Lithostege fissurata subsp. inanis, Prout

Sh, Hossein Rajaei, Stüning, Dieter & Viidalepp, Jaan, 2011, A review of the species of Lithostege Hübner, [1825] 1816 (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Larentiinae), occurring in Iran and adjacent countries, with description of two new species from Iran and Pakistan, Zootaxa 3105, pp. 1-46 : 15-16

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Plazi (2016-04-11 21:53:06, last updated 2024-11-26 04:19:11)

scientific name

Lithostege fissurata subsp. inanis


L. fissurata inanis Prout View in CoL

( Figs. 18 View FIGURES 16 – 21 , 68 View FIGURES 66 – 71 ; Map 4)

Lithostege inanis Prout, 1941: 331 View in CoL , pl. 34: i. Holotype 3, allotype Ƥ, BMNH (examined by photo). Type locality: Saudi-Arabia: Khafs.

Lithostege fitzgeraldi Wiltshire, 1947: 10 View in CoL , pl. Fig. 15 View FIGURES 11 – 15 ; text-fig. 10. Holotype 3, BMNH (not examined). Type locality: Saudi- Arabia: Artawiya.

Lithostege fissurata inanis View in CoL : Wiltshire, 1990: 125, fig 81.

Lithostege inanis: Parsons et al., 1999 View in CoL .

Lithostege fissurata inanis: Hausmann & Seguna, 2005: 11 View in CoL –15.

Material examined. Type material: Holotype 3: ‘Arabia: Khafs. 26.ii.1935. H. St. J. B. Philby, B. M. 1935–222’, ‘Type’, ‘ Lithostege inanis Prout Holotype 3’; allotype Ƥ: same data; coll. BMNH.

Additional material: 1 Ƥ: Iran, Belutschistan, Iranshahr, 800 m, 1.-10.III.1954, [leg.] Richter u. Schäuffele, gen. prep. 1012/2010 H. R. Preparations of genitalia: 1 3, 2 Ƥ.

Description & Diagnosis. Wingspan of the single specimen from Iran: 22 mm. Wings similar to L. fissurata , but without apical dark grey line on forewing ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 16 – 21 ). Female genitalia ( Fig. 68 View FIGURES 66 – 71 ) with very short apophyses anteriores (0.1 of apophyses posteriores) and a short funnel-shaped antrum; the pear-shaped corpus bursae fully spinulate, with a small anterior diverticulum. Female genitalia of fissurata without distinct differences. Also the male genitalia of the holotype (studied) almost identical.

Taxonomic note. Wiltshire (1990) synonymised L. fitzgeraldi Wiltshire, 1947 with L. inanis Prout, 1941 and simultaneously downgraded this taxon to a subspecies of L. fissurata Mabille, 1888 . The single examined specimen from Iran was recorded by Hausmann & Seguna (2005) as L. fissurata inanis Prout, 1941 . The female genitalia of this specimen are highly similar to those of L. fissurata (figured in Hausmann & Seguna (2005)). Also the male genitalia of the holotype of L. inanis Prout fit well with those of L. fissurata Mabille. On the other hand, a separation on species-level of inanis and fissurata is supported by genetic differentiation between these two taxa. DNAbarcoding of 5 specimens of fissurata from a wide area of distribution ( Mauretania: 2; Tunisia:2; Israel: 1) does not show any intraspecific variation, but comparing these with three barcodes of inanis (from United Arab Emirates) reveals a distance of 2.35%, suggesting inanis to be a distinct species. Conventionally, a barcode difference exceeding 2% is understood as an argument of a species-level difference. It seems not unlikely that long-term isolation between Iranian and Arab populations led to a cryptic species (“in statu nascendi”) in Iran, but without further studies of more material we are not able to decide this question. So here we follow Hausmann & Seguna (2005), regarding inanis as a subspecies of L. fissurata .

Bionomics. Specimens studied are collected in January and February.

Distribution. Saudi Arabia, Iraq and SE of Iran ( Hausmann & Seguna, 2005) (Map 4).

Hausmann, A. & Seguna, A. (2005) Lithostege fissurata Mabille, 1888 from Malta, new for the fauna of Europe (Geometridae, Larentiinae). Nota Lepidopterologica, 28 (1), 11 - 15.

Mabille, P. (1888) Descriptions d'especes nouvelles de Lepidopteres de Tunisie et d'Algerie. Bulletin de la Societe entomologique de France, 1888, 42 - 43, 51 - 52, 58 - 59.

Parsons, M. S., Scoble, M. J., Honey, H. R., Pitkin, L. M. & Pitkin, R. B. (1999) The catalogue. In: Scoble M. J., (ed.) Geometrid Moths of the world: a catalogue (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). Collingwood: CSIRO Publishing, 1 - 1046.

Wiltshire, E. P. (1947) Middle East Lepidoptera, VII. New species and forms from Egypt and Arabia. Bulletin de la Societe Fouad Ier d'Entomologie, 31, 3 - 11.

Wiltshire, E. P. (1990) An Illustrated, Annotated Catalogue of the Macro-Heterocera of Saudi Arabia. Fauna of Saudi Arabia, 11, 92 - 250.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 16 – 21. Adult moths of Lithostege Hübner (left column, a: upperside, right column, b: underside). 16. L. notata (3, Sarkhoun, SW Iran); 17. L. fissurata fissurata (Ƥ, Roche de Sel, Algier); 18. L. fissurata inanis (Ƥ, Baluchistan, E Iran); 19. L. parva (3, Kopet-Dagh, Turkmenistan); 20. L. turkmenica (3, Karakum desert, Uzbekistan); 21. L. farinata (Ƥ, Sarepta, Russia). Scale bar: 10 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 66 – 71. Lithostege Hübner: Female genitalia & details of abdominal integument. 66. L. samandooki sp. nov. (gen. prep. 1076 H. R.; type locality, S Iran); 67. L. senata (gen. prep. 8611 H. R.; Uzboi, Turkmenistan); 68. L. fissurata inanis (gen. prep. 1012 H. R.; Baluchistan, E Iran), a: genital organ, b: 7 th tergite, dorsal view; 69. L. parva (gen. prep. 1615 H. R.; Wachsch- Tal, Tajiikistan), a: genital organ, b: terminal segments of abdomen, lateral view; 70. L. turkmenica (gen. prep. 7649 J. V.; Uzbekistan, Karakum desert); 71. L. coassata (gen. prep. 1043 H. R., Gonbad, N Iran). Scale bar: 1 mm.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 11 – 15. Adult moths of Lithostege Hübner (left column, a: upperside, right column, b: underside). 11. L. dissocyma (Ƥ, Bandar Abbas, S Iran); 12. L. hreblayi sp. nov. (3, type locality, N Pakistan); 13. L. hreblayi sp. nov. (Ƥ, Type locality, N Pakistan); 14. L. samandooki sp. nov. (Ƥ, Type locality, S Iran); 15. L. senata (Repetek, E Turkmenistan). Scale bar: 10 mm.













