Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards, 1853

Kamanli, Seyit A., Morritt, David, Ball, Alexander D., Goral, Tomasz & Clark, Paul F., 2018, Re-description of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards, 1853 (Crustacea: Brachyura: Grapsoidea: Varunidae) zoeal development using confocal laser scanning microscopy, Zootaxa 4507 (1), pp. 1-67 : 6-20

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Plazi (2020-03-17 20:49:54, last updated 2020-03-17 20:52:03)

scientific name

Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards, 1853


Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards, 1853

Figs. 1 ̄ 52

Schnakenbeck 1926: 352, fig. (ZI), 1933: 157, figs. 46̅66 (PZ, ZI); Hinrichs & Grell 1937: 217, Abb. 1̅3 (ZV); Buhk 1938: 776, Abb. 3̅5 (ZI̅V); Panning 1939a: 273, Abb. 1̅11 (ZI̅IV), 1939b: 361, fig. 2 (ZI); André 1947: 35, figs. 2̅5 (ZI,); Liang et al. 1974: 67, figs. 1̅63 (ZI̅V); Ingle 1986: 101, fig. 1 (ZI), 1991: 248̅250, figs. 1.10n; 1.14d; 1.18f; 1.22g; 1.23e; 1.29f; 1.32g; 1.35c; 1.36k; 1.38g; 2.37d̅j; 2.38, (ZI-V); Kim & Hwang 1995: figs. 1̅7, tabs. III̅IV (ZI̅V); Montú et al. 1996: 50, figs. 1̅16 (PZ, ZI̅VI).

Zoea I ( Figs. 1A, 2−9)

Carapace ( Fig. 1A, 2): Globose; dorsal spine present, gently curved, longer than rostral and lateral spines; rostral spine present and shorter than dorsal spine and with small spinules; lateral spines present with small spines on surface; anterodorsal setae absent; one pair of posterodorsal setae present; ventral margin with 8¯9 serrations, setae absent; dorsoposterior margin without setae; eyes sessile.

Antennule ( Fig. 3A): Primary flagellum with 4 terminal aesthetascs (2 broad, 2 slender) and 1 small seta; accessory flagellum absent.

Antenna ( Fig. 3B): Uniramous; protopod distally bilaterally spinulate; endopod absent; exopod short, ca. 30% of protopod, with 2 unequal (1 short, 1 minute) medial spines.

Mandible ( Fig. 4A, B): Palp absent, incisor teeth distinct.

Maxillule ( Fig. 4C): Uniramous; epipod seta absent; coxa with 5 sparsely plumose setae, basial endite with 5 armed processes (four plumodenticulate, one sparsely plumose setae); endopod comprising 2 articles, proximal article with 1 seta, distal article with 5 (1 subterminal+4 terminal) plumose setae; exopod absent.

Maxilla ( Fig. 5): Biramous; coxal endite bilobed with 4+3 plumose setae; basial endite bilobed with 5+4 sparsely plumose setae; endopod without articulation and bilobed with 2+2 plumose setae; exopod (scaphognathite) margin with 4 plumose+1 long distal stout process.

First maxilliped ( Fig. 6): Biramous; coxa without seta; basis with 10 (2+2+3+3) setae; endopod comprising 5 articles with 2,2,1,2,5 (1 subterminal (dorsal)+4 terminal) setae; exopod comprising 2 articles, distal article with 4 long terminal plumose natatory setae.

Second maxilliped ( Fig. 7): Biramous; coxa without seta; basis with 4 (1+1+1+1) sparsely plumose setae; endopod comprising 3 articles with 0,1,6 (3 subterminal (1 dorsal, 2 ventral)+3 terminal) sparsely plumose setae; exopod comprising 2 articles, distal article with 4 terminal plumose natatory setae.

Third maxilliped: Absent.

Pereiopods: Absent.

Pleon ( Fig. 8): Five pleomeres, pleomere 2 with 1 pair of dorsolateral processes directed anteriorly; pleomeres 3 and 4 each with a small pair of dorsolateral processes directed ventrally, pleomere 1 with rounded posterolateral process; pleomeres 2¯4 with dorsolateral processes; pleomere 1 without medial setae; pleomeres 2¯5 with a pair of posterodorsal setae; pleopods absent.

Telson ( Fig. 9): Bifurcated; each fork long curved distally with an inner row of paired spinules; lateral and dorsomedial spines absent; posterior margin with 3 pairs of stout spinulate setae, inner pair with 2 long spinules medially on inner margin; anal operculum ventral.

Zoea II ( Figs. 1B, 10−15)

Carapace ( Fig. 1B, 10): Two pairs of anterodorsal (one pair on orbital margin) setae; lateral spines now smooth; ventral margin with 2 anterior plumose setae and 2 posterior setae with additional serrations; eyes stalked. Otherwise unchanged.

Antennule ( Fig. 11A): Primary flagellum with 4 broad aesthetascs and 2 equal short setae. Otherwise unchanged.

Antenna ( Fig. 11B): Exopod more developed, ca. 35% of protopod length. Otherwise unchanged.

Mandible: Unchanged.

Maxillule ( Fig. 11C): Biramous; basial endite with 7 armed processes; exopod, plumose seta present. Otherwise unchanged.

Maxilla ( Fig. 12): Exopod (scaphognathite) margin with 5+3 plumose setae; long distal stout process reduced in size. Otherwise unchanged.

First maxilliped ( Fig. 13): Exopod, distal article with 6 long terminal plumose natatory setae. Otherwise unchanged.

Second maxilliped ( Fig. 14): Exopod, distal article with 6 long terminal plumose natatory setae. Otherwise unchanged.

Third maxilliped: Absent.

Pereiopods: Absent.

Pleon ( Fig. 15 A–C): Pleomere 1 with 1 small dorsal medial seta. Otherwise unchanged.

Telson ( Fig. 15D): Unchanged.

Zoea III ( Figs. 1C, 16 ̄22)

Carapace ( Fig. 1C, 16): Now with four pairs of anterodorsal setae; dorsal spine with 1 pair of setae; lateral spine slightly decreasing in length; ventral margin 2 anterior plumose setae and 4 posterior setae and with additional serrations. Otherwise unchanged.

Antennule ( Fig. 17A): Unchanged.

Antenna ( Figs. 17B, C): Biramous; endopod present as small bud (ca. 20% of whole appendage); exopod more developed, ca. 40% of protopod. Otherwise unchanged.

Mandible ( Fig. 18A): Unchanged.

Maxillule ( Fig. 18B): Epipod seta present; Otherwise unchanged.

Maxilla ( Fig. 19): Coxal endite with 5+3 plumose setae; basial endite with 6+5 sparsely plumose setae; exopod (scaphognathite) margin with 9+6 plumose setae. Otherwise unchanged.

First maxilliped ( Fig. 20): Endopod with 2,2,2 (now with a dorsal seta),2,5 (1 subterminal+4 terminal) setae; exopod, distal article with 8 long terminal plumose natatory setae. Otherwise unchanged.

Second maxilliped ( Fig. 21): Exopod, distal article with 8 terminal plumose natatory setae. Otherwise unchanged.

Third maxilliped: Absent.

Pereiopods: Absent.

Pleon ( Fig. 22 A-C): Pleomere 1 with 1 or 2 medial setae. Pleomere 6 now differentiated. Otherwise unchanged.

Telson ( Fig. 22A, D): Posterior margin with 4 pairs of setae (4+4), additional inner pair of inner sometimes represented by a single seta (4+3). Otherwise unchanged.

Zoea IV ( Figs. 1D, 23−32)

Carapace ( Figs. 1D, 23−24): Dorsal spine with 2 pairs of setae; now with 5 pairs of anterodorsal setae; lateral spine shorter in length than previous stage; 4 anterior plumose setae and 7¯8 posterior setae on ventral margin with additional serrations on each side; 3 pairs of setae on dorsoposterior margin. Otherwise unchanged.

Antennule ( Fig. 25A): Primary flagellum with 1 proximal and 1 distal subterminal aesthetasc and 3 long terminal aesthetascs and 1 short terminal seta. Otherwise unchanged.

Antenna ( Fig. 25B): Endopod now more developed (ca. 30% of whole appendage); exopod now more developed, ca. 40̄50%. Otherwise unchanged.

Mandible ( Fig. 26): Well developed, molar now present.

Maxillule ( Fig. 27): Coxa with 7 highly plumose and 1 simple setae, basial endite with 11 armed processes (marginal), 1 plumose and 1 short simple setae on inner margin of basal endite. Otherwise unchanged.

