Acantholycosa sayanensis Marusik, Azarkina & Koponen, 2004

Fomichev, Alexander A., 2021, New data on the wolf spiders from theAcantholycosa-complex (Araneae: Lycosidae) from the South Siberia, Zootaxa 5026 (4), pp. 567-585 : 568-572

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Plazi (2021-08-27 05:24:05, last updated 2023-11-04 23:04:53)

scientific name

Acantholycosa sayanensis Marusik, Azarkina & Koponen, 2004


Acantholycosa sayanensis Marusik, Azarkina & Koponen, 2004 View in CoL

Figs 1–2 View FIGURES 1–9 , 14–15 View FIGURES 10–19 , 20–23, 32–33, 54–56, 72, 74–76

A. sayanensis Marusik, Azarkina & Koponen, 2004: 107 View in CoL , f. 10–14 (♂).

A. sayanensis View in CoL — Marusik & Kovblyuk 2011: 184, f. 22.12, 15, 21 (♂).

Material examined. RUSSIA: Krasnoyarsk Krai: holotype ♂ ( ISEA, 000.622), Yermakovski District , Western Sayan Mt. Range, Oiski Pass, 35–40 km SW of Oiskoe Lake, 11.07.1990, N.A. Gladkevich, S.E. Chernyshov ; 11♂ 3♀ ( ISEA, 001.8651) , 1♀ ( ISEA, 001.8721), Borus Mt. Range, Malyi Borus and Bol’shoi Borus (= Poilova ) Mountains , 52°47–48’N, 91°31–33’E, scree, 1500–2300 m, 16.07.2020, A.A. Fomichev ; 5♂ 12♀ ( ZMMU) , Borus Mt. Range, Pelekhova Mt. Pass, 52°49’N, 91°31’E, scree, 1300 m, 13, 15.07.2020, A.A. Fomichev, V.V. Sergeev GoogleMaps ; Tuva Republic : 3♂ 3♀ ( ISEA, 001.8652), Western Sayan Mt. Range, Sayanskyi Mt. Pass, 5 km SSW from Sabalkias Mt. , 51°43’N, 89°54’E, scree and alpine meadow, 2400–2600 m, 07.06.2017, A.A. Fomichev GoogleMaps .

Comparative material: Acantholycosa azyuzini Marusik, Hippa & Koponen, 1996 ( Figs 57–59 View FIGURES 54–62 ): RUSSIA: Altai Republic: 1♀ ( ISEA, 001.8663) Katunskyi Mt. Range, watershed of Mul’ta River and Kuyguk River   GoogleMaps , 49°59.019’N, 85°51.096’E, scree, 2400 m, 26.07.2019, A.A. Fomichev, E.A. Nepaeva, Yu.V. Dyachkov.

FIGURES 20–31. Bulb (20, 24, 28) and embolic division (21–23, 25–27, 29–31) of Acantholycosa sayanensis (20–23), A. sidorovi sp. n. (24–27) and A. levinae (28–31). 20, 23–24, 27–28, 31—retrolateral; 21, 25, 29—ventral, 22, 26, 30—anterior. Scale bars= 0.2 mm. Abbreviations: Em embolus, Pl palea, Po paleal outgrowth, Sp spine, Ta terminal apophysis, Ts triangleshaped projection of the palea.

Diagnosis. Acantholycosa sayanensis is similar to A. altaiensis and A. azyuzini . The female of A. sayanensis is similar to these species in having diamond-shaped epigynal fovea (Fo). The female of A. sayanensis differs from those of A. altaiensis by having septal base (Sb) almost as large as the epigynal fovea (vs. much smaller) and diverging receptacles (Re) (cf. Figs 54–56 View FIGURES 54–62 and figs 8, 9 in Marusik et al. 2004). It can be distinguished from the female of A. azyuzini by the rugose (vs. smooth) surface of the septal base (cf. Figs 54, 57 View FIGURES 54–62 ). The male of A. sayanensis is similar to those of A. altaiensis and A. azyuzini in having broad and straight embolus (Em), claw-like paleal outgrowth (Po) and spine-like terminal apophysis (Ta). The males of A. sayanensis differ from those of A. altaiensis in having rounded and solid anterior part of the tegular apophysis (Tg) (vs. triangular and laminar anterior part), a small, almost indistinct triangular spine on the base of the embolus (vs. large outgrowth) and terminal apophysis bent outward (vs. directed inward) (cf. Figs 21–22, 32 and figs 2–3, 6 in Marusik et al. (2004)). Finally, the male of A. sayanensis can be distinguished from A. azyuzini by the embolus with a widened distal part (vs. pointed) and by the presence of a small spine on the base of embolus (vs. absence, cf. Figs 21–22 and fig. 15 in Marusik et al. 2004).

