Ancylis paludana Barrett, 1871

Zhang, X., Li, H. H. & Yan, S. C., 2008, Review of the genus Ancylis Hübner from China (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Olethreutinae), Journal of Natural History 42 (27 - 28), pp. 1805-1839 : 1829-1832

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Carolina (2021-03-10 17:38:32, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-01 23:43:06)

scientific name

Ancylis paludana Barrett, 1871


Ancylis paludana Barrett, 1871 View in CoL

( Figures 16 View Figures 13–18 , 39 View Figures 38–43 )

Phoxopteryx paludana Barrett, 1871:134 . Type locality: Great Britain.

Ancylis paludana: Pierce and Metcalfe, 1922:55 View in CoL ; Bradley et al. 1979:96; Razowski 1999:492; Kuznetsov 2001:309; Razowski 2001:70; Liu and Li 2002:364; Brown 2005:96.

Material examined

1 „, Nenjiang, Heilongjiang Province, 300 m, 29 July 1997, coll. Houhun Li.


China (Heilongjiang), Europe, Mongolia, Nearct, Russia.


Leguminosae: Lathyrus palustris ( Bradley 1979) .


Forewing length 5.5 mm. This species is similar to A. apicella in facies, but can be distinguished from it by the forewing with a triangular blotch from the base to the middle of the dorsum ( Figure 16 View Figures 13–18 ), the small, ovoid socius, and the short cucullus about 1/2 the length of the valva ( Figure 39 View Figures 38–43 ). In A. apicella , the forewing has a triangular blotch from the base to the tornus, the socius is large and triangular, and the cucullus is long, about 2/3 the length of the valva. It is also similar to A. badiana in facies, but can be differs from it by the narrower dorsal patch occupying 1/2 basal area of the forewing. In A. badiana , the broader dorsal patch occupies 2/3 basal area of the forewing.

Ancylis partitana ( Christoph, 1881) View in CoL

( Figures 17 View Figures 13–18 , 40 View Figures 38–43 , 60 View Figures 55–60 )

Phoxopteryx partitana Christoph, 1881:430 . Type locality: Russia (Far East).

Ancylis partitana ( Christoph, 1881) View in CoL : Kawabe 1982, 1:116, 2:172; Byun et al. 1998: 145; Razowski 1999:494; Kuznetsov 2001:305; Brown 2005:96.

Material examined

18 „„, China, Lushi County, Henan Province, 1000–1500 m, 27–30 May 2000, coll. Haili Yu ; 5 „„, Lushi County, Henan Province, 1500 m, 29 May 2000, coll. Meicai Wei ; 1 „, Mt. Gan, Shanxian , Henan Province, 1100 m, 1 June 2000, coll. Haili Yu; 1 „, 2 ♀♀, Ningshan County, Shaanxi Province, 1620 m, 10–14 June 1987, coll. Houhun Li ; 2 „„, 9 ♀♀, Fengxian , Shaanxi Province, 1600 m, 9–11 July 1988, coll. Houhun Li ; 1 „, Ningshan County, Shaanxi Province, 1650 m, 28 May–2 June 1992, coll. Houhun Li; 1 „, 1 ♀, Alihe , Inner Mongolia, June 1995, coll. Shanchun Yan , deposited in NEFU.


China (Henan, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi), Japan, Korea, Russia.


Forewing length 6.0–9.0 mm. This species is characterized by the obliquely semicircular basal patch extending from the middle of the costa to 1/3 the length of the dorsum on the forewing ( Figure 17 View Figures 13–18 ). It is similar to A. ventriverticalis sp. nov. in the male genitalia. The differences between them are discussed under the diagnosis of the latter. It is also similar to A. repandana and A. geminana in the male genitalia, but can be distinguished by the valva with two acute ventral projections ( Figure 40 View Figures 38–43 ), while in the latter two species the valva has two obtuse ventral projections. The female genitalia are characterized by the papilla analis as long as the apophysis posterioris, the subtriangular sterigma, and the two different-sized signa ( Figure 60 View Figures 55–60 ).

Ancylis repandana Kennel, 1901 View in CoL

( Figures 18 View Figures 13–18 , 41 View Figures 38–43 , 61 View Figures 61–66 )

Ancylis repandana Kennel, 1901:303 View in CoL ; Byun et al. 1998:146; Kuznetsov 2001:302; Brown 2005:96; Byun and Yan 2005:23. Type locality: Russia (Amur).

Material examined

1 „, 1 ♀, China, Jiagedaqi , Heilongjiang Province, June 1996, coll. Shanchun Yan, deposited in NEFU .


China (Heilongjiang), Japan, Korea, Russia.


