergite IX; md, median duct of the vesicular area; vaIX, valvulae IX; vfIX, valvifers IX; vi, vagina intima; pi, pars intermedialis; pr, processes of capsula seminalis.

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FIGURE 10. Holotype of Pentatoma bifida Westwood, 1837 [=Macropygium bifidum (Westwood, 1837)]. Dorsal, ventral, and lateral view, respectively (A–C), genital plates in ventroposterior view (D), labels (E). All images are copyright by © Oxford University Museum of Natural History. All rights reserved.

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FIGURE 12. Distribution map of Macropygium reticulare (Fabricius, 1803), Macropygium bifidum (Westwood, 1837), and Macropygium subsulcatum (Amyot & Serville, 1843).


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Plant Pathology Herbarium











