Amplirhagada tealei, Köhler & Johnson, 2012

Köhler, Frank & Johnson, Michael S., 2012, Species limits in molecular phylogenies: a cautionary tale from Australian land snails (Camaenidae: Amplirhagada Iredale, 1933), Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (Zool. J. Linn. Soc.) 165 (2), pp. 337-362 : 359-360

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Marcus (2021-08-30 18:22:26, last updated 2024-11-25 00:02:33)

scientific name

Amplirhagada tealei

sp. nov.


FIGURES 21C View Figure 21 , 24 View Figure 24 , 25 View Figure 25

Type locality: Western Australia, near coast of Kimberley mainland, about 1.6 km east of Cape Brewster , 15°06′59.4″S, 124°55′27.0″E GoogleMaps .

Material examined ( Table 1): Holotype WAM S42950 View Materials (dissected specimen) . Paratypes WAM S42951 View Materials (three preserved specimens; Fig. 21C View Figure 21 ), AM C.470994 (two preserved bodies) ( Table 1) .

Etymology: For Roy Teale, who collected the material and has contributed substantially to the collection of Western Australian camaenids; noun in the genitive case.

Description: Shell ( Fig. 21C View Figure 21 ) dome shaped, broad with comparatively low spire, angulated periphery, flattened whorls, shallow suture (H = 15.1 ± 0.8, D = 22.4 ± 0.5, W = 4.7 ± 0.1, average ± SD of three shells); colour brownish, diffuse brown, sub-sutural and mid-whorl bands may be present, darker near lip; outer lip light purplish; teleoconch with regular axial growth lines. Umbilicus completely concealed by columellar reflection. Aperture simple, well expanded, slightly reflected, with weak basal node. Genital anatomy ( Figs 24 View Figure 24 , 25 View Figure 25 ). Penis long, tubular, straight; vas deferens entering penial sheath near apical end, penial retractor muscle short; penial verge long (> 1/3 length of penial chamber), elongated; inner penial wall with large, conical, corrugated main pilaster, comprising entire length of penial wall, broadest near anterior end, tapering in thickness and development described elsewhere ( Köhler, 2010a, 2011a, b). The penial wall sculpture is typical, consisting of dense longitudinal pilasters that cover the entire surface of the inner penial wall and a long corrugated main pilaster extending the entire whorl and being broadest close to the anterior end.

Distribution: Known from the type locality, the coastal portion of Prince Regent Reserve only ( Fig. 6 View Figure 6 ).


Special thanks are due to Martin Püschel for producing, as usual, excellent drawings of genital organs. The study was made possible through grants from the Department of Environment and Conservation, Western Australia, and from the Australian Government (ABRS RF 211-10) to F.K. Thanks are also due to two anonymous reviewers for carefully reading the submitted manuscript.

posteriorly; entire inner penial wall covered with narrow, regular longitudinal pilasters, slightly corrugated near anterior end. No pustulation. Vagina moderate in length (shorter than penis), tubular; bursa copulatrix moderately long, tubular, extending to anterior end of spermoviduct, with inflated head.

Comparative remarks: Differs from all species described herein by its dome-shaped, globular shell, which is similar that of a number of other species

Kohler F. 2010 a. Uncovering local endemism in the Kimberley, Western Australia: description of new species of the genus Amplirhagada Iredale, 1933 (Pulmonata, Camaenidae). Records of the Australian Museum 62: 217 - 284.

Kohler F. 2011 a. Descriptions of new species of the diverse and endemic land snail Amplirhagada Iredale, 1933 from rainforest patches across the Kimberley, Western Australia (Pulmonata, Camaenidae). Records of the Australian Museum 63: 167 - 202.

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Figure 6. Map of the study area with known occurrences of Amplirhagada species as documented by Solem (1981) and Köhler (2010a, 2011a, c). Triangles (in italics): Localities of known species: and, A. anderdonensis; bas, A. basilica; ber, A. berthierana; boo, A. boongareensis; buf, A. buffonensis; cam, A. camdenensis; cof, A. coffea; dec, A. decora; dis, A. discoidea; epi; A. epiphallica; for, A. forrestiana; gem, A. gemina; gib, A. gibsoni; glo, A. globosa; int, A. intermedia; inu, A. inusitata; kes, A. kessneri; kim, A. kimberleyana; lam, A. lamarckiana; lin, A. lindsayae; mon, A. montalivetensis; pue, A. puescheli; reg, A. regia; sph, A. sphaeroidea; tri, A. tricenaria; uwi, A. uwinsensis; via, A. vialae; yor, A. yorkensis. Circles (in bold): material studied herein: alb, A. albertiana sp. nov. (Albert Island); emo, A. ambulator sp. nov. (East Montalivet Island group); lul-wip, A. gemina; nma, A. intermedia (North Maret Island); prr, A. tealei sp. nov. (Mainland View, Prince Regent Reserve); sb, A. imperialis sp. nov. (Boongaree Island); sma, A. intermedia (South Maret and Natfi Island); tur, A. turbinensis sp. nov. (Turbin island); wal, A. montalivetensis (Walker Island); wmo, A. fitzpatricki sp. nov. (West Montalivet Island).

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Figure 21. Shells of CLADES 4 and 5. A, Amplirhagada imperialis sp. nov. paratype WAM S42949 (Boongaree Island). B, A. boongareensis Köhler, 2010a holotype WAM S34616 (Boongaree Island). C, Amplirhagada tealei sp. nov. paratype WAM 42951 (Prince Regent Reserve). Note that foot tissue protrudes from some of the shells. Scale bar = 10 mm.

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Figure 24. Genital anatomy of Amplirhagada tealei sp. nov. holotype WAM S42950 (Prince Regent Reserve). Abbreviations: ag, albumen gland; at, atrium; bc, bursa copulatrix; hd, hermaphroditic duct; p, penis; rm, penial retractor muscle; so, spermoviduct; vd, vas deferens. Scale bar = 10 mm.

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Figure 25. Penial anatomy of Amplirhagada tealei sp. nov. holotype WAM S42950 (Prince Regent Reserve). Abbreviations: at, atrium; iwp, inner penial wall; mp, main pilaster of inner penial wall; pv, penial verge; rm, penial retractor muscle; sh, penial sheath; vd, vas deferens; vg, vagina. Scale bar = 5 mm.


Western Australian Museum


Australian Museum