Seira ferrarii Parona, 1888
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Plazi (2018-10-11 16:08:39, last updated 2024-11-27 00:52:30) |
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Seira ferrarii Parona, 1888 |
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Seira ferrarii Parona, 1888 View in CoL
Figs 2C‒D View FIGURE 2 , 14‒17 View FIGURE 14 View FIGURE 15 , Tables 1‒2
Seira ferrarii Parona, 1888 View in CoL : 9, fig. 7, Genova, Italy (orig. descr.), not examined.
Yosii 1959: 20, fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 , Madrid, Spain (descr.). Dallai & Ferrari, 1971: 132, figs 1‒4, Italy and Bulgaria (descr.). Dallai, 19 73: 520, fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 , Lipari Islands, Italy (descr.). Jacquemart & Jacques, 1980: 9, figs 3‒5 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 , Tunisie and Algéria (descr.). Barra, 2004b: 400, figs 1‒13, Socotra Island, Yemen (descr.)
Diagnosis. Body with blue pigment on anterior and posterior margins of Th II to Abd III, all Abd IV, femora II‒III and manubrium ( Figs 2C‒D View FIGURE 2 ); head mac M 4i, S4, Pa4 and Pp6 absent, eyepatches with 4 interocular chaetae (q absent) ( Fig. 5F View FIGURE 5 ); labral papillae conical, outer papillae reduced on large pointed projections ( Fig. 14C View FIGURE 14 ); Th II with 4 medio-central mac (m1‒ 1i, m2‒ 2i) and PmA‒PmC groups with 5‒6, 3 and 4‒5 mac respectively ( Fig. 15A View FIGURE 15 ); Th III‒Abd III with 14, 6, 4 and 1 central mac respectively ( Figs 15B‒E View FIGURE 15 ); Abd IV with 12 central and 13 lateral mac ( Fig. 16A); unguis apical tooth present; unguiculus outer edge serrated and without proximal tooth; manubrium ventrally with 2/4 subapical and 14‒16 apical chaetae ( Fig. 17F View FIGURE 17 ).
Examined material. 5 females on slides and 2 specimens in alcohol ( EAL0055-6 / INPA and JIAP) : Spain, Alméria Province, Adra municipality (36°46'33''N; 03°06'43''W), in mountain, 566m, 9‒22.x.2015, light-trap, F. Rodríguez coll GoogleMaps . 1 female on slide (EGE0041/JIAP): Gerona Province, Lloret of Mar (41°41'15''N; 02°49'04''E), in beach, 4 m, 14.iv.2015, pitfall-traps, E. Ariza coll. 1 female on slide (EGE0047/JIAP): idem, except “Tossa de Mar” (41°43'19''N; 02°56'19''E), in beach “Menuda”, 3 m. 1 female on slide (FCNyM-UNLP): Argentina, Bahía Blanca, 23.v.1963, E Bianco coll .
Description based on the listed specimens. Total length ( head + trunk) of specimens 1.43‒1.92 mm (n=4). Alive specimens with Ant I‒IV, head, Th II, Abd V, leg I, and tibiotarsus II‒ III brownish; Th III to Abd IV dark, with one silvery transversal band on Abd III and IV ( Fig. 2C View FIGURE 2 ). Fixed specimens pale white with dark blue pigment on Ant I‒IV, anterior and posterior margins of Th II to Abd III, all Abd IV, femora II‒ III and manubrium; eyepatches black ( Fig. 2D View FIGURE 2 ). Scales present on Ant I to apex of Ant II, ventral and dorsal head, thorax and abdomen dorsally, legs (except empodia), and manubrium and dentes ventrally. Collophore without scales ( Fig. 17E View FIGURE 17 ).
Head. Antennae shorter than body length, antennal ratio as I: II : III: IV = 1: 1.6 1‒2.08: 1.81‒2.08: 2.48‒2.83 (n=4) ( Figs 2C‒D View FIGURE 2 ). Ant IV not annulated, with apical bulb apically bilobed and blunt sens ( as in Fig. 26A View FIGURE 26 ) . Ant III apical organ with two rod-like sens, 3 guard sens and 4 blunt sens of different sizes ( Fig. 14A View FIGURE 14 ). Clypeal formula with 4 (l1‒2), 4 (f), 3 (pf0‒1) ciliate chaetae, l1 acuminate, l2 largest, and 2 frontal smaller ( Fig. 14B View FIGURE 14 ). Two inner labral papillae conical, outer papillae reduced to large pointed projections ( Fig. 14C View FIGURE 14 ). Maxillary palp with smooth apical appendage (a.a.) and basal chaeta (b.c.) weakly ciliate, thicker, and 1.16 longer than the apical. Eyes A, B and C slightly larger, F and G slightly smaller, with 4 interocular chaetae (v, p, r, t); head dorsal chaetotaxy as in S. domestica ( Fig. 5F View FIGURE 5 ) but with interocular chaeta q always absent . Basomedian and basolateral labial fields with M1‒2, R, E, L1‒2, R subequal to the others. Postlabial ventral chaetotaxy with about 15 ciliate chaetae, postlabial formula 4 (G1‒4), 2 (H3‒4), 4 (J1‒4), J2 smaller, basal chaeta (b.c.) largest ( Fig. 14D View FIGURE 14 ).