Forewing length 9.5–10.5 mm. This species is similar to A. geminana in facies and male genitalia, but differs mainly in the presence of a deeply emarginated, longitudinal streak in the middle of the cell on the forewing ( Figure 18 View Figures 13–18 ), the cucullus is about 1/3 the length of the valva ( Figure 41 View Figures 38–43 ), and the broadly triangular papilla analis, twice the width of the ductus bursae ( Figure 61 View Figures 61–66 ). In A. geminana , the forewing lacks a deeply emarginated, longitudinal streak in the middle of the cell; the cucullus is about 2/5 the length of the valva; and the papilla analis is narrowly band-shaped, as wide as the ductus bursae.

Ancylis sativa Liu, 1979 View in CoL

( Figures 19 View Figures 19–25 , 42 View Figures 38–43 , 62 View Figures 61–66 )

Ancylis (Anchylopera) sativa Liu, 1979:90 View in CoL ; Razowski 1999:494; Kuznetsov 2001:312; Liu and Li 2002:365; Brown 2005:96. Type locality: China (Beijing).

Material examined

1 „, 4 ♀♀, China, Yangling, Shaanxi Province, 7 April–20 August 1985, coll. Houhun Li; 1 „, Yangling, Shaanxi Province, 450 m, 30 May 1986, coll. Houhun Li; 3 ♀♀, Binxian , Shaanxi Province, 5 August 1988, coll. Houhun Li ; 1 „, Binxian, Shaanxi Province, 1 April 1990, coll. Houhun Li; 9 „„, 16 ♀♀, Yangling , Shaanxi Province, 450 m, 14 April–5 September 1993, coll. Houhun Li; 1 „ , 5 ♀♀, Binxian , Shaanxi Province, 26 April 1993, coll. Houhun Li ; 1 ♀, Chengcheng County, Shaanxi Province, 1000 m, 9 August 1993, coll. Houhun Li ; 1 „, Mengla , Yunnan Province, 21 November 1987, coll. Houhun Li; 1 „, Jinghong County, 550 m, 23 November 1987, coll. Houhun Li ; 5 ♀♀, Yuexi , Anhui Province, 25 July–18 August 1995, coll. Xiangfu Hu ; 1 ♀, Qianshan County, Anhui Province, 10 August 2004, coll. Jiasheng Xu, Jialiang Zhang ; 1 „, Xixia , Henan Province, 890 m, 18 July 1998, coll. Houhun Li; 1 „, Huixian, Henan Province, 780 m, 12 July 2000, coll. Xinpu Wang ; 2 „„, 3 ♀♀, Tongbai , Henan Province, 300 m, 11 September 2000, coll. Houhun Li ; 2 „„, Tianshui , Gansu Province, 12–13 August 1988, coll. Xingyu Wu ; 1 ♀, Kangxian , Gansu Province, 1200 m, 5 June 1995, coll. Aisihaer ; 1 ♀, Xinhua County, Hunan Province, 3 August 2004, coll. Yunli Xiao ; 5 ♀♀, Luxian , Sichuan Province, 25–29 July 1995, coll. Yongxing Zeng ; 1 ♀, Liangshan County, Shandong Province, 23 August 1995, coll. Shijin Li ; 2 „„, Jixian , Tianjin, 170 m, 20 July 2004, coll. Houhun Li ; 1 ♀, Xishui County, Guizhou Province, 500 m, 31 May 2000, coll. Yanli Du ; 1 ♀, Xishui County, Guizhou Province, 500 m, 27 September 2000, coll. Haili Yu ; 1 ♀, Daozhen County, Guizhou Province, 1300 m, 20 August 2004, coll. Yunli Xiao ; 1 „, Mt. Wuyi , Fujian Province, 600 m, 27 May 2004, coll. Haili Yu; 1 „ , 1 ♀, Taishun , Zhejiang Province, 680 m, 2 August 2005, coll. Yunli Xiao ; 1 ♀, Jingxing , Hebei Province, 26 July 2000, coll. Haili Yu ; 2 „„, Shexian , Hebei Province, 700 m, 2–3 August 2000, coll. Haili Yu.


China (Anhui, Fujian, Gansu, Guizhou, Hebei, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Tianjin, Yunnan, Zhejiang) , Korea.


Rhamnaceae View in CoL : Ziziphus jujuba View in CoL , Z. jujuba var. spinosa ( Bradley 1979) View in CoL .


Forewing length 4.5–8.0 mm. This species can be distinguished from other members of the genus by the absence of the distinct dorsal blotch, the three long streaks from base to termen on the forewing ( Figure 19 View Figures 19–25 ), the subscalariform cucullus in the male genitalia ( Figure 42 View Figures 38–43 ). The female has the short papilla analis shorter than the apophysis anterioris, and two same-sized signa ( Figure 62 View Figures 61–66 ). It is similar to A. selenana , but can be distinguished from it by the valva with a projection on the ventral margin, the indistinct neck, and the subscalariform cucullus. In A. selenana , the valva has two projections on the ventral margin; the neck is distinct and slender; and the cucullus is triangular.

Barrett CG. 1871. Description of a new species of Phoxopteryx, from Great Britain. Entomol Month Mag. 8: 134.

