Cliona vermifera Hancock, 1867

Pacheco, Cristian, Carballo, José Luis, Cortés, Jorge, Segovia, Johanna & Trejo, Alejandra, 2018, Excavating sponges from the Pacific of Central America, descriptions and a faunistic record, Zootaxa 4370 (5), pp. 451-491 : 468-470

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Plazi (2018-01-15 06:15:27, last updated 2024-11-26 07:11:31)

scientific name

Cliona vermifera Hancock, 1867


Cliona vermifera Hancock, 1867

Material examined. CIMAR.CU.06, CIMAR.CU.8(I), CIMAR.CU.09(I), CIMAR.CU.09(IIa) MZUCR.381: Bahía Culebra, 10m, 21.III.2011, coll. and det. Cristian Pacheco Solano . CIMAR. CU.122, CIMAR.CU.123, CIMAR.CU.200, CIMAR.CU.201: Bahía Culebra, 10 m, 28.VI.2011, coll. and det. Cristian Pacheco Solano . MZUCR. 383, MZUCR.384, CIMAR.IC.21.1, CIMAR.IC.34.1: Isla del Caño , 5 m, 12. II.2011, coll. and det. Cristian Pacheco Solano. N /A: Playa el Faro, Los Cóbanos , El Salvador , <3 m, 1-X-2016, coll. Sofía Solorzano, det. José Luis Carballo .

External morphology. Endolithic sponge in alpha morphology. Circular papillae 1 mm in diameter. Live color orange.

Excavation. Erosion multicamerate. Oval or irregular chambers with diameters of 1 to 3 mm, occasionally fused. Erosion scars 35–53 µm in diameter, very smooth, with sharp edges ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 ).

Spicules. Megascleres as tylostyles in two size classes, microscleres helical rods ( Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 ). Tylostyle dimensions: 100–294 µm (x̅ =195.1, σ=54.8) x 1–12 µm (x̅ =5.3, σ=3.0). Spiraster dimensions: 25–65 µm (x̅ =41.9, σ=9.8) x 1–12 (x̅ =3.9, σ=1.6) µm.

Previous records. Carballo et al. (2008a) and Vega (2012) sampled C. vermifera in the Mexican Pacific. Guzmán (1988) further reported it from Costa Rica. Our account is a new record for El Salvador.

Ecology. It was found in dead coral of genus Pocillopora and Porites , from 5 to 10 m depth. C. vermifera is the most abundant excavating sponge in the ETP and is thus of considerable importance to local bioerosion ( Carballo et al. 2008b; Vega 2012).

Distribution and previous records. The species was described by Hancock (1867) without indication of the type locality. It has since been widely reported, from the Mediterranean Sea ( Volz 1939; Bertolino et al. 2013), Eastern Atlantic Ocean ( Carballo et al. 1994), Caribbean ( Topsent 1889, Hechtel 1965; Rützler 1974; Ward & Risk 1977), Mexican Pacific ( Carter 2009; Carballo et al. 2004, 2008a; Vega 2012), the Western Pacific ( Schönberg 2001), and Indian Ocean ( Topsent 1932). Scott et al. (1988) found this species in Costa Rica, and we did additionally in El Salvador ( Fig. 22 View FIGURE22 ).

Remarks. Due to its characteristic microscleres and its two size classes of tylostyles ( Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 ), C. vermifera has always been regarded as easy to identify, and it has been reported from warm waters across the whole world (Schönberg et al. 2017). Traditionally, C. vermifera was thought to be cosmopolitan (e.g. Schönberg et al. 2006). However, due to recent discoveries of taxonomically cryptic species within the Clionaida ( Boury-Esnault et al. 1999; Xavier et al. 2010, Paula et al. 2012), such “cosmopolitan” species are now treated with more caution and are increasingly reviewed. A recent publication by León-Pech et al. (2015) showed that dispersal abilities of C. vermifera were limited in the Mexican Pacific, which suggests that this species could also be a species complex. We were unable to resolve this taxonomically and treated C. vermifera as one species.

Carballo, J. L., Cruz-Barraza, J. A., Nava, H. & Bautista, E. (2008 a) Esponjas perforadoras de sustratos calcareos: importancia en los ecosistemas arrecifales del Pacifico este. CONABIO, Mexico City, 187 pp.

Scott, P. J. B., Risk, M. J. & Carriquiry, J. D. (1988) El Nino, bioerosion and the survival of East Pacific reefs. Proceedings of the 6 th International Coral Reef Symposium, Australia, 2, 517 - 520.

