González-Wevar, Claudio A., Hüne, Mathias, Rosenfeld, Sebastián, Nakano, Tomoyuki, Saucède, Thomas, Spencer, Hamish & Poulin, Elie, 2019, Systematic revision of Nacella (Patellogastropoda: Nacellidae) based on a complete phylogeny of the genus, with the description of a new species from the southern tip of South America, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 186, pp. 303-336 : 313-314

publication ID 10.1093/zoolinnean/zly067

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scientific name




( FIG. 5 View Figure 5 )

Patella aenea Martyn, 1784 : pl. 1, fig. 17 (invalid).

Patella deaurata Gmelin, 1791: 3719 ; Strebel, 1907: 137, pl. 5, figs 62, 65, 68, 70; pl. 6, figs 76, 81; Carcelles, 1950: 52, pl. 1, fig. 13.

Patella varicosa Reeve, 1854 : pl. 11, fig. 21A–C.

Patella fuegiensis – Reeve, 1855; pl. 28, fig. 73A, B; Rochebrune & Mabille, 1885: 95.

Nacella strigatella Rochebrune & Mabille, 1885: 110 View in CoL .

Nacella (Patinella) aenea View in CoL – Pilsbry, 1891: 118, pl. 46, figs 28, 36.

Patinella delicatissima – Strebel, 1907: 145; pl. 5, figs 71, 72, 74, 75; Strebel 1908: pl. 1, figs 75, 75A.

Helcioniscus benneti – Preston, 1913: 221, pl. 4, fig. 7.

Patella delicatissima – Melvill & Standen, 1914: 114; Carcelles, 1950: 52, pl. 1, fig. 14.

Nacella (Patinigera) aenea View in CoL – Wenz, 1938: 328, fig. 401. Patinigera aenea – Powell, 1951: 82.

Patinigera fuegiensis View in CoL – Powell, 1955: 67.

Patinigera delicatissima – Powell, 1951: 82; Dell, 1964: 273; Castellanos & Landoni, 1988: 24, pl. IV, fig. 4; Aguirre, 2003: 20.

Patinigera deaurata – Dell, 1964: 273; Aguirre et al., 2006: 251.

Nacella (Patinigera) fuegiensis View in CoL – Powell, 1973: pl. 177, figs 1, 2; Ramírez, 1981: 53.

Nacella (Patinigera) deaurata deaurata View in CoL – Powell, 1973: 195; Ramírez, 1981: 56; Linse, 1999: 400.

Nacella (Patinigera) deaurata View in CoL form delicatissima – Powell, 1973: 195; pl. 178, figs 3, 4; Ramirez, 1981: 57; Linse, 1999: 400.

Nacella (Patinigera) delicatissima View in CoL – Cantera & Arnaud, 1985: 34; Valdovinos & Rüth, 2005: 506; de Aranzamendi et al., 2009.

Nacella (Patinigera) deaurata View in CoL – Morriconi & Calvo, 1993: 135; Mutschke et al., 1998: 8; Morriconi, 1999; 417; Malanga et al., 2005: 551; Valdovinos & Rüth, 2005: 505, fig. 5A; de Aranzamendi et al., 2009: 1; Aguirre et al., 2009: 252; Thatje & Rios, 2010: 97.

Nacella deaurata View in CoL – Rios & Gerdes, 1997: 50; Adami & Gordillo, 1999: 186; Ríos & Mutschke, 1999: 196; Aguirre et al., 2009: 419; González-Wevar et al., 2010: 116; 2011a: 1937; 2017: 864; Aldea & Rosenfeld, 2011; 117; Ojeda et al., 2014: 504; Rosenfeld et al., 2013: 11; 2015 b; 55; 2016: 77; 2017: 4; 2018: 1.

Nacella (Patinigera) fugiensis [sic.] – Linse, 1999: 400. Nacella (Patinigera) magellanica – Valdovinos & Rüth, 2005: 509 (in part, not of Helbling).

Nacella delicatissima View in CoL – Aguirre et al., 2006: 252; Aguirre et al., 2009: 454; González-Wevar et al., 2011a: 1937.

Nacella fuegiensis View in CoL – González-Wevar et al., 2011a: 1937.

