Hippasteria spinosa, VERRILL, 1909

Mah, Christopher, Nizinski, Martha & Lundsten, Lonny, 2010, Phylogenetic revision of the Hippasterinae (Goniasteridae; Asteroidea): systematics of deep sea corallivores, including one new genus and three new species, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 160 (2), pp. 266-301 : 288

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Valdenar (2021-08-31 21:58:28, last updated 2023-11-11 21:59:38)

scientific name

Hippasteria spinosa



Verrill, 1909: 63; Fisher, 1911: 224; HL Clark, 1913: 194; Goto, 1914: 349; Verrill, 1914: 301; Djakonov, 1950: 53 ( 1968: 45); Baranova, 1957: 162; Alton, 1966: 1702; Carey, 1972: 38, 39; Lambert, 1978a: 4, 14; Maluf, 1988: 34, 118; Clark, 1993: 259; Lambert, 2000: 64.

Occurrence: Southern California, British Columbia, to Bering Sea. Okhotsk Sea off Cape Elizavety, and near the Kurile Islands . 49–1170 m .

Comments: This species forms an extensive species complex throughout the Aleutian and North Pacific sub-Arctic region similar in several ways to Leptasterias and other wide ranging high-latitude species. This extensive variation is likely to encompass all of the species described by Djakonov (1950 translated in Dyakonov, 1968) from the Okhotsk Sea and adjoining regions, including H. mammifera , H. pedicellaris , H. colossa , and H. kurilensis . These are mentioned here for future discussion but type specimens have not been examined.

Material examined: USNM 32470 About USNM , west of San Nicolas Island , 33°13′N, 120°4′W, 825 m, coll GoogleMaps . USFC Albatross , 26.iv.1911. (1 dry spec. R = 0.9, r = 0.4) . USNM 33352 About USNM south-west of Cape Flattery , Washington. 48°17′N 124°52′W, 70 m. Coll GoogleMaps . USFC Albatross 24.ix.1888 (1 dry spec. R = 8.2, r = 4.3) ; USNM 39833 About USNM Heceta Bank , Oregon, 43°58′N, 124°36′W, 170 m. Coll GoogleMaps . USFC Albatross 1.ix.1889. (1 dry spec. R = 9.2, r = 4.7) . USNM 47600 About USNM Umnak Island, Islands of Four Mountains, Aleutian Islands , Alaska. 53°3′N, 169°57′W, 146 m. Coll GoogleMaps . R/V Harvester 11.viii.1980. (1 dry spec. R = 7.1, r = 3.5) ; USNM E10504 . South-west of mouth of Columbia River , Oregon. 46°8′N 124°30′W, 137 m. Coll GoogleMaps . R/V Cobb 14.i.1964. (1 dry spec. R = 12.8, r = 7.1) .

Alton M. 1966. Bathymeric distribution of sea stars (Asteroidea) off the Northern Oregon coast. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 23: 1673 - 1714.

Baranova ZI. 1957. [Echinoderms of the Bering Sea]. Issledovaniya Dalny-Vostok Morei USSR 4: 149 - 266. (In Russian).

Carey AG. 1972. Food sources of sublittoral, bathyal and abyssal asteroids in the Northeast Pacific Ocean. Ophelia 10: 35 - 47.

Clark HL. 1913. Scientific results of the expedition to the Gulf of California in charge of C. H. Townsend, by the U. S. Fisheries Steamship Albatross in 1911, Cmdr. G. H. Burrage, USN Commanding, VIII. Echinoderms from Lower California with descriptions of new species: supplementary report. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 32: 185 - 236.

Clark AM. 1993. An index of names of recent Asteroidea - Part 2: Valvatida. Echinoderm Studies 4: 187 - 366.

Djakonov AM. 1950. Sea stars (asteroids) of the USSR seas. Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR Moskva-Leningrad 34: 1 - 203.

Djakonov AM. [Translated as Dyakonov] 1968. Sea stars (asteroids) of the USSR seas. In: Strelkov AA, ed. Keys to the fauna of the USSR 34. Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Jerusalem: Israel Program for scientific translations Ltd. 183 pp.

Fisher WK. 1911. Asteroidea of the North Pacific and adjacent waters. 1. Phanerozonia and Spinulosida. Bulletin of the US National Museum 76: xiii + 420 pp. 122 pls.

Goto H. 1914. A descriptive monograph of Japanese Asteroidea. 1. Journal of the College of Sciences, Imperial University of Tokyo 29: 1 - 808.

Lambert P. 1978 a. British Columbia Marine Faunistic Survey report: asteroids from the Northeast Pacific. Fisheries and Marine Service Technical Report 773: 1 - 23.

Lambert P. 2000. Sea stars of British Columbia, Southeast Alaska, and Puget Sound. Royal British Columbia Museum Handbook. Vancouver, CA: University of British Columbia Press, 1 - 186.

Maluf Y. 1988. Composition and distribution of the central eastern Pacific echinoderms. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Technical Reports 2.

Verrill AE. 1909. Descriptions of new genera and species of starfishes from the North Pacific coast of America. American Journal of Science 28: 59 - 70.

Verrill AE. 1914. Monograph of the shallow-water starfishes of the North Pacific coast from the Arctic Ocean to California. Harriman Alaska Series: US National Museum 14: 1 - 408.


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History