Utricularia foliosa L., 2021

Guedes, Felipe Martins, Miranda, Vitor Fernandes Oliveira & Alves, Marccus, 2022, Diversity and distribution of Lentibulariaceae in Bahia state, Brazil: implications for phytogeography and conservation, Phytotaxa 556 (3), pp. 213-255 : 233

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Plazi (2022-08-08 05:11:01, last updated 2024-11-29 10:35:57)

scientific name

Utricularia foliosa L.


2.9. Utricularia foliosa L. View in CoL , Species Plantarum 1: 18 (1753). [ Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 and 6S View FIGURE 6 ].

Hydrophyte. Submerged, dichotomous and capillary leaves. Inflated and slightly stiff scape. Basifixed bracts, entire margins, absent bracteoles. Deflexed pedicels in fruits. Sepals with inconspicuous nerves, plan and entire margins. Yellow corolla, gibbous palate, bilobed lower lip, straight and obtuse or emarginate spur, shorter than and parallel to the lower lip. Apparently indehiscent capsule.

Selected material:— Abaré , Margem esquerda do Rio São Francisco , 04 July 2012, fl., V.M. Cotarelli 1902 ( HVASF, R); Andaraí, Marimbus, 25 March 2005, fl. and fr., E. Melo 3765 ( HUEFS) ; Barra , Estrada Barra-Ibotirama BA-161, 02 June 1999, fl. and fr., E. Melo 2714 ( HUEFS) ; Belmonte , km 20 a 21 da Rod. Belmonte / Itapebi, 31 August 1985, fl. and fr., T. S. dos Santos 4391 ( CEPEC) ; Bom Jesus da Lapa , 22 km S do entroncamento para Bom Jesus da Lapa na estrada para Malhada, 11 February 2000, fl. and fr., L.P. de Queiroz 5893 ( HUEFS) ; Boninal , Rio Cochó, 30 June 2015, fl. and fr., N.X.M. Sousa 121 ( HURB) ; Caetité , Lagoa da Barragem da Fazenda Porcos, 03 May 2002, fl. and fr., M.C. Ferreira 1248 ( HUEFS) ; Casa Nova, BR 235, 15 July 2009, fl. and fr., J. Paula-Souza 10077 ( SPF) ; Cascavel , entre Lagoa Encantada e Cascavel, 21 March 1999, fl. and fr., R.M. Harley 53576 ( HUEFS, SPF, UB) ; Conde , Ilha das Ostras, 02 November 2001, fl. and fr., D.L. Santana 641 ( ALCB, SPF) ; Cruz das Almas, Córrego Machado de Dentro , 29 September 2010, fl. and fr., L.Y.S. Aona 1358 ( HUEFS, HURB, UEC) ; Feira de Santana , Campus da UEFS, 11 September 1985, fl. and fr., L.R. Noblick 4382 ( HUEFS) ; Juazeiro , Maniçoba 1, 08 March 2014, fl. and fr., M.C. Tonizza s.n. ( HTSA, HUEFS, PEUFR) ; Lençóis , Rio Santo Antônio, Povoado de Remanso, 19 February 1999, fl. and fr., M.P. Sena s.n. ( HUEFS) ; Malhada , Rod. para o Distrito de Cana Brava, 02 May 1990, fl. and fr., J.G. Jardim 3392 ( CEPEC) ; Maracás , 23 April 2002, fl. and fr., E.R. de Souza 212 ( HUEFS) ; Morro do Chapéu , Lagoa do Angelim, 14 October 2017, fl. and fr., E. Melo 13631 ( HUEFS) ; Mucugê , 02 November 2007, fl. and fr., E. Melo 5396 ( HUEFS) ; Muquém de São Francisco , 19 July 2005, fl. and fr., F. Rivadavia 2078 ( SPF) ; Piritiba , Fazenda Guanabara, 29 May 2011, fl. and fr., I.M. Souza 48 ( HUEFS) ; Queimadas , local em beira do Rio São Francisco, quase em frente a Xique-Xique, 12 October 1990, fl. and fr., A.F. Fierro 1915 ( CEN, HUEFS, RB, SPF) ; Salvador, Parque Metropolitano de Pituaçu , 28 March 1999, fl. and fr., G.L. Campos 29 ( HUEFS) ; Sento Sé , APA Boqueirão da Onça, 11 August 2006, fl. and fr., J.A. Siqueira Filho 1656 ( HVASF) ; Sobradinho , margens da barragem de Sobradinho, 12 July 2009, fl. and fr., J. Paula-Souza 10000 ( HTSA, SPF) .

Comments:— Utricularia foliosa can be confused with the other hydrophyte congeners, especially on herbarium material, but it differs as follows: from U. breviscapa , see comments section in this species; from U. gibba by its inflated and slightly stiff scape, deflexed pedicels in fruits and bilobed lower corolla lip (vs. slender and flexible scape, ascending pedicels in fruits and cucullate orbicular to slightly 3-crenate lower lip); from U. hydrocarpa by its yellow corolla and absence of cleistogamous flowers (vs. pink corolla with a yellow palate and presence of a cleistogamous flower at the base of the scape); from U. poconensis by its yellow corolla (vs. white to pale pink); and from U. cucullata and U. myriocista by its yellow corolla and deflexed pedicels in fruits (vs. magenta corolla and ascending pedicels in fruits). This species is widely distributed in the state, in a wide altitudinal range and diverse phytophysiognomies.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Distribution of Lentibulariaceae species in Bahia state.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 6. A. Genlisea aurea; B. G. exhibitionista; C. G. filiformis; D. G. guianensis; E. G. lobata; F. G. repens; G. G. tuberosa; H. G. uncinata; I. Utricularia adpressa; J–K. U. amethystina; L–M. U. blanchetii; N. U. breviscapa; O. U. costata; P. U. cucullata; Q. U. erectiflora; R. U. flaccida; S. U. foliosa; T. U. gibba; U. U. guyanensis; V. U. hydrocarpa; W. U. jamesoniana; X. U. juncea; Y. U. laxa. (Photos A by J.C. Zamora; B by C. Rohrbacher; C by Z. Miranda; D, E, G, H by P.M. Gonella; F, Y by H. Dolsan; I–M, Q, R, U, X by F.M. Guedes; N, O by J. Fabricante; P by M. Hopkins; S. by Y. Canalli; T by A. Nepomuceno; V by G.S. Garcia; W by Y. Gouveia).


Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco


Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana




Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia


Universidade de São Paulo


Laboratoire de Biostratigraphie


Universidade Federal da Bahia, Campus Universitário de Ondina


Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco


EMBRAPA Recursos Geneticos e Biotecnologia - CENARGEN


Jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro