Lysmata baueri, Prakash & Baeza, 2017

Prakash, Sanjeevi & Baeza, J. Antonio, 2017, A new species of Lysmata Risso, 1816 (Crustacea, Decapoda, Lysmatidae) from the Gulf of Mexico, Zootaxa 4363 (4), pp. 576-582 : 577-581

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Plazi (2017-12-13 08:09:15, last updated 2024-11-28 20:22:33)

scientific name

Lysmata baueri

sp. nov.

Lysmata baueri n. sp.

( Figures 1 View FIGURE 1 –3)

Type material. Holotype male (CL: 5.85 mm; rostrum: 4.40 mm), UF 43989, Tampa Bay (27o34’10.56” N 82o42’27.13” W), Florida, USA, from crab pots, depth 2 – 7 m, coll. J.A. Baeza, July 2016. GoogleMaps

Description. Rostrum nearly straight, 0.75 times as long as carapace, not reaching distal margin of second article of antennular peduncle ( Figs. 1a–c View FIGURE 1 ); dorsal margin With 4 teeth (2 on carapace, 2 on rostrum), posterior tooth situated just anterior to middle of carapace, second tooth slightly posterior to the postorbital margin, third and fourth teeth anterior to the orbital margin, single seta present betWeen teeth; ventral margin With 4 teeth, all teeth anterior to first dorsal tooth, first tWo ventral teeth beyond anterior margin of cornea ( Figs. 1a, b View FIGURE 1 ). Carapace smooth, 0.77 times as long as Wide, posteroventral margin rounded; pterygostomial angle rounded, Without tooth ( Figs. 1a, b View FIGURE 1 ). Cornea moderately large, not reaching dorsal margin of rostrum ( Figs. 1a, b View FIGURE 1 ), Antennal tooth long, slightly reaching beyond posterior margin of cornea ( Figs. 1a, b View FIGURE 1 ). Antennular peduncle not reaching distal margin of scaphocerite ( Fig. 1c View FIGURE 1 ), 0.75 times as long as scaphocerite, first segment 1.76 times as long as second segment, single spine on dorsal margin slightly posterior to distal margin, second segment 1.46 times as long as third segment; all three segments With pair of spines on distodorsal margin; stylocerite slightly reaching anterior margin of eye, reaching mid-length of first segment of antennular peduncle ( Figs. 1a, b View FIGURE 1 ); upper antennular flagellum long, aesthetascs present from second to 24th segment ( Fig. 1e View FIGURE 1 ); accessory branch of outer ramus With 25 segments, distal segment free ( Figs. 1e, f View FIGURE 1 ). Scaphocerite 5.8 times as long as Wide, lateral margin slightly concave, distolateral tooth greatly overreaching distal margin of blade ( Figs. 1c, d View FIGURE 1 ).

Abdomen more than tWice as long as carapace. Pleura of first four abdominal somites With margins rounded, unarmed; fifth abdominal somite With sharp posterolateral tooth; sixth abdominal somite 1.52 times as long as fifth somite, posteroventral angle With acute tooth, posterior angle near base of telson With acute tooth ( Fig. 1g View FIGURE 1 ). Telson elongated posteriorly, about 1.6 times as long as sixth abdominal somite; dorsal surface With tWo pairs of spines ( Fig. 1h View FIGURE 1 ); posterior margin blunt With pair of long slender spines each flanked laterally by shorter spines ( Figs. 1h, i View FIGURE 1 ); pair of long plumose setae present betWeen long spines ( Figs. 1h, i View FIGURE 1 ); uropods broad and long, outer margin of exopod With three distal spines, intermediate spine slightly longer than adjacent ones ( Fig. 1j View FIGURE 1 ).

Mouthparts typical for genus, third maxilliped slightly overreaching scaphocerite; exopod 0.54 times as long as antepenultimate segment of endopod; endopod With ultimate segment 0.75 times as long as penultimate segment, tip furnished With 8 spines, distal pair smallest and covered With tuft of serrated setae ( Figs. 2f, g View FIGURE 2 ).