Material studied: London Island , Pacific Patagonia (54°40’00.30’’ S, 72°03’58.67’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 30; Carlos III Island, Strait of Magellan (53°38’55.41’’ S, 72°15’31.04’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 20; Port Famine , Strait of Magellan (53°36’34.07’’ S, 70°55’53.40’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 50; Otway Sound , Strait of Magellan (52°56’13.10’’ S, 71°11’39.07’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 30; Chabunco , Strait of Magellan (52°59’14.66’’ S, 70°48’44.43’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 30; Laredo Bay , Strait of Magellan (52°56’59.14’’ S, 70°48’03.96’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 50; Possession Bay , Strait of Magellan (52°13’55.50’’ S, 69°17’50.71’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 30; Santa María Bay , Tierra del Fuego (53°19’29.86’’ S, 70°22’34.30’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 60; Caleta River , Tierra del Fuego (53°51’45.32’’ S, 70°19’54.11’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 60; Pía Fjord , Beagle Channel (54°49’36.81’’ S, 69°39’11.31’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 4 0; Gar ib a ldi F j or d, Beag l e C h anne l (54°43’20.63’’ S, 69°57’48.27’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 30; Wulaia Bay (54°59’20.30’’ S, 68°09’02.97’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 40; Tekenika Bay (55°03’24.66’’ S, 68°07’52.22’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 30; Orange Bay (55°27’21.44’’ S, 68°04’02.33’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 30; Virginia Bay , Beagle Channel (54°54’16.95’’ S, 67°56’05.35’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 40; Puerto Williams , Beagle Channel (54°56’04.95’’ S, 67°36’48.33’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 26; Lapataia Bay , Beagle Channel (54°50’58.94’’ S, 68°28’41.95’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 40; Hookers Point , Falkland / Malvinas Islands (51°42’09.60’’ S, 57°46’07.49’’ W) GoogleMaps N = 50.

Shell: Shell shape and sculpture are very variable ( de Aranzamendi et al., 2009) ( Fig. 5A–C View Figure 5 ). The species exhibits a conical morphology, dorsally raised shell, which is thick and non-translucent ( Fig. 5A–F View Figure 5 ). The anterior part of the animal is laterally compressed ( Fig. 5D–F View Figure 5 ). It has a large shell (maximum length 120 mm), which has a medium profile. The apex is located at the anterior 30–40% of the shell’s length ( Fig. 5A–F View Figure 5 ). All the slopes of the shell are convex ( Fig. 5A–C View Figure 5 ). The aperture is oval to oblong. The surface of the shell is sculptured with numerous broad radial ribs and clearly defined concentric growth lines from the central zone towards the margin. The margin of the shell margin is highly crenulated. The external coloration of the shell is very variable across its distribution (pale reddish, brown, green with a bronze apex, grey, brown). The primary and secondary ribs are dark brown with clearer interspaces. The internal part of the shell has a soft metallic grey/brown interior with dark lines corresponding to external colour patterns, bordered by a white/brown halo.

External anatomy: The ventral area of the foot is grey and the epipodial fringe is recognizable. The mantle fold is thick and cream-coloured. The mantle tentacles are in an alternated series of three shorter pigmented ones (white/black/white) and a black longer one ( Fig. 5G View Figure 5 ). The cephalic tentacles are dorsally pigmented with a black line ( Fig. 5G View Figure 5 ).

Radula: See Valdovinos & Rüth (2005) ( Fig. 5H View Figure 5 ).

Distribution: Magellanic province. Pacific Patagonia: from Guarello Island (50°S) to Cape Horn. Atlantic Patagonia: Tierra del Fuego. Falkland/ Malvinas Islands ( Fig. 5I View Figure 5 ).

Habitat: Medium and low intertidal, subtidal rocky ecosystem between 0 and 40 m depths.

