Ephucilla brevitegula Okayasu, 2020
publication ID |
https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.4723.1.1 |
publication LSID |
lsid:zoobank.org:pub:4EC99D33-C686-446B-9E4E-F1EE5D3B6156 |
persistent identifier |
https://treatment.plazi.org/id/B86CED3E-D172-FFB5-FF38-688CFC02F944 |
treatment provided by |
Plazi (2020-01-20 07:39:51, last updated 2020-02-27 10:38:30) |
scientific name |
Ephucilla brevitegula Okayasu |
status |
sp. nov. |
Ephucilla brevitegula Okayasu , sp. nov.
( Figs 32 View FIGURE 32 E–F, 33E–F, 34E–F, 35A–B, E, 36G–I, 37C, 38E–F, 39E–F, 40G–I, 41C, 42C, 43C)
Ephutomma naja: Lelej & Yamane 1992: 631 , ♂.
Ephucilla naja: Lelej 1995b: 11 , ♂, in part; Yamane 1999: 380, ♂; Azuma et al. 2002: 322; Lelej 2005: 40; Terayama 2005: 11, 17, ♂ non Fig. 6K View FIGURE 6 ; Terayama et al. 2011: 13, 21, ♂, in part; Lo Cascio 2015: 548, in part; Terayama et al. 2016: 166, ♂, in part.
Diagnosis. MALE. Vertex elevated posteriorly; frons and vertex longitudinally striate; OL:MOD:LOD = 1:1.27– 2.50:1.09–2.30; median ocellus with posterior longitudinal carina; clypeus convex. Mandible tridentate, without dorsal crook; second inner subapical denticle reduced. F1 as long as wide. Mesosoma yellowish red except propleuron, axilla, ventral half of mesopleuron, metanotum, metapleuron and propodeum black; mesoscutum posteriorly, tegula and scutellum also more or less black; parapsidal line long; tegula posteriorly rounded, hardly reaching mesoscuto-scutellar articulation, 1.36–1.53 times longer than wide; mesopleuron beneath with short longitudinal precoxal impunctate line; lateral margins of propodeum abruptly convergent posteriorly. Metasoma with bluish metallic luster; T2–T3 with sparse pale setal fringe on apical margin; parapenial lobe with small lobe on outer margin; cuspis wide, with distinct ventral face. FEMALE. Head black; frons and vertex densely punctate, intervals smooth; gena with large confluent punctures. Mandible with two weak inner denticles. Mesosoma convergent posteriorly; anterior margin of dorsum of pronotum with a pair of large pointed tooth; humeral carina strongly projecting, dorsally tuberculate; scutellar scale more than 3.0 times wider than long. T1 black; T2 with weak bluish metallic luster but without setal spot.
Description. MALE (n = 14). Body length: 9.55 mm– 14.5 mm (average: 12.0 mm; holotype: 11.9 mm); fore wing length: 6.18 mm– 10.7 mm (average: 9.00 mm; holotype: 8.53 mm).
Color and setae. Head including clypeus black except antennal tubercle dark brown; frons with sparse long recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae; vertex (except posterior margin) with very sparse long erect pale golden setae; posterior margin of vertex with sparse long recumbent pale golden setae; eye dorsally edged with long erect black setae; gena with sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae; gena above hypostomal carina with very sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae; antennal scrobe glabrous; clypeus basally and laterally with sparse long appressed pale golden setae and with sparse long erect golden setae medially. Mandible black except median 1/7–1/5 reddish brown to dark brown, with sparse long erect pale golden setae, basally appressed. Prementum and stipes black with sparse short recumbent pale golden setae; palpi yellow with sparse extremely short erect pale golden setae. Antenna black, sometimes scape and pedicel brownish black; scape with sparse long recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae; pedicel and flagellum with dense extremely short erect pale golden to golden setae.
