Utricularia gibba L., 2021

Guedes, Felipe Martins, Miranda, Vitor Fernandes Oliveira & Alves, Marccus, 2022, Diversity and distribution of Lentibulariaceae in Bahia state, Brazil: implications for phytogeography and conservation, Phytotaxa 556 (3), pp. 213-255 : 233-234

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Plazi (2022-08-08 05:11:01, last updated 2024-11-29 10:35:57)

scientific name

Utricularia gibba L.


2.10. Utricularia gibba L. View in CoL , Species Plantarum 1: 18 (1753). [ Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 and 6T View FIGURE 6 ].

Hydrophyte. Submerged, dichotomous and capillary leaves. Slender and flexible scape. Basifixed bracts, entire margins, absent bracteoles. Ascending pedicels in fruits. Sepals with inconspicuous nerves, plan and entire margins. Yellow corolla, gibbous palate, cucullate orbicular to slightly 3-crenate lips, slightly curved and obtuse or emarginate spur, longer than and parallel to the lower lip. Bivalvate capsule.

Selected material:— s.l., 1830, fl. and fr., P. Salzmann 450 and 452 (G, original material); Abaíra , Catolés, 27 July 1995, fl. and fr., F. Rivadavia 481 ( SPF) ; Alagoinhas , Fazenda Pimantel, 04 September 2007, fl. and fr., N.G. de Jesus 2287 ( ALCB) ; Alcobaça , 23 km S de Prado, 8 December 1981, fl. and fr., G.P. Lewis 801 ( CEPEC) ; Anguera , Lagoa 5, 06 April 1997, E. Melo 2334 ( HUEFS) ; Barra , Vereda de Dois Riachos, XI-2009, fl. and fr., A.P. Prata 2164 ( ASE) ; Boa Nova , Fazenda Cotermaia, 08 March 2003, fl. and fr., P. Fiaschi 1410 ( CEPEC) ; Bom Jesus da Lapa , Basin of the Upper São Francisco River, Morrão, 20 November 1983, fl. and fr., R.M. Harley 21466 ( CEPEC) ; Camaçari , 30 November 2002, fl. and fr., F. Rivadavia 1444 ( SPF) ; Camamu , Enseada de Camamu, Ponta do Santo, 28 November 1992, fl. and fr., A.M. de Carvalho 763 ( CEPEC) ; Candeias , Fazenda Lagoa Azul, 09 September 2004, fl. and fr., K.R.B. Leite 436 ( HUEFS) ; Conceição do Almeida , entre o trevo de C. Almeida e Dom Macedo Costa, 13 February 2011, fl. and fr., L.Y.S. Aona 1419 ( HURB) ; Conceição do Coité , Salgadalha Serra do Mucambo, 28 September 2014, fl. and fr., T. Vieira 26 ( HUEFS) ; Conde , Ilha das Ostras, Rio Crumaí, 02 November 2017, fl. and fr., D.L. Santana 640 ( ALCB) ; Entre Rios , Fazenda Rio do Negro, 21 January 2012, fl. and fr., A.V. Popovkin 1041 ( HUEFS) ; Feira de Santana , Lagoa 1 km 3 BA 052, 08 December 1996, F. França 2041 ( HUEFS) ; Ilhéus , Lagoa Encantada, Caldeiras, 17 January 1993, fl. and fr., W.W. Thomas 9529 ( CEPEC, NY) ; Jacaraci , 16 July 1999, fl., F. Rivadavia 1146 ( SPF) ; Jacobina , Lagoa Antônio Sobrinho, 12 October 2007, fl., J.L. Ferreira 113 ( HUEFS) ; Juazeiro , 31 July 2013, fl., M.J.A. Campelo 219 ( HVASF) ; Lamarão do Passé , Caraíba Metais, 18 December 2004, fl., M.L. Guedes 11396a ( ALCB) ; Maraú , ca. 3km a E de Maraú, 02 February 2005, fl. and fr., J.G. Jardim 2663 ( CEPEC) ; Mata de São João , próx. à praia de Massarandupió, 18 January 2003, fl. and fr., F. Rivadavia 1524 ( SPF) ; Morro do Chapéu , Cachoeira do Agreste, 30 August 2017, fl. and fr., F.M. Guedes 38 ( UFP) ; Muritiba , represa da Fazenda Capivari, 06 May 2010, fl. and fr., L.Y.S. Aona 1310 ( HURB) ; Nova Viçosa , arredores, 20 October 1983, fl., G. Hatschbach 47082 ( MBM) ; Porto Seguro , Trancoso, 20 November 2013, fl. and fr., P.C. Baleeiro 359 ( SPF) ; Prado , Entroncamento da Rod. Prado / Alcobaça, 10 February 1972, fl. and fr., T. S. dos Santos 2232 ( CEPEC) ; Rio de Contas , Ponte do Coronel, 27 September 2010, fl., R.M. Harley 56164 ( HUEFS) ; Salvador, Parque Metropolitano de Pituaçu , 28 March 1999, fl. and fr., G.L. Campos 28 ( HUEFS, HRB) ; Santa Cruz de Cabrália , PARNA Pau-Brasil, 09 October 1984, fl. and fr., F.S. Santos 433 ( CEPEC, MBML, SPF) ; Santa Luzia , Estrada entre Una e Santa Luzia BA-270, 02 November 2017, fl. and fr., F.M. Guedes 92 ( UFP) ; São Desidério , Povoado Ilhas do Vito, 22 December 2003, fl. and fr., D.P. Saridakis s.n. ( FUEL) ; São Sebastião do Passé , 14 July 2015, fl. and fr., G. Costa 1435 ( CESJ, HURB) ; Senhor do Bonfim , 25 December 1984, fl. and fr., R. Mello-Silva 36574 ( HUEFS, SPF) ; Sento Sé , APA Boqueirão da Onça, Quixabá, 01 February 2010, fl. and fr., A. P. Fontana 6473 ( HVASF) ; Umburanas , Serra do Curral Feio, 28 May 2010, fl. and fr., L.P. de Queiroz 14846 ( HUEFS) ; Valença , 08 October 2005, fl. and fr., F. Rivadavia 2108 ( SPF) .