First pereiopod With simple chela ( Figs. 2a, b View FIGURE 2 ), not reaching beyond anterior margin of scaphocerite When fully extended; merus 1.04 times as long as propodus (including fixed finger); chela subequal in length, propodus (including fixed finger) nearly 3.8 times as long as dactylus; carpus 0.90 times as long as merus; ischium With roW of cuspidate setae along ventral margin ( Figs. 2a, b View FIGURE 2 ). Second pereiopod slender, chelae simple, subequal in length, reaching beyond third article of antennular peduncle and scaphocerite When fully extended; tip of chela furnished With several tufts of setae ( Figs. 2c, d View FIGURE 2 ); merus With 14 articles, 1.1 times as long as ischium; carpus With 26 articles, 1.86 times as long as merus, 6.1 times as long as propodus (including fixed finger), ischium With 3 articles, proximal article With roW of cuspidate setae along ventral margin ( Figs. 2c, e View FIGURE 2 ). Third to fifth pereiopods similar in appearance, decreasing in length from third to fifth. Third pereiopod reaching beyond third article of antennular peduncle, merus With seven spines, 1.35 times as long as carpus; carpus With four spines on ventral margin; propodus 1.52 times as long as carpus, ten to eleven spines on ventral margin ( Fig. 2h View FIGURE 2 ); tip of dactylus biunguiculate ( Figs. 2h, i View FIGURE 2 ), dorsal unguis slightly longer than ventral unguis, flexor margin of dactylus armed With four spines, increasing in size from proximal to distal ( Fig. 2i View FIGURE 2 ). Fourth pereiopod like third, propodus 1.55 times as long as carpus, ventral margin With ten spines, merus about 1.77 times as long as carpus, lateral margin With six to seven spines. Fifth pereiopod ( Figs. 2j, k View FIGURE 2 ) like third and fourth, merus about 1.13 times as long as carpus, lateral margin With six spines, propodus about 1.28 times as long as carpus, ventral margin With eight spines, carpus With ventral margin unarmed.

Type locality. Tampa Bay , Florida, USA.

Distribution. Presently knoWn only from type locality.

Etymology. The neW species is named in honor of Dr. Raymond T. Bauer, Professor Emeritus, Department of Biology, University of Louisiana, USA for his outstanding academic contribution to the reproductive biology of caridean shrimps, including the genus Lysmata .

Remarks. The neW species is morphologically related to L. californica and L. nayaritensis from the northeastern Pacific and L. porteri from the southeastern Pacific ( Rathbun 1907; Wicksten 2000). For instance, the number of ventral rostral teeth overlaps among L. baueri n. sp. (4), L. californica (2–4), and L. nayaritensis (3–6). HoWever, L. californica , L. nayaritensis and L. porteri each differs from the neW species in having a rostrum that is slightly pointed doWnWards. The rostrum in L. baueri n. sp. is nearly straight. Also, L. baueri n. sp., can be easily distinguished from L. californica , L. nayaritensis and L. porteri by a set of characters that include the number of dorsal teeth, the length of the rostrum relative to the antennular peduncle, and/or the length of the antennular peduncle relative to the scaphocerite. The dorsal rostral teeth formula is 4 in L. baueri n. sp., compared to 5–7 in L. californica , 6–7 in L. nayaritensis and 5–6 in L. porteri . LikeWise, the ventral rostral teeth formula is 4 in L. baueri n. sp., compared to 1–2 in L. porteri . The length of the rostrum relative to the antennular peduncle is also useful to differentiate L. baueri n. sp. from L. californica , L. nayaritensis , and L. porteri . In L. baueri n. sp., the rostrum nearly reaches the distal margin of the 2nd article, in L. californica the rostrum reaches beyond the second article of the antennular peduncle, in L. nayaritensis the rostrum overreaches the 2nd article, and in L. porteri the rostrum slightly exceeds the distal margin of the 1 st article of the antennular peduncle. The relative length of the antennular peduncle to scaphocerite is 0.75 times in L. baueri n. sp., compared to 0.25 times in L. nayaritensis and 0.3 times in L. porteri . The number of meral and ischial segments in the second pereiopod is 14 and 2 in L. baueri n. sp., compared to 16 and 4 in L. californica , (based on 2 specimens collected in California by JAB) and 15–18 and 4–5 in L. nayaritensis . Lastly, the number of spines on the flexor margins on the dactyli of the 3rd to 5th pereiopods are different among the compared species: 4 spines in L. baueri n. sp., 2–3 in L. californica , and 2 in L. nayaritensis and L. porteri .

Lysmata baueri n. sp., can also be distinguished from other congeneric species that inhabit the Gulf of Mexico ( Lysmata boggessi Rhyne & Lin, 2006 , L. wurdemanni Gibbes, 1850 , L. ankeri Rhyne & Lin, 2006 , L. pederseni Kingsley 1879 , L. rafa Rhyne & Anker, 2007 , L. rathbunae Chace, 1970 , and L. jundalini Rhyne et al., 2012 ) based on a combination of characters that includes the rostrum length and/or the rostral teeth formula. In L. baueri n. sp., the rostrum is ~0.75 times as long as the carapace compared to 0.4–0.7 times in L. wurdemanni , 1.2 times in L. rafa , and 0.56–0.68 times in L. jundalini . The length of the rostrum in L. baueri n. sp. slightly overlaps With that of three other species: L. boggessi (0.6–1.0 times), L. ankeri (0.6–0.8 times), and L. pederseni (0.7–1.1 times). The number of dorsal rostral teeth in L. baueri n. sp. is 4 and differs from that reported for L. ankeri (6–8), L. pederseni (7–8), L. rafa (7), L. rathbunae (5–6) and L. jundalini (6–7), but overlaps With L. wurdemanni (2–6) and L. boggessi (3–6). Similarly, the number of ventral rostral teeth in L. baueri n. sp., is 4 and differs from L. pederseni (5–7), L. rafa (7–9), and L. jundalini (2–3) but overlaps With L. wurdemanni (2–6), L. boggessi (3–4), L. ankeri (4– 6), and L. rathbunae (3–5).