Mesosoma with pronotum entirely yellowish red and axilla, metascutellum, metanotal trough, propleuron, metapleuron and propodeum entirely black; propodeum sometimes with weak bluish metallic luster; mesoscutum yellowish red and postero-medially usually more or less black (rarely posterior 2/3 entirely black), rarely mostly yellowish red or black; tegula usually black, rarely yellowish red on posterior half; scutellum usually black, rarely continuously changing from black to yellowish red toward mesoscutum; mesopleuron yellowish red on dorsal half and black on ventral half, rarely dorsal half posteriorly black; dorsum of pronotum, propleuron and mesoscutum with sparse short recumbent and sparser short erect pale golden to golden setae; tegula with sparse short recumbent pale golden to black setae; scutellum with sparse long erect pale golden setae; metascutellum with sparse extremely short recumbent and sparse long erect pale golden setae; axilla and metanotal trough with dense short appressed pale golden setae; dorsal propodeal face with sparse short recumbent and sparse long erect pale golden setae; basomedial enclosed cell with sparse short recumbent pale golden setae only; lateral face of pronotum with sparse long appressed pale golden setae; mesopleuron with sparse long recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae; metapleuron with sparse short appressed pale golden setae on anterior half, with sparse extremely short recumbent and sparser short erect pale golden setae on posterior half; lateral propodeal face ventrally with sparse short appressed pale golden setae, dorsally with sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae.
Wings hyaline, pale brown, with sparse short erect black, regularly distributed setae.
Legs brownish black to black; protibial spur pale brown; meso- and metatibial spurs yellowish white; procoxa with sparse short appressed white to pale golden setae, laterally long, antero-laterally also with few long erect white to pale golden setae; meso- and metacoxa with sparse long recumbent white to pale golden setae; trochanters with sparse long erect white to pale golden setae; femora with sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect white to pale golden setae; tibiae with sparse long recumbent and sparser long erect white to pale golden setae; tarsi with dense long appressed pale golden setae.
Metasoma black with bluish to violet metallic luster on T1–T6 and S2–S7; T1–T4, S1 and S3–S4 with sparse long erect pale golden setae; S2 with sparse short erect pale golden setae; T5–T7 with sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect black setae; S5 with sparse long erect pale golden to black setae; S6–S7 with sparse long erect black setae; S8 with sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect black setae; T1–T3 and S2–S3 with apical fringe of sparse long pale golden setae; T4 with apical fringe of sparse long black setae; S4 with apical fringe of sparse pale golden to black setae; T2 with lateral golden felt line.
Structure. Head 1.53–1.75 (average: 1.61; holotype: 1.67) times wider than long; lateral margins strongly convergent posteriorly behind eye in dorsal view; vertex elevated posteriorly; POL/OOL = 0.54–0.67 (average: 0.59; holotype: 0.54); OL:MOD:LOD (average in parentheses) = 1.00:1.27–2.50 (1.87):1.09–2.30 (1.70), 1.00:2.00:2.00 in holotype; GOI = 1.22–2.40 (average: 1.70; holotype: 1.22); median ocellus posteriorly with short longitudinal inconspicuous carina; lateral ocellus posteriorly with wide carina; lower frons with weak median longitudinal groove; antennal scrobe with weak dorsal carina reaching inner eye margin; frons and vertex longitudinally striate, intervals with minute dense punctures on frons and with small elongate dense punctures on vertex; inner notch of eye with small rounded dense punctures; posterior margin of vertex with small dense punctures; gena with small confluent punctures. Clypeus convex, basomedially elevated; anterior margin medially widely protruding, with median shallow emargination; surface of clypeus with minute sparse punctures. Mandible narrowed to apex, without dorsal crook, apically pointed and tridentate; first inner denticle distinctly smaller than apex; second inner denticle reduced, much smaller than first inner denticle; ventral margin of mandible excised into large tooth basally; surface of mandible with minute sparse punctures. Scape bending medially, with two parallel carinae beneath; surface of scape with small sparse puncture; pedicel with minute dense punctures; F1 length 0.96–1.17 (average: 1.10; holotype: 1.09) × its width, 0.61–0.79 (average: 0.66; holotype: 0.61) × F2 length; F2–F10 almost same in width; length of F2–F10 each little longer than the following segment; F11 as long as F2, conical, weakly compressed; surface of flagellum with minute dense punctures.