Comments:— Utricularia gibba can be confused with U.foliosa (see comments section in this species).This species, just as U. foliosa , is widely distributed in the state, in a wide altitudinal range and diverse phytophysiognomies.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 1. Distribution of Lentibulariaceae species in Bahia state.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 6. A. Genlisea aurea; B. G. exhibitionista; C. G. filiformis; D. G. guianensis; E. G. lobata; F. G. repens; G. G. tuberosa; H. G. uncinata; I. Utricularia adpressa; J–K. U. amethystina; L–M. U. blanchetii; N. U. breviscapa; O. U. costata; P. U. cucullata; Q. U. erectiflora; R. U. flaccida; S. U. foliosa; T. U. gibba; U. U. guyanensis; V. U. hydrocarpa; W. U. jamesoniana; X. U. juncea; Y. U. laxa. (Photos A by J.C. Zamora; B by C. Rohrbacher; C by Z. Miranda; D, E, G, H by P.M. Gonella; F, Y by H. Dolsan; I–M, Q, R, U, X by F.M. Guedes; N, O by J. Fabricante; P by M. Hopkins; S. by Y. Canalli; T by A. Nepomuceno; V by G.S. Garcia; W by Y. Gouveia).


Universidade de São Paulo


Universidade Federal da Bahia, Campus Universitário de Ondina




Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana


Universidade Federal de Sergipe


Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia


William and Lynda Steere Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden


Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco


Universidade Federal de Pernambuco


San Jose State University, Museum of Birds and Mammals




Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão


Universidade Estadual de Londrina


Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora