Artines bipunctata O. Mielke, 1968

Medeiros, Adalberto Dantas De, Dolibaina, Diego Rodrigo, Carneiro, Eduardo, Mielke, Olaf Hermann Hendrik & Casagrande, Mirna Martins, 2019, Taxonomic revision of Artines Godman, 1901 (Hesperiidae: Hesperiinae: Moncini) with the description of nine new species, Zootaxa 4614 (1), pp. 1-49 : 40-41

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scientific name

Artines bipunctata O. Mielke, 1968


Artines bipunctata O. Mielke, 1968 View in CoL

Figs 19 View FIGURES 14–19 , 26 View FIGURES 21–26 , 41 View FIGURES 40–41 , 65, 77, 80

Artines bipunctata O. Mielke, 1968 View in CoL . Rev. Bras. Biol. 28: 449, figs 7-10 (male, female d, v), 18-22 (male gen.), 23 (brand), 24 (female gen.); holotype male, 3-II-1967, Jardim Zoológico, Brasília, D[istrito] F[ederal], Brazil; O. Mielke collection, DZUP.— Bridges, 1983. Lep. Hesp. 1, p. 16; 2, p. 3.—Bridges, 1988. Cat. Hesp. 1, p. 26; 2, p. 5.— Bridges, 1994. Cat. Fam.-Group, Gen.-Group, Sp. Group Nam. Hesp. (Lep.) World 8, p. 31; 9, p. 6.—O. Mielke, 2004. Hesperioidea, p. 62, in Lamas (ed.). Checklist: Part 4A, Hesperioidea-Papilionoidea, in Heppner (ed.). Atlas Neotrop. Lep. 5A.—O. Mielke, 2005. Cat.Amer. Hesperioidea 4, p. 833.— Pinheiro & Emery, 2006. Biota Neotrop. 6 (3): 6.— Pinheiro & Emery, 2007. Heringeriana 1 (1): 65.—O. Mielke; Emery & Pinheiro, 2008. Revta bras. Ent. 52 (2): 286, 287.— Pinheiro et al., 2010, in Diniz et al. Cerrado, p. 235, 237.

(no genus) bipunctata View in CoL ; Beattie, 1976. Rhop. Direct., p. 96.

Taxonomic history. Artines bipunctata was described by Mielke (1968) based on seven specimens (one male and six females) from Jardim Zoológico, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil and one male from Barbacena, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The other authors mentioned this species in taxonomic comments, faunistic studies and catalogs.

Diagnosis. Artines bipunctata differs from other species of the genus in the following combination of characters: dorsal forewing with large and semi-hyaline discal spots; ventral hind wing with discal area pale brown, without central black spot and a violet postdiscal band; male with brand; uncus wide and distally bifid; gnathos arms distally curved inward; valva distally rounded; harpe simple and not fused with ampulla; ventral projection of aedeagus wide and parallel to aedeagus, distal end bilobed, with rounded lobes bearing numerous spines; vesica entirely membranous, with very small and dispersed spines; fultura inferior laterally straight, proximal end bifid; sterigma partially sclerotized; lamella postvaginalis bifid and without lateral folds; region between seventh sternite and lamella antevaginalis completely membranous; ductus bursae with basal portion sclerotized; ostium wide, “D”- shaped, surrounded by sclerotized area.

Description. Male ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 14–19 A–B). External morphology as described by Mielke (1968).

Genitalia ( Fig. 41 View FIGURES 40–41 A–J): tegumen more or less rectangular, wider than long, with short and triangular distal median projection ( Fig. 41C View FIGURES 40–41 ). Saccus triangular, base shorter than lateral margin ( Fig. 41B View FIGURES 40–41 ). Uncus rectangular, one and a half longer than wide, distally bifid, with rounded projections separated medially by shallow concavity ( Fig. 41C View FIGURES 40–41 ). Gnathos arms distally curved inward ( Fig. 41D View FIGURES 40–41 ). Valva twice longer than wide; sacculus triangular, narrow, longer than 1/2 of valva; costa rectangular and short, near median portion of valva, distally fused to ampulla; ampulla rectangular, longer than costa; harpe simple and not fused to ampulla, distal margin rounded with arched row of short and triangular spines turned inwards ( Fig. 41 View FIGURES 40–41 E–F). Aedeagus thick, longer than valva; opening of ejaculatory bulb on proximal end of aedeagus; ventral projection of aedeagus wide and parallel to aedeagus, distal end bilobed, with rounded lobes bearing numerous spines ( Fig. 41 View FIGURES 40–41 G–J). Vesica bearing small and short scattered spines ( Fig. 39G View FIGURES 38–39 ).