Mesosoma broadest at mesonotum including tegulae; ratio between head width:humeral width:pronotal width: mesonotal width (average in parentheses) = 69–84 (73):58–69 (63):75–89 (82):100, 79:65:88: 100 in holotype; humeral angle weakly angulate; propodeum abruptly convergent posteriorly; mesoscutal width 1.02–1.13 (average: 1.08; holotype: 1.06) × its length, 0.60–0.70 (average: 0.64; holotype: 0.67) × mesonotal width; tegula rounded posteriorly, hardly reaching mesoscuto-scutellar articulation, 1.36–1.53 (average: 1.43; holotype: 1.36) times longer than wide; mesoscutum slightly convex; notauli long, reaching about posterior 3/5–4/5 of mesoscutum, subparallel; parapsidal line long; parascutal carina weakly developed, forming small apically rounded tubercle on postero-lateral angle of mesoscutum; scutellum weakly convex without carina or impunctate line; mesopleuron without transverse mesopleural suture, beneath weakly concave with short longitudinal precoxal impunctate line; dorsum of pronotum, mesoscutum, scutellum and metascutellum with large dense punctures; tegula with minute sparse, regularly distributed punctures; dorsal propodeal face areolate, with elongate triangular to tongue-like or rarely semicircular basomedial cell; lateral face of pronotum shallowly transversely striate and with minute sparse punctures; anterior half of mesopleuron, dorsal half of metapleuron and ventral half of lateral propodeal face with minute sparse punctures; posterior half and ventral face of mesopleuron, ventral half of metapleuron and dorsal half of lateral propodeal face with large confluent punctures.
Coxa, trochanters and femora with minute sparse punctures; tibiae and tarsi with minute dense punctures; metacoxa with weak inner carina throughout; tibiae without outer spines; claws simple, without inner denticles.
T1 with distinct dorsum and with dorso-lateral subbasal rounded tubercle; T2 abruptly convex, 1.28–1.43 (average: 1.36; holotype: 1.39) times wider than long; S1 with straight median longitudinal carina with its outer margin weakly emarginate medially, forming distinct angle posteriorly; S2 with basomedial short inconspicuous longitu- dinal carina; T1 except posterior margin with small sparse punctures; T1 on posterior margin with minute dense punctures; T2 disc with large sparse punctures; T2 around discal area and S1–S2 with large dense punctures; T3–T7 and S3–S8 with small dense punctures except T3–T6 with median narrow elongate impunctate line and T7 with wide triangular median impunctate line. Paramere down-curved without inner protuberance; inner face of paramere dorsally with long appressed golden setae on basal half; parapenial lobe narrow, bending, apically pointed, with subapical small rounded lobe on outer margin; volsella without basal external lobe; cuspis wide, convergent apically, pointed to roundly truncate at apex in inner view, incurved in ventral view, with distinct ventral face; dorsal margin of cuspis with row of long, at most little shorter than cuspis length, erect golden setae on basal 2/3; ventral face of cuspis with minute dense punctures and with dense long erect golden setae, apically and basally longer, at most 2/3 of cuspis length; inner face on ventral half of cuspis with minute sparse punctures and with sparse long recumbent golden setae, basally longer, at most 2/3 of cuspis length; digitus small fine, apically with 0–2 long erect golden setae; penis valve with apical pointed and subapical rounded lobes.
FEMALE (n = 4). Body length: 5.74 mm– 7.66 mm (average: 6.72 mm).
