Pholcus bat Lan & Li sp.

Lan, Tianqi, Jäger, Peter, Zhu, Wenhui & Li, Shuqiang, 2021, Pholcid spiders (Araneae: Pholcidae) from Southeast Asia, with descriptions of five new species, Zootaxa 4963 (3), pp. 545-562 : 555

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Plazi (2021-04-20 08:40:10, last updated 2024-11-27 06:23:13)

scientific name

Pholcus bat Lan & Li sp.


Pholcus bat Lan & Li sp. nov.

Figs 7–8 View FIGURE 7 View FIGURE 8

Type material. Holotype: male (IZCAS-Ar41842), Bat Cave (21°43’28.52”N, 101°23’12.30”E, elevation 1000 m), Chengzi Village , Mengyuan Town , Mengla County, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China, 4 October 2017, P. Jäger leg. GoogleMaps Paratypes: 2 females (IZCAS-Ar41843–Ar41844), same data as holotype GoogleMaps .

Etymology. The specific name refers to the type locality and is a noun in apposition.

Diagnosis. This species resembles P. zhaoi Yao, Pham & Li, 2015 (see Yao et al. 2015: 17, figs 58–60) with a similar bulbal apophyses ( Fig. 8C View FIGURE 8 ) and male chelicerae ( Fig. 8D View FIGURE 8 ) but can be distinguished by the presence of a strongly protruding subdisto-ventral process (arrow in Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ; not strongly protruding in P. zhaoi ), small biangular subdisto-dorsal apophysis (arrow 1 in Fig. 7D View FIGURE 7 ; nearly semicircular in P. zhaoi ) and conch-shaped distal apophysis (arrow 2 in Fig. 7D View FIGURE 7 ; ladder-shaped in P. zhaoi ) on procursus.

Description. Male (holotype, IZCAS-Ar41842): Total length 6.76 (6.99 with clypeus), carapace 1.50 long, 1.72 wide, opisthosoma 5.26 long, 2.05 wide. Leg I: 45.68 (11.85 + 0.75 + 11.54 + 19.17 + 2.37), leg II: – (8.91 + 0.72 + 8.40 + 13.59 + –), leg III: 23.87 (6.86 + 0.66 + 6.03 + 9.10 + 1.22), leg IV: 30.84 (8.78 + 0.66 + 7.56 + 12.24 + 1.60); tibia I L/d: 53. Distance PME-PME 0.34, diameter PME 0.17, distance PME-ALE 0.04, distance AME-AME 0.03, diameter AME 0.08. Sternum wider than long (1.04/0.79). Habitus as in Figs 8E, F View FIGURE 8 . Carapace yellowish, with brown marks medially; ocular area yellowish, with brown marks; clypeus yellowish; sternum black. Legs yellowish, but brown on patellae and whitish on distal parts of femora and tibiae, with darker rings on subdistal parts of femora, and proximal and subdistal parts of tibiae. Opisthosoma yellowish, with spots dorsally and laterally. Ocular area elevated, each eye triad on top of short laterally directed eye stalk. Thoracic furrow absent. Chelicerae as in Fig. 8D View FIGURE 8 , with pair of small proximo-lateral apophyses, pair of distal apophyses and pair of frontal apophyses. Pedipalps as in Figs 7A, B View FIGURE 7 ; trochanter with small ventral apophysis; femur with distinct ventral protuberance; procursus simple proximally but complex distally, with two prolatero-dorsal spines (arrows in Fig. 7D View FIGURE 7 ), subdisto-ventral process (arrow in Fig. 7C View FIGURE 7 ), small biangular subdisto-dorsal apophysis (arrow 1 in Fig. 7D View FIGURE 7 ) and large, conch-shaped distal apophysis (arrow 2 in Fig. 7D View FIGURE 7 ); uncus with scaly edge ( Fig. 8C View FIGURE 8 ); appendix with two long hooked branches (arrows in Fig. 8C View FIGURE 8 ); embolus weakly sclerotized, with some transparent projections distally ( Fig. 8C View FIGURE 8 ). Retrolateral trichobothrium of tibia I at 4% proximally; legs with short, vertical setae on tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi, without spines and curved setae; tarsus I with 33 distinct pseudosegments.

Female (paratype, IZCAS-Ar41843): Similar to male, habitus as in Figs 8G, H View FIGURE 8 . Total length 6.73 (6.88 with clypeus), carapace 1.67 long, 1.86 wide, opisthosoma 5.06 long, 1.47 wide; tibia I: 12.56; tibia I L/d: 48. Distance PME-PME 0.30, diameter PME 0.19, distance PME-ALE 0.04, distance AME-AME 0.03, diameter AME 0.10. Sternum wider than long (1.12/0.84). Epigynum ( Fig. 8A View FIGURE 8 ) with proximal knob. Vulva ( Fig. 8B View FIGURE 8 ) with sclerotized anterior arch, pair of sclerites (arrows in Fig. 8B View FIGURE 8 ), and pair of long pore plates.

Variation: Tibia I in another female paratype: 12.11 (IZCAS-Ar41844).

Distribution. China (Yunnan, type locality; Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ).

Natural history. The species was found in the entrance zone of the cave.

Yao, Z., Pham, D. S. & Li, S. (2015) Pholcid spiders (Araneae: Pholcidae) from northern Vietnam, with descriptions of nineteen new species. Zootaxa, 3909 (1), 1 - 82. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 3909.1.1

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FIGURE 7. Pholcus bat sp. nov., holotype male. A, B. Pedipalp (A. Prolateral view; B. Retrolateral view); C, D. Distal part of procursus (C. Prolateral view, arrow points at strongly protruding subdisto-ventral process; D. Dorsal view, two arrows point at two prolatero-dorsal spines, arrow 1 points at small biangular subdisto-dorsal apophysis, arrow 2 points at conch-shaped distal apophysis). a = appendix, b = bulb, e = embolus, pr = procursus, u = uncus. Scale bars: 0.20 (A, B), 0.10 (C, D).

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FIGURE 8. Pholcus bat sp. nov., holotype male (C–F) and paratype female (A, B, G, H). A. Epigynum, ventral view; B. Vulva, dorsal view, two arrows point at pair of sclerites; C. Bulbal apophyses, prolateral view, arrows point at two long hooked branches; D. Chelicerae, frontal view; E–H. Habitus (E, G. Dorsal view; F. Lateral view; H. Ventral view). a = appendix, da = distal apophysis, e = embolus, fa = frontal apophysis, pa = proximo-lateral apophysis, pp = pore plate, u = uncus. Scale bars: 0.10 (A–D), 1.00 (E–H).

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FIGURE 11. Known distribution records of new Pholcid species from Southeast Asia. 1. Holocneminus samanggi sp. nov.; 2. Khorata kep sp. nov.; 3. Khorata musee sp. nov.; 4. Pholcus bat sp. nov.; 5. Pholcus phnombak sp. nov.