Thorax chaetotaxy ( Figs 15A‒B View FIGURE 15 ). Th II, series ‘a’ with 4 mac (a5ip‒5p); series ‘m’ with 7 mac (m 1i ‒1, m 2i ‒2, m 4i ‒4p); series ‘p’ with 13‒15 mac (p 1i 2‒1p, p2a‒2ep2, p3, p5), p 1i 2 generally as mac, p2ep2 rarely
absent. Th III, series ‘a’ with 7 mac (a 1i ‒6); series ‘m’ with 1 mac (m6); series ‘p’ with 10 mac (p 1i ‒1p, p2a‒2ea, p3, p5‒6). Th ratio as II: III = 1: 0.5 5‒0.74 (n= 4).
Abdomen chaetotaxy ( Figs 15C‒E View FIGURE 15 , 16A‒B). Abd I, series ‘a’ with 1 mac (a3); series ‘m’ with 5 mac (m 2i ‒4). Abd II, series ‘a’ with 1 mac (a2); series ‘m’ with 4 mac (m3‒3e, m5). Abd III, series ‘m’ with 3 mac (m3, am6, pm6); series ‘p’ with 1 mac (p6). Abd IV with 12 central mac of series ‘A’ to ‘T’ (A3a‒6, Ae7, B3‒6, C1, T1), and 13 lateral mac of series ‘E’ to ‘Fe’ (E2‒3, E4p, Ee10, F1‒3, Fe2‒5); at least 4 sens (ps type I and 3 type II), and posteriorly with 6 mes and 1 mic present. Abd V, series ‘a’ with 1 mac (a5); series ‘m’ with 4 mac (m2‒3, m5‒5e); series ‘p’ with 5 mac (p1, p3‒5, ap6). Abd ratio as III: IV = 1: 3.41‒4.16.
Legs. Subcoxa I with 3 chaetae and 2 psp; subcoxa II with an anterior row of 8‒9 chaetae, posterior row of 3 chaetae and 3 psp; subcoxa III with one row of 8 chaetae and 2 posterior psp ( Figs 17A‒C View FIGURE 17 ). Trochanteral organ with about 12‒15 spine-like chaetae ( Fig. 17D View FIGURE 17 ). Unguis with median and apical teeth with the same length, basal
teeth smaller. Unguiculus with all lamellae acuminate, pe lamella serrated and without proximal tooth, other lamellae (ai, ae, pi) smooth; ratio unguis: unguiculus = 1: 0.56. Tibiotarsus III distally with inner smooth chaeta 0.88 smaller than unguiculus; and outer tenent hair capitate, discretely ciliate, and 0.88 smaller than unguis.
Collophore ( Fig. 17E View FIGURE 17 ). Anterior side with 10 ciliate chaetae, including 1 distal mac and 3 apically acuminate chaetae; posterior side with 3 ciliate chaetae, of which 2 distal thickest; lateral flap with 3 smooth chaetae (one small posteriorly) and 9 ciliate chaetae.
Furcula ( Figs 17F‒G View FIGURE 17 ). Manubrium ventrally with formula 1, 2, 2, 2/4 (subapical), 14‒16 (apical) ciliate chaetae (2 smaller or normal) and al least 3 elongated apical scales per side; manubrium dorsally with 7 subapical ciliate chaetae; manubrial plate with 4‒5 ciliate chaetae and 3 psp.
Remarks. In S. ferrarii the observed variations in chaetotaxy were in PmA (p 1i 2) and PmC (p2ep2) groups of Th II ( Fig. 15A View FIGURE 15 ). The absence of mac p2ep2 probably is common in the species, since 4 mac in PmC group were observed by Jacquemart & Jacques (1980) in specimens from Tunisie and Algeria, and by Yosii (1959) in
specimens from Spain. However, Jacquemart & Jacques (1980) reported one extra mac in PmA group, and Yosii (1959) only 5 mac on Abd I (m4 absent), therefore this should be investigated to know if it signs as a population variation or to another closed related species. More comparisons concerning S. ferrarii see remarks on S. dinizi and Tables 1 and 2.
One specimen identified as Seira ferruginea Rapoport & Izarra, 1962 from Argentina (FCNyM-UNLP) corresponds to S. ferrarii , therefore this is the first record of the species from the New World (probably introduced).
FIGURE 2A–G. Seira spp., habitus: A, S. domestica; B, S. dinizi; C‒D, S. ferrarii: C, in natural habitat, courtesy of Francisco Rodríguez ( rium/Seira-ferrarii-img750580.html), D, in alcohol; E‒G, S. pini: E, paratype, F, specimen with pigmentation in legs from Monegros (Spain), G, specimen depigmented on Th II to Abd III and with one median spot on Abd IV from Monegros (Spain). Scale bars: 0.5mm.
FIGURE 3A–E. Seira spp., habitus (lateral view, except A in dorsal): A‒B, in natural habitat, A, S. betica sp. nov., courtesy of André Burgers ( ium/Seira-betica-img961392.html), B, S. burgersi sp. nov., courtesy of André Burgers (; C‒E, preserved in alcohol: C, S. barrai sp. nov., D, S. burgersi sp. nov., E, S. betica sp. nov. Scale bars: 0.5mm.
FIGURE 4A–C. Characteristics present in description of Seira species: A, prelabral and labral chaetotaxy (dorsal view), arrow indicates m0 chaeta smaller in some species; B, labial palp and proximal chaetae (ventral view), “p.c.” is proximal chaetae, “l.p.” is lateral process of papilla E; C, distal dens and mucro (lateral view).
FIGURE 5A–G. Seira domestica: head; A, apex of Ant IV; B, Ant III apical organ; C, clypeal chaetotaxy; D, labral papillae; E, maxillary outer lobe; F, dorsal cephalic chaetotaxy (valid also for S. ferrari, except for interocular chaeta q); G, ventral head and basomedian and basolateral labial fields, arrows indicate normal ciliated chaetae and basal chaeta (b.c.), respectively.
FIGURE 10A–F. Seira dinizi: head; A, Ant III apical organ; B, clypeal chaetotaxy; C, labral papillae; D, maxillary outer lobe; E, dorsal cephalic chaetotaxy; F, postlabial ventral head, arrow indicates normal ciliated chaetae.
FIGURE 13A–H. Seira dinizi: A, subcoxa I; B, subcoxa II; C, subcoxa III; D, trochanteral organ; E, collophore chaetotaxy (lateral view); F, manubrium ventral chaetotaxy; G, manubrial plate and subapical chaetae (dorsal view); H, female genital plate.
FIGURE 14A–F. Seira ferrarii: head; A, Ant III apical organ; B, clypeal chaetotaxy; C, labral papillae; D, postlabial ventral head, arrows indicate normal ciliated chaetae and basal chaeta (b.c.), respectively.
FIGURE 15A–E. Seira ferrarii: dorsal chaetotaxy; A, Th II; B, Th III; C, Abd I; D, Abd II; E, Abd III.
FIGURE 17A–G. Seira ferrarii: A, subcoxa I; B, subcoxa II; C, subcoxa III; D, trochanteral organ; E, collophore chaetotaxy (lateral view); F, manubrium ventral chaetotaxy; G, manubrial plate and subapical chaetae (dorsal view).
FIGURE 26A–F. Seira barrai sp. nov.: head; A, apex of Ant IV; B, Ant III apical organ; C, clypeal chaetotaxy; D, labral papillae; E, dorsal cephalic chaetotaxy; F, ventral head and basomedian and basolateral labial fields, arrows indicate normal ciliated chaetae and basal chaeta (b.c.), respectively.
No known copyright restrictions apply. See Agosti, D., Egloff, W., 2009. Taxonomic information exchange and copyright: the Plazi approach. BMC Research Notes 2009, 2:53 for further explanation.
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Seira ferrarii Parona, 1888
Cipola, Nikolas Gioia, Arbea, Javier, Baquero, Enrique, Jordana, Rafael, Morais, José Wellington De & Bellini, Bruno Cavalcante 2018 |
Seira ferrarii
Seira ferrarii Parona, 1888 : 9 |
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