Color and setae. Frons, vertex and gena black except antennal tubercle usually reddish brown, lower frons along inner eye margin and antennal scrobe usually reddish brown tinged, shining among punctures; clypeus reddish brown to black, anterior margin of transverse lamellate carina and median tubercle always black; lower frons with sparse long recumbent pale golden setae; upper frons and vertex with sparse long recumbent golden tinged black setae; frons and vertex entirely with sparser very long erect black setae; eye dorsally edged with long erect black setae; gena with sparse long recumbent white to pale golden setae; antennal scrobe with sparse long appressed pale golden setae; clypeus with sparse long pale golden setae. Mandible reddish brown except apical half black, with sparse long erect pale golden setae on outer face basally. Prementum and stipes dark brown to black with sparse extremely short erect pale golden setae; palpi brown to dark brown with sparse extremely short erect pale golden setae. Scape black with extreme apex reddish brown, sometimes ventrally yellowish brown, with sparse long recumbent pale golden setae; pedicel reddish brown; flagellum black, F2–F10 reddish yellow ventrally; pedicel and F1 with sparse short recumbent pale golden setae; F2–F10 with dense extremely short recumbent pale golden setae.
Mesosoma entirely yellowish red; pronotal collar with sparse short erect pale golden setae; dorsum of pronotum with sparse short recumbent pale golden and sparser long erect black setae; thoracic dorsum behind pronotum with sparse short recumbent and sparser long erect golden tinged black setae; dorsal propodeal face with sparse long erect pale golden setae; propleuron with sparse long erect pale golden setae; lateral face of mesosoma with sparse short appressed pale golden setae.
Coxae and trochanters yellowish red; profemur yellowish red to black, at least extreme apex black; meso- and metafemora black, yellowish red on basal 1/4–5/6; tibiae black; tarsi dark brown to black; protibial spur pale brown; meso- and metatibial spurs yellowish white; coxae and trochanters with sparse long erect pale golden setae; femora with sparse long recumbent and sparser long erect pale golden setae; tibiae with sparse long recumbent pale golden setae; tarsi with dense long appressed pale golden setae.
Metasoma black except T1 on basal ~3/4, S2–S6 more or less reddish tinged and S1 yellowish red, with bluish metallic luster on T1–T2; T1, T2 around discal area, T3 and S1–S6 with sparse long erect pale golden setae; T2 disc with dense short recumbent and sparse short erect black setae; T4–T5 medially with dense long recumbent black and sparse long erect black (laterally pale golden) setae; T6 with sparse long erect pale golden setae except pygidial area glabrous and with thickened lateral pygidial fringe of long erect pale golden setae; S2–S6 with apical fringe of sparse long pale golden setae; T2 with apical narrow band of dense appressed pale golden setae, slightly triangularly widened medially; T2 with lateral golden felt line; T3 with wide uniform band of dense appressed pale golden setae.
Structure. In dorsal view, outline of head semicircular with anterior margin strongly protruding, 1.22–1.33 times wider than long (average: 1.26); lateral margins strongly convergent posteriorly behind eye; posterior margin truncate. In lateral view, outline of head weakly longitudinally elongate; gena wide with GOI = 0.71–0.88 (average: 0.77). Frons and vertex with large dense punctures, intervals smooth; gena with large confluent punctures; genal carina weakly developed; hypostomal tooth angulate to dentiform; antennal scrobe with distinct dorsal carina; eye oval, slightly protruding from head capsule; minimum distance between eyes 1.03–1.11 (average: 1.07) × eye height; eye height 1.69–1.83 (average: 1.74) × malar length. Clypeus with minute sparse punctures, with weak median longitudinal tubercle and transverse lamellate carina on anterior margin; anterior margin of apical lamellate carina truncate, without notch; apex of median tubercle slightly beyond apical margin of transverse carina. Mandible slender, apically pointed with two extremely weak subapical inner denticles; ventral margin not excised. Prementum without dome-like tubercle. Scape bending medially; F1 length 1.31–1.38 (average: 1.35) × its width and 1.16–1.46 (average: 1.32) × F2 length; F2–F9 almost same in length and width; F10 as long as F1, conical; surface of antenna with minute dense punctures.