Bradley JD, Trenewan WG, Smith A. 1979. British Tortricid moths. Tortricidae: Olethreutinae. London (UK): The Ray Society.

Brown JW. 2005. Tortricidae (Lepidoptera). In: World Catalogue of Insects 5: 1 - 741. Stenstrup (Denmark): Apollo Books.

Byun BK, Bae YS, Park KT. 1998. Illustrated Catalogue of Tortricidae in Korea (Lepidoptera). In: Park KT, editor. Insects of Korea, series 2. Seoul (South Korea): Junghaeng-Sa. p. 1 - 317.

Byun BK, Yan SC. 2005. Description of a new species, records of five previously unrecorded species, and rediscovery of a lost species in the genus Ancylis Hubner (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from China. Zootaxa, Auckland. 1103: 17 - 26.

Christoph H. 1881. Neue Lepidopteren des Amurgebietes. Bull Soc Imp Naturalist Moscou. 56: 1 - 80, 405 - 436.

Kawabe A. 1982. Tortricidae. In: Inoue H, Sugi S, Kuroko H, Moriuti S, Kawabe A, editors. Moths of Japan. Vol. 1: 62 - 151; Vol. 2: 158 - 181. Tokyo (Japan): Kodansha.

Kennel J. 1901. Neue Wickler des palaearctischen Gebietes. Deutsh Entomol Z Iris. 13: 205 - 305.

Kuznetsov VI. 2001. Tortricidae. In: Ler PA, editor. Key to the insects of Russian Far East. Vol. V. Trichoptera and Lepidoptera. Pt 3: 11 - 472. Vladivostok (Russia): Dal' nauka. Russian.

Liu YQ. 1979. A new species of leaf-roller (Tortricidae: Olethreutinae) on Chinese date (Zizyphus sativa Gaertn.). Acta Entomologica Sinica, Beijing. 22 (1): 90 - 92.

Liu YQ, Li GW. 2002. Fauna Sinica. Vol. 27, Lepidoptera, Tortricidae. Beijing (China): Science Press. 463 p., 138 pls.

Pierce FN, Metcalfe JW. 1922. The genitalia of the group Tortrieidae of the Lepidoptera of the British Islands. Northants (UK): Oundle.

Razowski J. 1999. Catalogue of the species of Tortricidae. Part V, Palaearctic Eucosmina and Enarmoniina (Insecta: Lepidoptera). Sociedad Hispano-Luso-Americana de Lepidopterologia, Rev Lepidopterol. 27 (108): 495 - 496.

Razowski J. 2001. Die Tortriciden (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) Mitteleuropas. Bestimmung Verbreitung Flugstandort Lebensweise der Raupen. Bratislava (Slovakia): Frantisek Slamka. 319 p.

Gallery Image

Figures 13–18. Adults of Ancylis spp. (13) A. melanostigma Kuznetsov, ♀; (14) A. mitterbacheriana ([Denis and Schiffermüller]), ♀; (15) A. obtusana (Haworth), „; (16) A. paludana (Barrett), „; (17) A. partitana (Christoph), „; (18) A. repandana Kennel, „.

Gallery Image

Figures 38–43. Male genitalia of Ancylis spp. (38) A. obtusana (Haworth), slide no.ZAH03539; (39) A. paludana (Barrett), slide no.ZAH03193; (40) A. partitana (Christoph), slide no.ZX05230; (41) A. repandana Kennel, slide no. ENT–0207; (42) A. sativa Liu, slide no. ZAH03561; (43) A. sculpta Meyrick, slide no.ZAH03531.

Gallery Image

Figures 55–60. Female genitalia of Ancylis spp. (55) A. hemicatharta Meyrick, slide no.ZX06002; (56) A. laetana (Fabricius), slide no.ZAH04073; (57) A. loktini Kuznetsov, slide no. LJM04133; (58) A. melanostigma Kuznetsov, slide no. ENT–95025; (59) A. obtusana (Haworth), slide no.ZAH03538; (60) A. partitana (Christoph), slide no. ZX05231.

Gallery Image

Figures 61–66. Female genitalia of Ancylis spp. (61) A. repandana Kennel, slide no.ENT– 0209; (62) A. sativa Liu, slide no. ZAH03565; (63) A. sculpta Meyrick, slide no. ZAH03533; (64) A. selenana (Guenée), slide no.ZX05229; (65) A. unculana (Haworth), slide no.ZAH03522; (66) A. upupana (Treitschke), slide no.ZAH03867.

Gallery Image

Figures 19–25. Adults of Ancylis spp. (19) A. sativa Liu, „; (20) A. sculpta Meyrick, ♀; (21) A. selenana (Guenée), ♀; (22) A. uncella ([Denis and Schiffermüller]), „; (23) A. unculana (Haworth), „; (24) A. upupana (Treitschke), ♀; (25) A. youmiae Byun and Yan, „.