The length of the rostrum relative to that of the antennular peduncle is also a valuable character to distinguish the neW species from other sympatric species. For instance, the tip of the rostrum nearly reaches the distal margin of the 2nd article of the antennular peduncle in L. baueri n. sp., Whereas the rostrum reaches mid-length or the distal margin of the 3rd article of the antennular peduncle in L. wurdemanni , reaches the distal margin of the 3rd article in L. boggessi , L. ankeri , and L. jundalini and over-reaches the distal margin of the 3rd article of the antennular peduncle in L. pederseni , L. rafa , and L. rathubunae . The carpal and meral segments of the second pereiopod also permits differentiating the neW species from other congeneric species inhabiting the Gulf of Mexico. In L. baueri n. sp. the carpal segments are 26 compared to 27–30 in L. wurdemanni , 33–41 in L. ankeri and L. pederseni , 40–43 in L. rafa , 30–35 in L. rathbunae and 28 in L. jundalini . The number of carpal segments slightly overlap With that reported for L. boggessi (25–32). The meral segments of the 2nd pereiopod in L. baueri n. sp., is 14 compared to 15 in L. wurdemanni , 15–20 in L. boggessi , and 25 in L. rafa . Lastly, the number of flexor spines on the dactyli of 3rd to 5th pereiopods in L. baueri n. sp., is 4 and differs from that reported for L. pederseni (2–3), and L. jundalini (3), but overlaps With L. ankeri and L. rathubunae (3–4 each), L. wurdemanni and L. boggessi (3–6 each) and L. rafa (4–5).

GibbeS, L. R. (1850) On The carcinological collecTionS of The UniTed STaTeS, and an enumeraTion of SpecieS conTained in Them, wiTh noTeS on The moST remarKable, and deScripTionS of new SpecieS. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 3, 165 - 201.

RaThbun, M. J. (1907) SouTh American CruSTacea. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 11, 45 - 50, plS. 2 - 3.

RhYne, A. L. & Lin, J. (2006) A weSTern ATlanTic pepperminT Shrimp compleX: re-deScripTion of Lysmata wurdemanni, deScripTion of four new SpecieS, and remarKS on Lysmata rathbunae (CruSTacea: Decapoda: HippolYTidae). Bulletin of Marine Science, 79, 165 - 204.

RhYne, A. R. & AnKer, A. (2007) Lysmata rafa, n. Sp., a new SpecieS of pepperminT Shrimp (CruSTacea, Caridea, HippolYTidae) from The SubTropical weSTern ATlanTic. Helgolander Marine Research, 61, 291 - 296.

WicKSTen, M. (2000) The SpecieS of Lysmata (Caridea: HippolYTidae) from The EaSTern Pacific Ocean. Amphipacifica, 11 (4), 3 - 22.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Lysmata baueri n. sp.: holoTYpe male (UF 43989); a, fronTal region of carapace and cephalic appendageS, laTeral view; b, roSTrum and cephalic appendageS, laTeral view; c, fronTal region of carapace and cephalic appendageS, dorSal view; d, ScaphoceriTe, dorSal view; e, righT anTennule, laTeral view; f,, Same, deTail of acceSSorY branch of ouTer ramuS; g, abdomen, laTeral view; h, TelSon,dorSal view; i, deTail of diSTal margin of TelSon, dorSal view; j, righT uropod, dorSal view.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 2. Lysmata baueri n. sp.: holoTYpe male (UF 43989); a, firST pereiopod, laTeral view; b, Same, chela and fingerS, venTral view; c, Second pereiopod, laTeral view; d, Same, chela, venTral view; e, Same, deTail of iSchium, laTeral view; f, Third maXilliped,laTeral view;g,Same,Tip of ulTimaTe SegmenT,venTral view;h, Third pereiopod,laTeral view; i,Same, diSTalpropoduS and dacTYluS; j, fifTh pereiopod, laTeral view; K,Same, diSTal propoduS and dacTYluS.