Mesosoma broadest at pronotal spiracles and distinctly convergent posteriorly in dorsal view; ratio between head width:humeral width:pronotal width:mesonotal width:propodeal width:metasomal width (average in parentheses) = 100:83–94 (86.8):95–100 (96.5):80–87 (83.5):82–88 (84.5):128–135 (132); dorsal thoracic length 1.02–1.05 (average: 1.04) × pronotal width; anterior margin of dorsum of pronotum nearly straight, with a pair of large pointed sublateral teeth; pronotum laterally projecting, forming distinct angle at pronotal spiracle; lateral margin of mesosoma weakly crenulate; humeral angle angulate; humeral carina lamellately projecting, dorsally tuberculate; scutellar scale weakly elevated, 3.33–5.00 (average: 4.18) times wider than long, 0.22–0.36 (average: 0.30) times wider than propodeum, 3.5–4.0 (average: 3.75) times wider than diameter of nearby punctures; transverse sulcus absent; pronotal collar with minute sparse punctures; thoracic dorsum with large confluent punctures; dorsal propodeal face puncto-reticulated by large confluent punctures, with median longitudinal carina not reaching scutellar scale; lateral face of mesosoma with extremely minute dense punctures except ventral half of mesopleuron with large confluent punctures.
Coxae, trochanters, femora, tibiae and tarsi with minute sparse punctures; metacoxa with weak inner carina throughout; mesotibia with a pair of longitudinal rows of few spines on outer face; metatibia with one or paired rows of few spines on outer face; protarsomeres each with one or two short external spine apically; claws simple, without inner denticles.
T1 without distinct dorsum; T2 evenly convex, dorsal T2 length 1.10–1.12 (average: 1.11) × T2 width; S1 with straight median longitudinal carina with its outer margin weakly emarginate medially; S2 with basomedial short inconspicuous longitudinal carina; T1 on basal half and S1 with minute sparse punctures; T1 on apical half and S2 with small sparse punctures; T2 disc with small confluent punctures; T2 around discal area with small dense punctures; T3–T6 except pygidial area and S3–S6 with minute dense punctures; pygidial area convex, elongate, weakly convergent basally; lateral margins of pygidial area very weakly carinate on apical half; surface of pygidial area unsculptured and polished.
Type materials. Holotype: Japan: [Yaeyama Islands] ♂ ( Figs 32 View FIGURE 32 E–F, 34E–F, 35E, 36G–I, 37C, 38E–F), Urauchi [ḋh], Iriomote-jima Island, 24°21′N 123°48′E, 30.X.2017, Keita Kuroda leg., SW [ EUM] GoogleMaps . Paratypes: 14♂ 4♀. Japan : 14♂ 4♀: [Yaeyama Islands] 1♂, Mt. Omotodake [ḪBVƀ], Ishigaki-jima Island , 17.VI.1932, Syôzirô Asahina collection [ NSMT] ; 1♂, Iriomote-jima Island , 2.VI.1935, collector unknown [ TARI] ; 1♂, Mt. Omotodake [ḪBVƀ], Ishigaki-jima Island , 22.VIII.1992, Arkady Lelej leg. [ IBSS] ; 1♂, Mariyudo-falls [̚ụ± ẖøOÁ], Iriomote-jima Island , 8.XII.1993, Rikio Matsumoto leg. [ OMNH] ; 1♂, Bunatabaru [ẋďmẽ], Ishigaki-jima Island , 21.XI.1996, K. Yasuda leg., LT [ NIAES] ; 4♂, Shirahama-rindô [. ēđû], Iriomote-jima Island , 8.V.2002, Tomoyuki Tsuru leg. [ TUA] ; 1♂, Nakamagawa-rindô [ẅŔnjđû], Iriomote-jima Island , 16.V.2001, Tomoyuki Tsuru leg. [ TUA] ; 1♂, same place, 17.V.2001, Tomoyuki Tsuru leg. [ TUA] ; 1♀, Mt. Omotodake [ḪB Vƀ], Ishigaki-jima Island , collected 28.IV.2012, emerged