Leon-Pech, M. G., Cruz-Barraza, J. A., Carballo, J. L., Calderon-Aguilera, L. E. & Rocha-Olivares, A. (2015) Pervasive genetic structure at different geographic scales in the coral-excavating sponge Cliona vermifera (Hancock, 1867) in the Mexican Pacific. Coral Reefs, 34, 887 - 8 97. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 00338 - 015 - 1316 - 9

Bertolino, M., Cerrano, C., Bavestrello, G., Carella, M., Pansini, M. & Calcinai, B. (2013) Diversity of Porifera in the Mediterranean coralligenous accretions, with description of a new species. ZooKeys, 336, 1 - 37. https: // doi. org / 10.3897 / zookeys. 336.5139

Boury-Esnault, N., Klautau, M., Bezac, C., Wulff, J. & Sole-Cava, A. M. (1999) Comparative study of putative conspecific sponge populations from both sides of the Isthmus of Panama. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 79, 39 - 50. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / s 0025315498000046

Carballo, J. L., Sanchez-Moyano, J. E. & Garcia-Gomez, J. C. (1994) Taxonomic and ecological remarks on boring sponges (Clionidae) from the Straits of Gibraltar (Southern Spain): tentative bioindicators? Zoological Journal of Linnean Society, 112, 407 - 424. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1096 - 3642.1994. tb 00329. x

Carballo, J. L., Cruz-Barraza, J. A. & Gomez, P. (2004) Taxonomy and description of clionaid sponges (Hadromerida, Clionaidae) from the Pacific Ocean of Mexico. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 141, 353 - 397. https: // doi. org / 10.1111 / j. 1096 - 3642.2004.00126. x

Carballo, J. L., Bautista-Guerrero, E. & Leyte-Morales, G. E. (2008 b) Boring sponges and the modeling of coral reefs in the east Pacific Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Serie s, 356, 113 - 1 22. https: // doi. org / 10.3354 / meps 07276

Carter, H. J. (2009) Some sponges from the West Indies and Acapulco in the Liverpool Free Museum described, with general and classificatory remarks. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 9, 266 - 301. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222938209459039

Guzman, H. M. (1988) Distribucion y abundancia de organismos coralivoros en los arrecifes coralinos de la Isla del Cano, Costa Rica. Revista de Biologia Tropical, 36, 191 - 207.

Hancock, A. (1867) Note on the excavating sponges; with descriptions of four new species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 19, 229 - 242.

Hechtel, G. J. (1965) A systematic study of the Demospongiae of Port Royal, Jamaica. Bulletin of the Peabody Museum of Natural History, Yale University, 20, 1 - 103.

Calcinai, B., Bavestrello, G., Cuttone, G. & Cerrano, C. (2011) Excavating sponges from the Adriatic Sea: description of Cliona adriatica sp. nov. (Demospongiae: Clionaidae) and estimation of its boring activity. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 91, 339 - 346. https: // doi. org / 10.1017 / s 0025315410001050

Paula, T. S. de, Zilberberg, C., Hajdu, E. & Lobo-Hajdu, G. (2012) Morphology and molecules on opposite sides of the diversity gradient: Four cryptic species of the Cliona celata (Porifera, Demospongiae) complex in South America revealed by mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 62, 529 - 5 41. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. ympev. 2011.11.001

Rutzler, K. (1974) The burrowing sponges of Bermuda. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology, 165, 1 - 32. https: // doi. org / 10.5479 / si. 00810282.165

Schonberg, C. H. L. (2001) Small-scale distribution of Great Barrier Reef bioeroding sponges in shallow water. Ophelia, 55, 39 - 54. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00785236.2001.10409472

Schonberg, C. H. L., Grass, S. & Heiermann, A. T. (2006) Cliona minuscula, sp. nov. (Hadromerida: Clionaidae) and other bioeroding sponges that only contain tylostyles. Zootaxa, 1312, 1 - 24.

Topsent, E. (1889) Quelques spongiaires du Banc de Campeche et de la Pointe-a-Pitre. Memoires de la Societe Zoologie de France, 8, 1 - 331.

Topsent, E. (1932) Notes sur les Clionides. Archives de Zoologie Experimentale et Generale, 74, 549 - 579.

Vega, C. (2012) Composicion y afinidades biogeograficas de esponjas (Demospongiae) asociadas a comunidades coralinas del Pacifico Mexicano. Doctoral thesis, Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico, 231 pp.

Volz, P. (1939) Die Bohrschwamme (Clioniden) der Adria. Thalassia, 3, 1 - 64.

Ward, P. & Risk, M. J. (1977) Boring pattern of the sponge Cliona vermifera in the coral Montastrea annularis. Journal of Paleontology, 51, 520 - 526.

Xavier, J. R., Rachello-Dolmen, P. G., Parra-Velandia, F., Schonberg, C. H. L., Breeuwer, J. A. & Soest, R. W. M. van (2010) Molecular evidence of cryptic speciation in the cosmopolitan excavating sponge Cliona celata (Porifera, Clionaidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 56, 13 - 20.

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FIGURE 20.Cliona vermifera bioerosion.A) Erosion chamber (arrow) and B) erosion scars.

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FIGURE 21. Spicules of Cliona vermifera from Costa Rica: A) tylostyles, B) sinuous microstrongyles, C) both spicules types to scale, D) spicules of specimen from El Salvador (light microscope).

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FIGURE22. Distribution of Cliona vermiferain the study area.


Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso, Centro de Investigaciones del Mar