Female ( Fig 19 View FIGURES 14–19 C–D). As described by Mielke (1968).

Genitalia ( Figs 65 View FIGURES 61–65 A–B, 77): sterigma rectangular. Tergum VIII with incomplete spiracular opening. Lamella antevaginalis wide and membranous, without proximo-ventral folds. Lamella postvaginalis with two sclerotized plates, one proximal near the ostium, the other distal with two distal lateral projections. Ostium D-shaped, surrounded by sclerotized area. Ductus bursae wide, basal portion sclerotized.

Variation. As mentioned by Mielke (1968) some specimens have a second spot/mark in the upper portion of CuA 2 –2A of the dorsal forewing, above the larger spot. The spiracular opening of tergum VIII of the female can be complete in some individuals.

Comments. Artines bipunctata shares several morphological characters with the species of the two groups considered before. For example, the presence of a brand on the male forewing and broad white and semi-hyaline spots on the forewing of both sexes are shared with the species of the “ aquilina group”. On the other hand, characters of the male and female genitalia, as wide uncus, harpe and ampulla not fused, fultura inferior with base bifid, ventral projection of the aedeagus not divergent and sterigma distally bifid, are also present in the species of the “ aepitus group”. However, the numerous and unique characters mentioned in the diagnosis above justify the inclusion of A. bipunctata in a group apart.

Geographic distribution ( Fig. 80 View FIGURE 80 ). This species is only known from islands of humid forests in the Cerrado biome. BRAZIL— Goiás: Formosa, Goianésia, Vianópolis. Distrito Federal: Brasília. Minas Gerais: Barbacena.

Temporal distribution. This species occurs throughout the year, probably with several generations.

Host plant. Unknown.

Etymology. Although omitted in the original description, the name is a reference of the two white spots on the forewing.

Type material. Holotype male deposited at the OM–DZUP with the following labels: / HOLOTYPUS / 3.II.1967, J[ardim] Zoológico, Brasília, D [istrito] F[ederal, Brazil], Tangerini leg. / Artines bipunctata Mielke, 1968 , Mielke det. 1968 / [ OM] 10.948 /.

Allotype female deposited at the OM–DZUP with the following labels: / ALLOTYPUS / 3.II.1967, J[ardim] Zoológico, Brasília, D [istrito] F[ederal, Brazil], Tangerini leg. / Artines bipunctata Mielke, 1968 , Mielke det. 1968 / [ OM] 10.949 /.

Paratypes: BRAZIL— Distrito Federal: Brasília ( Jardim Zoológico de Brasília ), 1000m, 5 females, 3.II.1967, N. Tangerini leg., OM 10.950 , OM 10.951 ( OM), DZ 41.234 , DZ 41.214 DZ 41.244 (Ex. collection N. Tangerini now deposited at the DZUP). Minas Gerais: Barbacena , 1 male, 27.I.1967, N. Tangerini leg., OM 10.947 ( OM) .

Examined material. The type material mentioned above and the following specimens: BRAZIL— Goiás: Vianópolis (Ponte Funda), 1 male, 17.I.1981, N. Tangerini leg., DZ 41.264 ( DZUP); Formosa (Itiquira), 1 male, 15.V.1977, Gifford leg., DZ 41.155 ( DZUP) ; Goianésia, 1 male, IX.1969, H. Ebert leg., DZ 41.284 ( DZUP) . Distrito Federal: Brasília, (Córrego Bananal), 1 female, 27.III.2006, E. O. Emery leg., DZ 41.224 ( DZUP), ( Jardim Zoológico de Brasília ) , 1000m, 1 male, 19. VI.1972, O. Mielke & Brown leg., DZ 30.961 ( DZUP) , 1 male, 1 female, 3.II.1967, N. Tangerini leg., OM 10.948 , OM 10.949 ( OM), ( Parque Nacional de Brasília ) , 1 female, 31.III.1977, Gifford leg., DZ 30.960 ( DZUP), ( Reserva IBGE) , 1 male, 5.IV.2002, 1 female, 20.VII.2002, 1 male, 1 female, 20.VII.2005, 1 male, 23.VIII.2005, E. O. Emery leg., DZ 41.254, DZ 41.334, DZ 41.324, DZ 41.165, DZ 41.274 ( DZUP) 1 male, 2 females, 7.IX.1968, H. Ebert leg., DZ 41.194, DZ 41.184, DZ 41.204 ( DZUP) . Minas Gerais: Barbacena, 1100m, 1 male, 16.VIII.1951, 1 male, 4.IX.1951, 1 male, 29.V.1952, 1 male, 24.VII.1952, 1 male, 16.VIII.1952, 1 female, 14.XI.1952, H. Ebert leg., DZ 41.304, DZ 41.145, DZ 41.314, DZ 41.254, DZ 41.294, DZ 41.175 ( DZUP) , 1 female, 19.V.1990, N. Alves leg., OM 9.826 ( OM) .

Beattie, J. R. (1976) The Rhopalocera Directory. JB Indexes, Berkeley, xiv + 365 pp.

Bridges, C. A. (1983) Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae. Notes on species-group names. Vol. 1 - 5. Author, Urbana, Author, 277 pp. [2 pp., Vol. 1: 129 pp., Vol. 2: 41 pp., Vol. 3: 62 pp., Vol. 4: 30 pp., Vol. 5: 13 pp.]

Bridges, C. A. (1994) Catalogue of the family-group, genus-group and species-group names of the Hesperioidea (Lepidoptera) of the world. Vols. 1 - 13 & Apps. 1 - 3. Author, Urbana, 3. [11] + 598 pp. [11 pp., Vol. 1: 1 pp., Vol. 2: 1 pp., Vol. 3: 1 pp., Vol. 4: 36 pp., Vol. 5: 9 pp., Vol. 6: 20 pp., Vol. 7: 6 pp., Vol. 8: 246 pp., Vol. 9: 76 pp., Vol. 10: 90 pp., Vol. 11: 71 pp., Vol. 12: 28 pp., Vol. 13: 9 pp., App. 1: 1 pp., App. 2: 2 pp., App. 3: 1 pp.]

Mielke, O. H. H. (1968) Lepidoptera do Planalto Central brasileiro. V: Novas especies de Hesperiidae e anotacoes sobre outras especies conhecidas. Revista Brasileira de Biologia, 28 (4), 447 - 455.

Mielke, O. H. H. (2004) Hesperiidae. In: Lamas, G. (Ed.), Checklist: Part 4 A, Hesperioidea-Papilionoidea. In: Heppner, J. (Ed.), Atlas of Neotropical Lepidoptera 5 A. Scientific Publishers, Association for Tropical Lepidoptera, Gainesville, pp. 3 - 11 + 25 - 86.

Mielke, O. H. H. (2005) Catalogue of the American Hesperioidea: Hesperiidae (Lepidoptera) 4. Hesperiinae 1. Adlerodea- Lychnuchus. Sociedade Brasileira de Zoologia, Curitiba. pp. 775 - 1055.

Pinheiro, C. E. G. & Emery, E. O. (2006) As borboletas (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea e Hesperioidea) da Area de Protecao Ambiental do Gama e Cabeca de Veado (Distrito Federal, Brasil). Biota Neotropica, 6 (3), 1 - 15. https: // doi. org / 10.1590 / S 1676 - 06032006000300012

Pinheiro, C. E. G. & Emery, E. O. (2007) As borboletas (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea e Hesperioidea) da Estacao Ecologica do Jardim Botanico, Reserva Ecologica do IBGE e Fazenda Agua Limpa (Distrito Federal). Heringeriana, 1 (1), 61 - 74.

