Pseudophacopteron gumbolimbo Burckhardt and Halbert, 2020

Halbert, Susan E. & Burckhardt, Daniel, 2020, The psyllids (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) of Florida: newly established and rarely collected taxa and checklist, Insecta Mundi 2020 (788), pp. 1-88 : 39-43

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.4564694

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scientific name

Pseudophacopteron gumbolimbo Burckhardt and Halbert

sp. nov.

Pseudophacopteron gumbolimbo Burckhardt and Halbert , new species


( Fig. 122–138 View Figures 122–130 View Figures 131–134 View Figures 135–138 )

Materials examined. Holotype ♂: USA: Florida : Miami-Dade County, Miami , 4400 Rickenbacker Cswy, 4.v.2009, Bursera simaruba (O. Garcia) ( FSCA # E2009-2943 View Materials ) ( FSCA, dry mounted) . – Paratypes. USA: Florida: Collier County: 3 ♀, Marco Island , 25.92545, –81.649317, 0 m, 19.iv.2017, Bursera simaruba (D. Burckhardt and D.L. Queiroz) #17-12(1) ( NHMB, slide mounted, in 70% ethanol) GoogleMaps . Miami-Dade County: 1 ♀, same data as holotype ; 3 ♀, Miami, 168 SW170 th Ave. , 24.xii.2003, Bursera simaruba (D. Hanna) ( FSCA # E2003-6674 View Materials ) ( FSCA, dry mounted, in 70% ethanol) ; 2 ♂, 2 ♀, 2 immatures, Miami, 33158, Subtropical Research Station USDA, Chapman Field , 13601 Old Cutler Road , 23.iii.2004, Bursera simaruba (D. Burckhardt) ( NHMB, slide mounted) ; 1 ♂, Miami, Chapman Field , 2.iv.2004, suction trap (G. Myres) ( FSCA # E2004-2395 View Materials ) ( FSCA, slide mounted) ; 2 immatures, Miami , 25.ii.2009, Bursera simaruba (O. Garcia) ( FSCA # E2009-1008 View Materials ) ( FSCA, slide mounted) ; 2 immatures, Key Biscayne , 4.v.2009, Bursera simaruba (O. Garcia) ( FSCA # E2009-2943 View Materials ) ( FSCA, NHMB, slide mounted) ; 1 ♂, Miami , 8–10.i.2010, suction trap 8 m (H. Escobar) ( FSCA # E2010-345 View Materials ) ( FSCA, dry mounted) ; 1 ♀, same but 19–25.ii.2013, tall suction trap (H. Escobar) ( FSCA # E2013-1932 View Materials ) ( FSCA, slide mounted) ; 1 ♂, same but 29.xii.2014 – 5.i.2015, suction trap (H. Escobar) ( FSCA # E2015-90 View Materials ) ( NHMB, slide mounted) ; Monroe County: 17 ♂, 7 ♀, Monroe County, Dry Tortugas, Garden Key , 10.vii.1963, blacklight trap (H.V. Weems) ; 1 ♂, 9 ♀, same but at Bursera simaruba (H.A. Denmark) ; 1 ♀, same but without details on host plant or collecting method (E.M. Collins) ( USNM, MMBC, dry mounted) .

Additional distribution information. This species was first recognized in Florida when it was found on Bursera simaruba in Miami by DPI Inspector Gwen Myres on 7.viii.2003 ( FSCA # E2003-3561). More collections were made from the same location on 28.viii.2003 ( FSCA # E2003-3841), 22.ix.2003 ( FSCA # E2003-4610), 17.xii.2003 ( FSCA # E2003-6519), 5.i.2004 ( FSCA # E2004-135). Collections were made at another location in Miami on 24.xii.2003 ( FSCA # E2003-6674) and on 6.i.2004 on B. simaruba by DPI inspector Duraid I. Hanna ( FSCA # E2004-130). A specimen, apparently this species, was collected in a blacklight trap on Plantation Key (Monroe County) by H.V. Weems on 1.i.1967.

Description. Adult ( Fig. 122, 123, 126 View Figures 122–130 ). Coloration. Head mostly white dorsally, orange-brown ventrally; foveae on vertex reddish. Clypeus white. Antennal segments 1 and 2 orange dorsally, white ventrally, segments 3–8 white with dark brown tips, segments 9 and 10 dark brown or black. Thorax orange with white dots and longitudinal stripes dorsally, ochreous with brown patches and white dots laterally and ventrally. Legs whitish, pro and mesofemora with brown markings in the middle, metacoxa with a brown patch laterally, metafemur brown dorsally and metatibia dark brown basally. Forewings whitish, membrane transparent, marginal vein ochreous, brown patches as follows: broad bands along veins in apical quarter of wing, along the middle of R and the base of M, as well as patches at bifurcation of M and touching point of Rs and M 1+2. Hindwings whitish with brown fore margin in basal half. Abdominal dorsum reddish in the middle with a narrow white longitudinal submedian stripe on either side and a broader reddish-brown sublateral band on either side, dirty whitish ventrally, with some dark brown spots laterally. – Structure. Head hardly inclined from longitudinal body axis ( Fig. 122 View Figures 122–130 ), wider than mesonotum in dorsal view ( Fig. 123 View Figures 122–130 ); in frontal view, about 2.4 times as wide (including eyes) as high ( Fig. 125 View Figures 122–130 ). Vertex dorsally ( Fig. 124 View Figures 122–130 ) with raised median ridge and each a submedian swelling on either side in front; median coronal suture completely reduced; lateral ocelli on slightly raised tubercles; occiput and anteoccipital sclerite narrow. Eyes hemispherical. Genae small, weakly swollen, tubercle below torulus small and acute ( Fig. 125 View Figures 122–130 ). Antenna ( Fig. 127 View Figures 122–130 ) 0.8–1.1 times as long as head width, in males slightly longer than in females, robust, segments 4–9 distinctly widening to apex, each with an apical rhinarium; rhinaria lacking a wreath of long cuticular spines; relative lengths of antennal segment 10 and terminal setae as 1.0: 1.4: 1.8. Clypeus small, pear-shaped, rostrum 0.3–0.4 times as long as head width. Pronotum with one median and a sublateral and lateral tubercle on both sides ( Fig. 126 View Figures 122–130 ). Mesotibia with a row of 3–4 stout setae on outer side subapically ( Fig. 128 View Figures 122–130 ); metafemur relatively long and slender, medially distinctly constricted; metatibia 0.7–0.8 times as long as head width, bearing an open crown of 8–9 unsclerotized spurs apically and one row of 3–4 similar lateral spurs. Forewing ( Fig. 129, 130 View Figures 122–130 ) 2.4 times as long as head width, 2.1–2.3 times as long as wide, irregularly oblong-oval, apex slightly truncate; costal break situated at distal fifth of vein C+Sc; cell cu 1 developed; radular spinules restricted to small patches on both sides of apices of veins M 1+2 and M 3+4 and outer side of Cu 1a apex; surface spinules filling mainly distal half of cells r 1, r 2, m 1, m 2 and entire cells cu 1 and cu 2, leaving spinule-free bands along the veins ( Fig. 130 View Figures 122–130 ). Visible abdominal tergites 2–4 each with large median tubercle ( Fig. 126 View Figures 122–130 ). Male terminalia ( Fig. 131–133 View Figures 131–134 )with proctiger 0.3 times as long as head width, cylindrical, with a few moderately long setae. Male subgenital plate subglobular, with slightly convex dorsal margin. Paramere about as long as proctiger; digitiform, in profile, nearly straight, apex hardly curved posteriad; inner face sparsely beset with long setae, apex forming a small sclerotized tooth. Distal segment of aedeagus almost as long as proctiger, with long shaft, apical dilation about a third as long as entire segment, irregularly widening towards apex, broadly rounded apically; sclerotized end tube of ductus ejaculatorius relatively long and sinuate. Female terminalia ( Fig. 134 View Figures 131–134 ) with proctiger 0.6 times as long as head width, sparsely covered with a few moderately long setae and with a transverse row of long setae in apical third; dorsal margin of proctiger distal to circumanal ring, in lateral view, weakly concave. Circumanal ring oval, 0.4 times as long as proctiger; consisting of two unequal rows of pores. Subgenital plate 0.7–0.9 times as long as proctiger, subacute apically, apex almost reaching that of proctiger. Dorsal valvulae irregularly triangular, ventral valvulae weakly curved; lacking teeth. – Measurements (in mm; 2 ♂, 2 ♀). Head width 0.48–0.50; antenna length 0.40–0.54; forewing length 1.14–1.32; length of male proctiger 0.12; paramere length 0.12; length of distal segment of aedeagus 0.12–0.14; length of female proctiger 0.30.

Fifth instar immature ( Fig. 135 View Figures 135–138 ). Coloration. In life, nearly transparent; fringed with wax filaments. General body color light in slide mounted specimens. – Structure. Body oval, 1.4–1.5 times as long as wide; dorsally flat, sclerotized, ventrally inflated, membranous. Dorsal sclerites covered in indistinct, fine granular microsculpture and sparse microscopic setae. Body margin with following numbers (one side only) of truncate lanceolate setae ( Fig. 136 View Figures 135–138 ): head in front of antennal insertion: 15–16; eye: 1; cephaloprothorax behind eye: 22–25; forewing pad: 33–39; hindwing pad: 11–13; third visible abdominal segment: 1; fourth visible abdominal segment: 6–7; caudal plate: 37–40. Antenna 0.4–0.5 times as long as forewing pad length; inserted on ventral side, three-segmented, flagellum indistinctly subdivided, with two rhinaria. Tarsal arolium ( Fig. 137 View Figures 135–138 ) pad-like, with unguitractor but lacking petiole, small, extending approximately to half of length of claws. Anus small, rhomboid, in ventral position; circumanal ring ( Fig. 138 View Figures 135–138 ) relatively small on either side with long seta, with fore and hind margins close together; outer ring composed of a single row of pores, hardly sinuate laterally. – Measurements (in mm; 4 immatures). Body length 1.14–1.24; antenna length 0.18–0.20.

Distribution. USA: Florida: Collier, Miami-Dade and Monroe counties.

Host plants. Bursera simaruba (L.) Sarg. ( Burseraceae ).

Derivation of name. Named after its host, Bursera simaruba , locally called gumbo-limbo. Applied as a noun in apposition.

Comments. Pseudophacopteron is a pantropical genus previously not recorded from North America. In the Neotropics, the genus is known from five species from Panama ( Brown and Hodkinson 1988) and two species from Brazil ( Malenovský et al. 2015). Pseudophacopteron gumbolimbo resembles P. antennatum Brown and Hodkinson, 1988, in the forewing pattern and the shape of the paramere and the female terminalia but differs in the subequal terminal antennal setae, the apically more angular forewings, and in the shape of the apical dilation of the aedeagus, which is relatively narrower and only slightly curved ventrally, hardly hooked.

The species probably is native to Florida. Immatures are found on undersides of new leaves, causing no damage other than an occasional indistinct yellow spot. Adults have been collected in the suction trap in Miami- Dade County in all months except August and September.

Psyllidae Latreille, 1807 Acizziinae White and Hodkinson, 1985 Acizzia Heslop-Harrison, 1961


Florida State Collection of Arthropods, The Museum of Entomology


Natural History Museum Bucharest


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History


Moravske Muzeum [Moravian Museum]

















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