V.2012, Taisuke Kawano leg. [ ELKU] ; 1♀, Takeda-trail [àmđû], Ishigaki-jima Island , 14–16.VI.2013, Toshihito Itô leg. [ EUM] ; 1♂, Mt. Nosoko-dake [PǺƀ], Ishigaki-jima Island , 31.V.2014, Tadafumi Nakata leg. [ EUM] ; 1♂ ( Fig. 35A View FIGURE 35 ), Shirahama [. ēđû], Iriomote-jima Island , 24.3630°N 123.7662°E, 25.VI.2015, Rikio Matsumoto leg. [ OMNH] GoogleMaps ; 1♀, Miyara [ ÌÞ]– Sokobaru [Ǻẽ], Ishigaki-jima Island , 19.XII.2015, Tadafumi Nakata leg. [ EUM] ; 1♂ ( Fig. 35B View FIGURE 35 ), Mt. Tedô-san [īẖ1Ɯ], Taketomi-chô [Ŋḃn], Iriomote-jima Island , 200 m alt., 24.3808°N 123.3804°E, 1–5.X.2017, Keisuke Narita leg., FIT with light [ EUM] GoogleMaps ; 1♀ ( Figs 33 View FIGURE 33 E–F, 39E–F, 40G–I, 41C, 42C, 43C), same data as holotype [ EUM] GoogleMaps .
Distribution. Japan: Yaeyama Islands (Ishigaki-jima Island, Iriomote-jima Island).
Occurrence in Japan. May–December. Dense subtropical forests.
Biology. One of the male paratypes was collected by FIT with light. One of the female paratypes from Ishigaki-jima Island emerged from an arboreal nest cell of Phimenes flavopictus formosanus ( Zimmermann, 1931) ( Hymenoptera : Vespidae : Eumeninae).
Etymology. The specific name brevitegula is the combination of a Latin prefix brevi, meaning short, and tegula. This name refers to the shortened tegula of this new species. Treat as a noun in apposition.
Comparison. This new species is similar to E. naja , E. suginoi sp. nov. and E. yoshitakei sp. nov. as mentioned above.
Remarks. The male of this new species was recorded from Ishigaki-jima Island as E. naja by Lelej & Yamane (1992).
The male holotype and one of the female paratypes were collected by sweeping at the trail through a native forest surrounding Urauchi River in Iriomote-jima Island ( Fig. 44 View FIGURE 44 ) on one day. They are very likely male and female of one species. The absence of defined pygidial area and protarsal comb in females, like Ephucilla , is associated with a preference to arboreal hosts in some mutillids ( Bayliss & Brothers 2001; Pitts & Manley 2004; Williams et al. 2011; Bartholomay et al. 2015; Brothers 2018; Williams et al. 2019a). Additionally, Ephucilla brevitegula , E. ludovica and E. poonaensis are recognized as parasitoids of eumenine wasps ( Dutt 1912; Krombein 1978). Females of this genus are rarely collected because mutillids are difficult to find in forested habitats; in spite of intensive collecting efforts in South Thailand by an American mutillidologist Kevin A. Williams and his colleagues, only one female was accidentally captured during their 2017–2018 expeditions ( Williams et al. 2019b). Sweeping can be effective for collecting these rare wasps.
One of the male paratypes in TARI is labelled as “Holo/Type” (slash separates rows within labels) probably by Chin-wen Chen because the holotypes of Chen’s Chinese species are labelled with similar round cards. Chen, however, published nothing on Japanese Mutillidae , so this label seems to have been attached in advance of a publication.
Terayama (2005) illustrated a male of “ E. naja ” in Fig. 6K View FIGURE 6 (locality not mentioned), but this specimen seems to belong to Si. serpa serpa ( Zavattari, 1913) from Taiwan judging from the mesosomal color, the posteriorly projecting tegula (see Fig. 47B View FIGURE 47 also) and the thickened apical pale fringes on T1–T3.