Pinheiro, C. E. G., Malinov, I. K., Emery, E. O. & Schmidt, K. (2010) Endemismos e conservacao de borboletas (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea e Hesperioidea) no bioma Cerrado. In: Diniz, I. R., Marinho Filho, J., Machado, J. R. B. & Cavalcanti, R. B. (Eds.), Cerrado. Conhecimento cientifico quantitativo como subsidio para acoes de conservacao. Universidade de Brasilia, Brasilia, pp. 223 - 238.

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FIGURE 80. Geographic distribution of the “aquilina group” and “bipunctata group” species. The symbols with white inferior half represent records from literature.

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FIGURES 14–19. Species of the “aquilina group” (14–18) and “bipunctata group” (19) in dorsal and ventral views. 14. Artines aquilina, A–B: male, Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil (DZ 41.321), C–D: female from same locality of male (DZ 41.220). 15. Artines angelica sp. nov., A–B: holotype male, C–D: allotype female. 16. Artines focus, A–B: male, Ilha de Maracá, Alto Alegre, Roraima, Brazil (DZ 41.233), C–D: female, Pacaraima, Roraima, Brazil (DZ 41.333). 17. Artines cofus sp. nov., A–B: holotype male, C–D: allotype female. 18. Artines donia sp. nov., A–B: holotype male. 19. Artines bipunctata, A–B: male, Jardim Zoológico, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil (DZ 30.961), C–D: female, Córrego Bananal, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil (DZ 41.224). Scale bar = 1cm.

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FIGURES 21–26. Male brands (no scales) on dorsal forewing of the “aquilina group” (21–25) and “bipunctata group” species (26). 21. Artines aquilina, Joinville, Santa catarina, Brazil, (DZ 41.341). 22. Artines angelica sp. nov., paratype, Fazenda Ter- rasse, Santa Luzia, Maranhão, Brazil (DZ 41.273) 23. Artines focus, Ilha de Maracá, Roraima, Brazil (DZ 41.233). 24. Artines cofus sp. nov., paratype, Santa Rosa do Purus, Acre, Brazil (DZ 41.303). 25. Artines donia sp. nov., paratype, Santa Rita do Araguaia, Goiás, Brazil (OM 66.000). 26. Artines bipunctata, Ponte Funda, Vianópilis, Goiás, Brazil (DZ 41.264). Scale bar = 1 mm.

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FIGURES 40–41. Male genitalia of the “aquilina group” (40) and “bipunctata group” (41) species. 40. Artines donia sp. nov., paratype, Santa Rita do Araguaia, Goiás, Brazil (DZ 66.000). 41. Artines bipunctata, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil (DZ 41.194). For reference of the letters see legend of the figures 27 and 36. Scale bar = 1 mm.

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FIGURES 38–39. Male genitalia of the “aquilina group” species. 38. Artines focus, Reserva Duque, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil (DZ 41.192). 39. Artines cofus sp. nov., paratype, Tambopata, Puerto Maldonado Madre de Díos, Peru (MUSM). For reference of the letters see legend of the figures 27 and 36. Scale bar = 1 mm.

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FIGURES 61–65. Female genitalia of the “aquilina group” and “bipunctata group” species. 61. Artines aquilina, Cananéia, São Paulo, Brazil (OM 49.831). 62. Artines angelica sp. nov., paratype, Tambopata, Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Díos, Peru (DZ 41.222) 63. Artines focus, Pacaraima, Roraima, Brazil (DZ 41.333). 64. Artines cofus sp. nov. paratype, Tambopata, Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Díos, Peru (DZ 41. 293). 65. Artines bipunctata, Reserva IBGE, Brasília, Distrito Federal, Brazil (DZ 41.165). For reference of the letters see legend of the figure 54. Scale bar = 1 mm.


Otago Museum


Universidade Federal do Parana, Colecao de Entomologia Pe. Jesus Santiago Moure


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Reserva Ecológica do IBGE













