Lophocebus opdenboschi (Schouteden, 1944)

Russell A. Mittermeier, Anthony B. Rylands & Don E. Wilson, 2013, Cercopithecidae, Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 3 Primates, Barcelona: Lynx Edicions, pp. 550-755 : 658

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.6867065



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scientific name

Lophocebus opdenboschi


37. View On

Southern Black Crested Mangabey

Lophocebus opdenboschi View in CoL

French: Lophocebe d'Opdenbosch / German: Stidliche Schopfmangabe / Spanish: Mangabey de Opdenbosch

Other common names: Opdenbosch’s Crested Mangabey, Opdenbosch’s Mangabey, Southern Black Mangabey

Taxonomy. Cercocebus opdenboschi Schouteden, 1944 ,

Congo-Zaire, Mwilambongo (= Mwiliambongo), 4° 53’ S, 19° 42’ E.

L. opdenboschi was formerly considered a subspecies of L. aterrimus . Monotypic.

Distribution. SW DR Congo (forests along the Kwilu, Wamba, and Kwango rivers) and N Angola. View Figure

Descriptive notes. Head-body 40-62 cm, tail 55-85 cm; weight 8 kg (males) and 4-5—6-7 kg (females). The Southern Black Crested Mangabey is very similar to the Northern Black Crested Mangabey ( L. aterrimus ), but it is entirely black and has longer, laxer fur . Cheek whiskers are not sepiagray, as in the Northern Black Crested Mangabey, but black without a noticeable curve. Crown crest of the Southern Black Crested Mangabey is more flat and not pyramidal; it is also broader than in the Northern Black Crested Mangabey and slopes back and slightly up. Albinism has been reported in the Southern Black Crested Mangabey. Females are smaller than males.

Habitat. Primary and some secondary rainforest, and swamp and gallery forest.

Food and Feeding. Diets of Southern Black Crested Mangabeys are undoubtedly similar to other crested mangabeys and probably include seeds as a major component, along with fruits, young leaves, bark, flowers, and animal prey (invertebrates and small vertebrates).

Breeding. There is no specific information available for this species, but female Southern Black Crested Mangabeys exhibit a pink genital swelling when sexually receptive.

Activity patterns. Southern Black Crested Mangabeys are diurnal and arboreal.

Movements, Home range and Social organization. There is no information available for this species.

Status and Conservation. CITES Appendix II. Classified as Data Deficient on The [UCN Red List (as L. aterrimus opdenboschi ). The Southern Black Crested Mangabey is listed as Class B in the African Convention on the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. It is a poorly known, with no recent information on its population status or limits of its distribution. Mostlikely,it is hunted for food and may be threatened by loss of habitat because of logging. The Southern Black Crested Mangabey is not known to occur in any protected areas.

Bibliography. Fleagle (1999), Gautier-Hion et al. (1999), Groves (1978, 2001, 2005b, 2007a), Grubb (2006), Jolly (2007), Kingdon (1997), Machado (1969), McGraw etal. (2012), Swedell (2011).
















Lophocebus opdenboschi

Russell A. Mittermeier, Anthony B. Rylands & Don E. Wilson 2013

Cercocebus opdenboschi

Schouteden 1944
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