Discussion. Ephucilla brevitegula is separated from Ephucilla suginoi from Okinawa-jima Island only by inconspicuous features, but such differences probably represent allopatric speciation as a result of vicariance. Okinawa Islands and Yaeyama Islands are well divided by the Kerama Gap (also known as Miyako Strait), which is the largest strait in the Ryûkyû Islands. Okinawa Islands and Yaeyama Islands have been isolated after the Upper Pleistocene (0.126 Ma–0.0117 Ma) according to Kizaki & Oshiro (1977). Molecular phylogenies for skinks of the genus Eumeces Wiegmann ( Scincidae ; Hikida & Motokawa 1999), pit vipers of the genus Trimeresurus Lacepede ( Viperidae ; Toda et al. 1999), frogs of the subgenus Rana (Odorrana) Fei, Ye & Huang ( Ranidae ; Matsui et al. 2005b) and a narrow-mouthed frog Microhyla ornata (Duméril & Bibron) ( Microhylidae ; Matsui et al. 2005a) found large genetic divergences between the Okinawa and Yaeyama populations.
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FIGURE 6. Smicromyrme lewisi Mickel, ♀, Japan. A–B. Ehime; C–D. holotype, Sm. lewisi; E–F. holotype, Sm. momidziyama Tsuneki; A, C, E. mesosoma, dorsal view; B, D, F. metasoma, dorsal view; a = dorsal thoracic length; b = humeral width; c = pronotal width; d = mesonotal width; e = propodeal width; f = metasomal width; g = minimum distance between basomedial pale spot and apical pale band; h = dorsal T2 length.
FIGURE 32. Ephucilla spp., ♂, habitus. A–B. Holotype, E. yoshitakei sp. nov.; C–D. holotype, E. suginoi sp. nov.; E–F. holotype, E. brevitegula sp. nov.; G–H. paralectotype, E. naja (Zavattari); A, C, E, G. dorsal view; B, D, F, H. lateral view.
FIGURE 33. Ephucilla spp., ♀, habitus. A–B. Paratype, E. yoshitakei sp. nov.; C–D. paratype, E. suginoi sp. nov.; E–F. paratype, E. brevitegula sp. nov.; G–H. holotype, E. thalia (Mickel); A, C, E, G. dorsal view; B, D, F, H. lateral view.
FIGURE 35. Ephucilla spp., ♂. A–B. Paratypes, E. brevitegula sp. nov.; C. holotype, E. yoshitakei sp. nov.; D. holotype, E. suginoi sp. nov.; E. holotype, E. brevitegula sp. nov.; F. paralectotype, E. naja (Zavattari); A–B. mesosoma, dorsal view; C–F. tegula.
FIGURE 44. Type locality of Ephucilla brevitegula sp. nov. in Iriomote-jima Island (photo by K. Kuroda).
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
Kingdom |
Phylum |
Class |
Order |
Family |
Genus |
Ephucilla brevitegula Okayasu
Okayasu, Juriya 2020 |
Ephucilla naja: Lelej 1995b: 11
Terayama, M. & Suda, H. & Murota, T. & Tano, T. 2016: 166 |
Lo Cascio, P. 2015: 548 |
Terayama, M. & Suda, H. & Murota, T. & Haneda, Y. & Tano, T. 2011: 13 |
Lelej, A. S. 2005: 40 |
Terayama, M. 2005: 11 |
Azuma, S. & Yafuso, M. & Kinjo, M. & Hayashi, M. & Kohama, T. & Sasaki, T. & Kimura, M. & Kawamura, F. 2002: 322 |
Yamane, Sk. 1999: 380 |
Lelej, A. S. 1995: 11 |
Ephutomma naja:
Lelej, A. S. & Yamane, Sk. 1992: 631 |
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