Eidophasia concinnella Christoph, 1888

Baraniak, Edward & Sinev, Sergey Yu., 2023, RedescriptionofEidophasiaconcinnella Christoph, 1888 (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae) with the designation of a lectotype, Zootaxa 5318 (2), pp. 281-285 : 281-283

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Plazi (2023-07-19 06:51:16, last updated 2024-11-28 21:13:36)

scientific name

Eidophasia concinnella Christoph, 1888


Eidophasia concinnella Christoph, 1888 , status. rev.

( Figs. 1–5 View FIGURES 1–4 View FIGURES 5–6 )

Eidophasia concinnella Christoph, 1888: 313 ; Rebel, 1901: 137; Meyrick, 1914: 48.

Type locality: Georgia, Borshom. Borshom is a small town in the region of Borjamis, Georgia.

Eidophasia syenitella var. concinnella: Rebel & Zerny, 1931: 144 View in CoL .

Eidophasia syenitella ssp. concinnella: Friese, 1966: 451 View in CoL .

Material examined

Lectotype ♀ (here designated): [Georgia], Borshom, 15/3.9.[18]80, [leg.] Chr.[istoph], Concinnella ; coll. Grand Duke Nikolai Mikhailovich; slide number: A.218, (1981), J. Kyrki.

Note. The specimen is deposited in the collection of H. Christoph kept at the Zoological Institute at Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Diagnosis. The forewing pattern, composed of small triangular patches, distinguishes this species from E. syenitella , whose forewing patches are elongated and often merge, forming a fascia. In the female genitalia of E. concinnella , the antrum opening is triangular and extended, whereas in E. syenitella it is rounded and shorter ( Baraniak & Sohn 2015), and in E. zukowskyi it is narrowly cup-shaped ( Baraniak & Sohn 2016). The apex of the lateral branch of apophyses anteriores in E. concinnella is composed of narrow lamellae with many long spinules, whereas in E. syenitella it is rounded with several short spinules. In the bursa copulatrix of E. concinnella , the spinules near the opening of the ductus bursae are more numerous, covering a much larger area than in E. syenitella . Spinules strengthening the walls of bursa copulatrix in E. concinnella are numerous, with strongly sclerotized terminal parts, whereas in E. syenitella they are long and narrow, less sclerotized. The ductus bullae in E. concinnella is membranous, short, initially wide, markedly narrower near the inception of the bulla seminalis. In E. syenitella the ductus bullae is long, strengthened in a short section near the bursa copulatrix, more sclerotized, gradually narrowing near the inception of the bulla seminalis.


Head: Vertex and upper frons brown, intermixed with white and fuscous, erect scales. Labial palpus 3-segmented, covered with white and fuscous scales; middle segment slightly shorter than basal one, similarly coloured, with a long tuft of scales (longer than middle segment); distal segment short, straight, pointed. Maxillary palpus small, slender, curved, grey basally, with a large black spot apically. Antenna with scape and pedicel white; flagellomeres white, each with a thin black band.

Thorax: Dorsum pale grey. Forewing length 12 mm; forewing elongate, pointed at apex; brown, with narrow, elongate, white-yellow patch in dorsal margin extending from wing base, two triangular white-yellow spots near dorsal margin, first spot large, starting just before ½ of the wing length, ending at 2/3 of the wing length, spot edge straight near termen margin, oblique near basal area; second spot small, near distal end of dorsal margin; three small white-yellow spots near costal margin: first triangular, between patches along termen margin; remaining two spots narrow, very close to wing apex and each other, slightly curved towards wing base. Forewing cilia brown, with two small white spots at ½ length of termen margin. Hindwing and cilia dark grey, slightly darker near wing base.

Abdomen: Female genitalia with papilla analis short and wide, covered with fine spines. Apophyses posteriores and anteriores short and slender. Apex of lateral branch of apophyses anteriores composed of narrow and long lamellae with many long spinules on apices ( Fig. 5a View FIGURES 5–6 ). Antrum sclerotized, extended, dilated, with slightly curved edges, narrowing slightly near the beginning of ductus bursae, antrum opening triangular ( Fig. 5c View FIGURES 5–6 ). Ductus bursae short and wide, less sclerotized near inception of bursa copulatrix ( Fig. 5d View FIGURES 5–6 ). Bursa copulatrix oval, near opening of ductus bursae membranous, strengthened only with a group of spinules; in other parts strongly sclerotized, additionally reinforced by spinules. Signum absent. Ductus bullae emerging from membranous part of bursa, short, initially wide markedly narrower near inception of the bulla seminalis. Ductus seminalis thin, strongly sclerotized ( Fig. 5a View FIGURES 5–6 )

Biology. Larval host plants unknown, but related genera feed on Brassicaceae .

Distribution. Western Georgia.

Baraniak, E. & Sohn, J. C. (2015) Redescription of Eidophasia syenitella (Herrich-Schaffer, 1854) (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae) with description of the male and female genitalia. Zootaxa, 4057 (4), 585 - 589. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4057.4.9

Baraniak, E. & Sohn, J. C. (2016) Revised taxonomic status of Eidophasia zukowskyi Amsel, 1938 (Lepidoptera, Plutellidae) with first description of its male and female genitalia. Zootaxa, 4162 (1), 164 - 172. https: // doi. org / 10.11646 / zootaxa. 4162.1.8

Christoph, H. (1888) Diagnosen zu einigen neuen Lepidopteren des palaearctischen Faunengebietes. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, 22, 308 - 314.

Friese, G. (1966) Ergebnisse der Albanien-Expedition 1961 des Deutschen Entomologischen Institutes, 52 Beitrag, Lepidoptera: Plutellidae. Beitrage zur Entomologie, 16 (3 - 4), 447 - 459.

Meyrick, E. (1914) Hyponomeutidae, Plutellidae, Amphitheridae. In: Wagner, H. (Ed.), Lepidopterorum Catalogus. W. Junk, Berlin., pp. 1 - 64.

Rebel, H. (1901) II Theil: Famil. Pyralidae-Micropterygidae. In: Staudinger, O. & Rebel, H. (Eds.), Catalog der Lepidopteren des palaearctischen faunengebietes, R. Friedlander & sohn, Berlin, pp. 1 - 368.

Rebel, H. & Zerny, H. (1931) Die Lepidopterenfauna Albaniens (mit Ber ¸ cksichtigung der Nachbargebiete). Denkschriften der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch - Naturwissenschftliche Klasse, 103, 37 - 161.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 1–4. Eidophasia concinnella. 1, External appearance. 2–4, Labels.

Gallery Image

FIGURES 5–6. Female genitalia: a – general view, b – strengthened walls of bursa copulatrix, c – antrum, d – ductus bursae near inception to bursa copulatrix. 5a–d, E. concinnella; 6a–d, E. syenitella; 6e–h, E. zukowskyi (Fig. 6 following Baraniak & Sohn 2016: 170–171, Fig. 9a–h).