Comments: Our extensive sampling effort across Pa c i f i c Pa t a g o n i a s u g g e s t s t h a t N. d e a u r a t a occurs in this region from Guarello Island (50°S) to Cape Horn. In the Atlantic coast this species was reported north up to Mar del Plata province ( Morris & Rosenberg, 2005). However, according to de Aranzamendi et al. (2009) the distribution of the species in the Atlantic is restricted to Tierra del Fuego. This species is also abundant in the Falkland/ Malvinas Islands. Molecular analyses suggest that N. deaurata represents a single genetic unit along Pacific ( González-Wevar et al., 2011a) and Atlantic ( de Aranzamendi et al., 2009, 2011) Patagonia. Molecular and geometric morphometric comparisons ( González-Wevar et al., 2011a) showed that N. fuegiensis is a synonym of N. deaurata . Similarly, molecular analyses indicate that N. delicatissima represents particular morphotypes of N. deaurata (contra de Aranzamendi et al., 2009). Molecular analyses (unpublished data) indicate that N. deaurata exhibits marked levels of population genetic differentiation between Patagonia and the Falkland/ Malvinas Islands.

















González-Wevar, Claudio A., Hüne, Mathias, Rosenfeld, Sebastián, Nakano, Tomoyuki, Saucède, Thomas, Spencer, Hamish & Poulin, Elie 2019

Nacella fuegiensis

Gonzalez-Wevar CA & Nakano T & Canete JI & Poulin E 2011: 1937

Nacella delicatissima

Gonzalez-Wevar CA & Nakano T & Canete JI & Poulin E 2011: 1937
Aguirre ML & Richiano S & Alvarez M & Eastoe C 2009: 454
Aguirre ML & Richiano S & Sirch Y 2006: 252

Nacella (Patinigera) fugiensis

Valdovinos C & Ruth M 2005: 509
Linse K 1999: 400

Nacella deaurata

Gonzalez-Wevar CA & Hune M & Segovia NI & Nakano T & Spencer HG & Chown S & Saucede T & Johnstone G & Mansilla A & Poulin E 2017: 864
Ojeda J & Rosenfeld S & Marambio J & Rozzi R & Mansilla A 2014: 504
Rosenfeld S & Marambio J & Aldea C 2013: 11
Gonzalez-Wevar CA & Nakano T & Canete JI & Poulin E 2011: 1937
Gonzalez-Wevar CA & Nakano T & Canete JI & Poulin E 2010: 116
Aguirre ML & Richiano S & Alvarez M & Eastoe C 2009: 419
Adami ML & Gordillo S 1999: 186
Rios C & Mutschke E 1999: 196
Rios C & Gerdes D 1997: 50

Nacella (Patinigera) deaurata

Thatje S & Rios C 2010: 97
de Aranzamendi MC & Gardenal CN & Martin JP & Bastida R 2009: 1
Aguirre ML & Richiano S & Alvarez M & Eastoe C 2009: 252
Malanga G & Estevez M & Calvo J & Abele D & Puntarulo S 2005: 551
Valdovinos C & Ruth M 2005: 505
Mutschke E & Rios C & Montiel A 1998: 8
Morriconi E & Calvo J 1993: 135

Nacella (Patinigera) delicatissima

Valdovinos C & Ruth M 2005: 506
Cantera JR & Arnaud PM 1985: 34

Nacella (Patinigera) fuegiensis

Ramirez J 1981: 53

Nacella (Patinigera) deaurata deaurata

Linse K 1999: 400
Ramirez J 1981: 56
Powell AWB 1973: 195

Nacella (Patinigera) deaurata

Linse K 1999: 400
Ramirez J 1981: 57
Powell AWB 1973: 195

Patinigera deaurata

Aguirre ML & Richiano S & Sirch Y 2006: 251
Dell, RK 1964: 273

Patinigera fuegiensis

Powell AWB 1955: 67

Nacella (Patinigera) aenea

Powell AWB 1951: 82

Patinigera delicatissima

Aguirre ML 2003: 20
Castellanos ZJA & Landoni N 1988: 24
Dell, RK 1964: 273
Powell AWB 1951: 82

Patella delicatissima

Carcelles AR 1950: 52
Melvill JC & Standen P 1914: 114

Helcioniscus benneti

Preston HB 1913: 221

Patinella delicatissima

Strebel H 1907: 145

Nacella (Patinella) aenea

Pilsbry HA 1891: 118

Patella fuegiensis

Rochebrune AT & Mabille J 1885: 95

Nacella strigatella

Rochebrune AT & Mabille J 1885: 110

Patella deaurata

Carcelles AR 1950: 52
Strebel H 1907: 137
Gmelin JF 1791: 3719
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