Eriococcus pumiliae González, 2008

González, Patricia, 2008, Two new species of Eriococcus (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Eriococcidae), from the Andino Patagonica region of Argentina, with a key to the Eriococcus species of that region, Zootaxa 1899, pp. 50-56 : 54-56

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.184499


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scientific name

Eriococcus pumiliae González

sp. nov.

Eriococcus pumiliae González sp. nov.

( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 )

Type material: Holotype adult female. Argentina, Neuquén, road to Chapelco, Arroyo Partido, on Nothofagus pumilio , 20/xi/1996, González col. ( IMLA) 1(2) adult female. Holotype is the specimen on right-hand side of slide, nearest the label with the species name on it. Paratype adult female: remaining specimen on holotype slide.

Species diagnosis. Adult female. Dorsum with spinose dorsal setae of rather variable size but each smaller than marginal setae. Anal lobes sclerotised, each with 2 flagellate ventral setae. Microtubular ducts of types A and B scattered on both surfaces, type A also present in clusters mediolaterally on dorsal surface of pro- and metathorax and abdominal segments I–V; macrotubular ducts present throughout both surfaces, smallest on abdomen and metathorax; cruciform pores restricted to submargins of pro- and mesothorax; loculate pores present on all abdominal segments, scarce medially on thorax and cephalic region, plus a few near each spiracle. Coxal pores quite large, present on posterior surface of metacoxae. Medial plate present. Enlarged ventral setae present along body margin. Metathoracic tibia with four setae, prothoracic tibia with five setae; claw and tarsal digitules similar with slightly expanded apices.

Description. Body oval in outline; 2.5 mm long, 1.77 mm wide. Anal lobes sclerotized; each 88 µm long, 68 µm wide, each with three dorsal spinose setae: outer marginal seta 43 (39) µm long, anterior inner marginal seta 97 (broken) µm long, posterior inner marginal seta 47 (43) µm long; ventral surface with two flagellate setae, anterior seta 101 (90) µm long and posterior seta 144 (117) µm long; apical setae 253 (broken) µm long.

Dorsal surface: setae all spinose, with pointed apices, straight or curved, of variable size, each 11–39 µm long, all noticeably smaller than marginal setae; smallest on abdominal segments V–VII; a few larger setae, up to 49 µm long, present medially in cephalic region. Macrotubular ducts symmetrical, 17–22 µm long, 5 µm wide; numerous throughout. Microtubular ducts of types A and B ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 a & 2b) numerous throughout but type A ducts also present in groups of about 10–15 ducts mediolaterally on abdominal segments I–V and on pro- and metathoracic segments. Anal ring with six setae each 85–93 µm and a single row of pores. Medial plate ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 mp) present.

Margin: setae narrow, spinose, with pointed apices, with one large and one small seta on each side of each abdominal segment, each large seta 78 µm and each smaller seta about 49 µm long.

Ventral surface: flagellate setae present medially and submedially on each abdominal segment and medially on thorax and cephalic region, medial setae longest; with 8 pairs of setae of different lengths anterior to mouthparts, 5 pairs of short setae, each 49–54 µm plus 3 pairs of long setae each 79–137 µm. Spinose curved setae, present submarginally; with two setae on each abdominal segment, more numerous on thorax and cephalic region. Suranal setae flagellate, each 117 µm long. Quinquelocular pores numerous throughout on posterior abdominal segments, becoming sparse on anterior abdominal segments, medially on thorax and cephalic region, plus a few near each spiracle; trilocular pores few, on abdomen. Cruciform pores sparse, difficult to see, on submargin of pro- and mesothorax. Macrotubular ducts symmetrical, frequent throughout, shortest and narrowest, 2.45 µm wide, scarce (20 in total) on abdominal segments plus a few medially on metathorax. Microtubular ducts of both types A and B, frequent throughout. Hind coxae each 215 (225) µm long, with about 25 irregularly-shaped translucent pores on posterior surface only; with microspines on anterior surface; hind trochanter + femur each 284 (294) µm long; femur each with four setae but no small pores; tibia each 176 (186) µm long, with four setae and no small pores; tarsi each 107 (147) µm; tarsal and claw digitules all narrow, each with equal-sized, slightly expanded apices; claw each with a denticle. Prothoracic tibia each with five setae. Antennae 7-segmented, segment III without setae, each 294 µm long. Frontal lobes absent. Labium 3-segmented, basal segment with two pairs of setae. Anal tube sclerotised.

Distribution: Argentina; Patagonia.

Notes. Eriococcus pumiliae sp. nov. is the only Eriococcus species with both type A & B microtubular ducts known on Nothofagus , with the former type also present in mediolateral groups on the dorsal surface of abdominal segments I–V and pro- and metathoracic segments.

Etymology: the name pumiliae is derived from the specific name of the host plant, Nothofagus pumilio .


Fundacion e Instituto Miguel Lillo















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