Description. Female. Total length 9.6. Carapace: 4.4 long, 3.6 wide. General appearance as in Fig. 2 View FIGURES 1–9 . Coloration. Carapace, chelicerae and sternum dark brown. Eye field black. Endites and labium yellow-brown. Coxae and palps brown with yellow spots. Legs dark brown. Femora with yellow-brown annulation. Abdomen dark gray, almost black dorsally, with dark brown cardiac mark. Venter of abdomen yellow-gray. Spinnerets dark gray, almost black. Spination of leg I: Fe d1-1-1 p0-0-2 r1-0-1; Pa r1; Ti p1-0-0 r1-0-0 v2-2-2-2-2-2; Mt p1-1-0 r1-1-0 v2-2-0. Leg measurements: I 4.35, 1.95, 4.05, 3.8, 1.8 (15.95); II 4.4, 1.95, 3.75, 3.95, 1.75 (15.8); III 4.3, 1.8, 3.5, 4.8, 1.9 (16.3); IV 5.25, 1.95, 4.6, 7.25, 2.55 (21.6).

Epigyne and internal genitalia as in Figs 54–56 View FIGURES 54–62 . Fovea as wide as long. Septal base fills almost the entire fovea. Septal stem (Ss) as long as septal base. Lips of the epigyne (Li) not touching each other. Apical pocket (Ap) two times narrower than septal stem length, with one hood. Receptacles not clearly delineated from copulatory ducts (Cd). Copulatory ducts as long as the receptacles.

Male. See Marusik et al. (2004) for description. General appearance as in Fig. 1 View FIGURES 1–9 . Palp as in Figs 14–15 View FIGURES 10–19 , 20– 23, 32–33. Tegular apophysis hammer-shaped, without apical arm and with a short basal arm (Ba). Palea (Pl) rounded. Paleal outgrowth large, hooked. Terminal apophysis spine-like in the apical part, almost touching the paleal outgrowth. Embolus expanded distally, with a hook-like tip in anterior view.

Distribution. The species is known from three localities in the Western Sayan Mountains, which are located more than 100 km apart ( Figs 74–76 View FIGURES 72–77 ). This species appears to have one of the broadest ranges among its endemic to Siberia congeners.

Marusik, Y. M., Hippa, H. & Koponen, S. (1996) Spiders (Araneae) from the Altai area, Southern Siberia. Acta Zoologica Fennica, 201, 11 - 45.

Marusik, Y. M., Azarkina, G. N. & Koponen, S. (2004) A survey of east Palearctic Lycosidae (Aranei). II. Genus Acantholycosa F. Dahl, 1908 and related new genera. Arthropoda Selecta, 12 (2), 101 - 148.

Marusik, Y. M. & Kovblyuk, M. M. (2011) Spiders (Arachnida, Aranei) of Siberia and Russian Far East. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow, 344 pp.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1–9. General appearance of Acantholycosa sayanensis (1–2), A. kulikovi sp. n. (3), A. levinae (4–5), A. sergeevi sp. n. (6), Mongolicosa lizae sp. n. (8–9) and leg I of A. sergeevi sp. n. (7). 1, 4, 6, 8—male, dorsal; 2, 3, 5, 9—female, dorsal; 7—leg I of male, prolateral. Scale bars=2 mm.

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FIGURES 10–19. Male palp (10–13) and bulb (14–19) of Acantholycosa sergeevi sp. n. (10–11), A. sayanensis (14–15), A. sidorovi sp. n. (16–17), A. levinae (18-19) and Mongolicosa lizae sp. n. (12–13). 10, 12—retrolateral; 11, 13, 14, 16, 18— ventral; 15, 17, 19—anterior. Scale bars=0.2 mm.

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FIGURES 54–62. Epigyne and female internal genitalia of Acantholycosa sayanensis (54–56), A. azyuzini (57–59) and A. sidorovi sp. n. (60–62). 54, 57, 60—intact, ventral; 55, 58, 61—macerated, ventral; 56, 59, 62—macerated, dorsal. Scale bars=0.2 mm. Abbreviations: Ap apical pocket, Cd copulatory ducts, Fo epigynal fovea, Li lip of the epigyne, Re receptacle, Sb septal base, Ss septal stem.

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FIGURES 72–77. Male of Acantholycosa sayanensis from Borus Mt. Range (72), female of Acantholycosa sp. (A. azyuzini or A. levinae) with egg sac, from Katunskyi Mt. Range (73), habitat of A. sayanensis and A. sergeevi sp. n. in Borus Mt. Range (74), collecting localities of studied species from the Acantholycosa-complex (75–76) and map showing the main mountain systems of South Siberia and adjacent regions (77). Diamond—A. sayanensis, square—A. sidorovi sp. n., triangle—A. kulikovi sp. n., star—A. levinae, circle—A. sergeevi sp. n., inverted triangle—Mongolicosa lizae sp. n. The frame of Fig. 76 refers to the content of Fig. 75.


Zoological Museum, Moscow Lomonosov State University