Maxilla ( Fig. 28): Coxal endite bilobed with 7+3 plumose setae and 1 distal simple seta; basial endite with 8+8 sparsely unequal plumose setae; exopod (scaphognathite) margin with 18+7 highly plumose setae of various length. Otherwise unchanged.

First maxilliped ( Fig. 29): Coxa with 1 seta; endopod with 2,3 (1 dorsal, 2 ventral setae),2,2,6 (2 subterminal (1 dorsal+1 ventral)+4 terminal) setae, variation of article 2 with occasionally only 2 (1 dorsal, 1 ventral) setae; exopod, distal article with 10 long terminal plumose natatory setae. Otherwise unchanged.

Second maxilliped ( Fig. 30): Exopod, distal article with 10 terminal plumose natatory setae. Otherwise unchanged.

Third maxilliped ( Fig. 31A): Present; biramous; epipod present; endopod longer than exopod.

Pereiopods ( Fig. 31B): Present; bilobed cheliped; walking legs with some articulation.

Pleon ( Fig. 32 A-D): Pleomere 1 with 5 medial setae; pleopods present on pleomeres 2¯6, uniramous, endopods absent. Otherwise unchanged.

Telson ( Fig. 32E): Posterior margin with 5 pairs setae; no variation recorded. Otherwise unchanged.

Zoea V ( Figs. 1E, 33−42)

Carapace ( Figs. 1E, 33−34): Dorsal spine with 3 pairs of setae; lateral spine shorter than previous stage; now with 7 pairs of anterodorsal setae; 16¯17 plumose posterior setae on ventral margin with additional spines on each side. Otherwise unchanged.

Antennule ( Fig. 35A, B): Basal region shaped as convex with 2 simple setae; primary flagellum with 4 proximal subterminal long aesthetascs; 5 distal subterminal aesthetascs and 5 terminal aesthetascs + 1 simple seta; accessory flagellum present as small bud. Otherwise unchanged.

Antenna ( Fig. 35C, D): Protopod distally bilaterally spinulate; endopod now clearly discrete (ca. 60% of whole appendage), exopod more developed and occasionally with only 1 seta instead of 2. Otherwise unchanged.

Mandible ( Fig. 36): Palp present, with additional incisor teeth. Otherwise unchanged

Maxillule ( Fig. 37): 2 epipod setae; coxa with 3 tiers, 9 armed processes (marginal) setae+4 plumose setae+3 simple setae respectively; basial endite now with 16 armed processes (marginal) and 4 simple setae on inner margin. Otherwise unchanged.

Maxilla ( Fig. 38): Coxal endite with 11+4 plumose setae; basial endite with 10+11 sparsely unequal plumose setae; exopod (scaphognathite) margin now with 32¯33 highly plumose setae of various length + 1 lateral seta. Otherwise unchanged.

First maxilliped ( Fig. 39): Coxa with epipod lobe with either 3 setae or 3 setae and 1 small seta; basis with 10–12 (2+2+3+3 or 2+3+4+3 respectively) setae; endopod normally 2,3 (1 dorsal+2 ventral setae),2,2,6 (2 subterminal (1 dorsal+1 ventral)+4 terminal) setae, variation in article 1 with occasionally 1 seta; exopod, distal article with 12–13 long terminal plumose natatory setae. Otherwise unchanged.

Second maxilliped ( Fig. 40): Endopod with either 0,1,6 (2 subterminal (1 dorsal+1 ventral)+4 terminal) or 0,1,7 (3 subterminal (1 dorsal+2 ventral)+4 terminal) sparsely plumose setae; exopod with 12–13 terminal plumose natatory setae. Otherwise unchanged.

Third maxilliped ( Fig. 41A): Endopod with articulation; 2 gills present (podobranch and arthrobranch).

Pereiopods ( Fig. 41B): Cheliped more distinct; some articulation; 3 developed gill buds (podobranchs or arthrobranchs?).

Pleon ( Figs. 41C, 42A, C): Pleomere 1 with 7 medial setae of variable lengths; pleopods on pleomeres 2¯5 much more developed, biramous with endopod buds, pleopod (uropod) on somite 6 much smaller than on somites 2̄5 and endopod bud absent. Otherwise unchanged.

Telson ( Fig. 42): Now with 5 pairs (4 long, 1 small) setae on posterior margin and 1 pair of dorsal medial setae; with 1 pair of medial setae. Otherwise unchanged.

Zoea VI ( Figs. 1F, 43−52)

Carapace ( Figs. 1F, 43): Dorsal spine with 4 pairs of setae; with 9 pairs of anterodorsal setae; 4¯5 pairs of setae on dorsoposterior margin. Otherwise unchanged.

Antennule ( Fig. 44): 5 proximal subterminal aesthetascs; 5 distal subterminal aesthetascs and 6 terminal aesthetascs; accessory flagellum now more developed but without setae. Otherwise unchanged.

Antenna ( Fig. 45): Endopod now with signs of articulation and clearly discrete (ca. 75% of whole appendage) with protuberances distally, endopod almost equal with protopod; exopod slightly longer than previous stage, ca. 60% of protopod with 1 distinct seta. Otherwise unchanged.

Mandible ( Fig. 46): Palp more developed. Otherwise unchanged.

Maxillule ( Fig. 47): 3 epipod setae; coxa with 3 tiers, 10 armed processes (marginal) setae + 4 plumose setae + 3 simple setae respectively. Otherwise unchanged.

Maxilla ( Fig. 48): Coxal endite with 12+6 plumose setae; basial endite with 10+11 sparsely unequal plumose setae; exopod (scaphognathite) margin with 44 highly plumose setae of various length. Otherwise unchanged.

First maxilliped ( Fig. 49): Coxa with 3 long setae 1 simple setae on developing epipodal bud, 1 epipod with podobranch gill; basis with 12 (2+2+4+1+3) setae; endopod article 2 with only 2 (1 dorsal+1 ventral) setae and no variation; exopod, distal article with 14 long terminal plumose natatory setae. Otherwise unchanged.

Second maxilliped ( Fig. 50): Coxa developing epipodal bud present; exopod with 13 terminal plumose natatory setae. Otherwise unchanged.

Third maxilliped ( Fig. 51A): Endopod and exopod more developed. Otherwise unchanged.

Pereiopods ( Fig. 51B): More developed than previous stage and with four gill buds. Otherwise unchanged.

Pleon ( Fig. 51C, 52 A–C): Pleopods now more developed. Otherwise unchanged.

Andre, M. (1947) Lenvahissement du reseau hydrographique francais par le crabe Chinois (Eriocheir sinensis H. M. Edw.). Revue Scientifique, Revue Ros e, Paris, 3264, 33 ‾ 38.

Buhk, F. (1938) Zu fortpflanzungsbiologie der wollhandkrabbe. Wochenschrift fur Aquarien und Terrarienkunde, 35, 776 ‾ 780. [in German]

Hinrichs, V. O. & Grell, K. G. (1937) Entwicklungsstadien von Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne-Edwards im Helgolander Plankton. Zoologischer Anzeiger, Leipzig, 119, 217 ‾ 221.

Kim, C. H. & Hwang, S. G. (1995) The complete larval development of the mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne Edwards. 1853 (Decapoda, Brachyura, Grapsidae) reared in the laboratory and a key to the known zoeae of the Varuninae. Crustaceana, 68 (7), 793 ‾ 812. https: // doi. org / 10.1163 / 156854095 X 00953

Liang, X-Q., Yang, S-L., Cheng, T-C. & Kou, T-T. (1974) The larval development of Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne-Edwards. Acta Zoologica Sinica, 20, 61 ‾ 68 [English text: 67 ‾ 78].

Milne Edwards, H. (1853) Memoire sur la famille des Ocypodides. Suite (1). Deuxieme Tribu Principale. Observations sur les affinites zoologiques & la cIassification naturelle des Crustaces. Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 3 e Serie, 20, 163 - 228, pls. 6 - 11.

Montu, M., Anger, K. & de Bakker, C. (1996) Larval development of the Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis H. Milne- Edwards (Decapoda: Grapsidae) reared in the laboratory. Helgolander Meeresuntersuchungen, 50 (2), 223 ‾ 252. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / BF 02367153

Panning, A. (1939 a) Die Larven von Eriocheir sinensis H. M. - Edw. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 125, 273 ‾ 283. [in German]

Schnakenbeck, W. (1926) Neue Beobachtugen uber die Wollhandkrabbe (Eriocheir sinensis Milne-Edw.). Der Naturforscher, Berlin, 3, 352 ‾ 355.











