Psilota, Meigen, 1822

Young, Andrew D., Skevington, Jeffrey H. & Steenis, Wouter Van, 2020, Revision of the Psilota Meigen, 1822 flower flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Australia, Zootaxa 4737 (1), pp. 1-127 : 17-19

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Plazi (2020-02-17 06:59:50, last updated 2021-10-20 03:12:17)

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Key to the Australian species of Psilota

1. Face bare, abdominal tergite 3 with a distinct tubercle. Male dichoptic. Purplish-red species ( Fig. 30 View FIGURE 30 ).... P. purpurea sp. nov.

- Face pilose, abdominal tergite 3 never with tubercle. Male holoptic. Colouration variable, never purplish red............. 2

2. Hind femur with an apicoventral carina, either low and triangular, distinct and triangular, or distinct and lobe-like ( Fig. 47C, D View FIGURE 47 )................................................................................................ 15

- Hind femur simple, with at most an apicoventral patch of setulae............................................... 3

3. Face black or iridescent bluish-green, never yellow.......................................................... 5

- Face yellow.......................................................................................... 4

4. Abdomen dark brown with tergites 3 and 4 almost entirely yellow, tergites 3 and 4 with relatively long, dense, pale yellow pile. Scutum and scutellum with mixed black and yellow pile, scutellum sometimes with completely black pile ( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 )............................................................................................. P. apiformis sp. nov.

- Abdomen with tergites orangeish-brown, with only short pile. Scutum and scutellum entirely yellow pilose ( Fig. 38 View FIGURE 38 )........................................................................................ P. xanthostoma sp. nov.

5. Face with dense, bright yellow pilosity. Face coppery, vertex, thorax and abdomen strongly greenish-blue iridescent. Thorax mostly black pilose, with some mixed white pilosity on anterior half of scutum and posterior anepimeron. Legs black pilose. Tergites 1–3 black pilose. Antenna entirely bright orange ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 )................................ P. aislinnae sp. nov.

- Face with black or white pilosity, never bright yellow. Thorax and abdomen variable, but if iridescent blue or green, never as extensively black pilose. Antenna variable in colour.......................................................... 6

6. Entire body strongly iridescent. Head and thorax blue and green iridescent, abdomen red and green iridescent. Antenna entirely orange ( Fig. 25 View FIGURE 25 )....................................................................... P. metallica sp. nov.

- Entire body usually not iridescent. If iridescent, then thorax and abdomen always blue or green, never green and red. Antenna variably coloured..................................................................................... 7

7. Wing with anterior brown vitta. Tergite 2 with two yellowish-brown triangular maculae, ranging from less than half the length of tergite 2 to spanning almost the entire length of the tergite ( Fig. 12 View FIGURE 12 ).............................. P. basalis sp. nov.

- Wing never with anterior brown vitta. Tergite 2 with or without yellow markings, but never with two triangular maculae... 8

8. Tergite 2 never with yellow markings, black or dark red...................................................... 10

- Tergite 2 either almost entirely yellow ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 ), or black medially with lateral edges broadly yellow ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 )............ 9

9. Tergite 2 almost entirely yellow, usually with a posterior black margin, sometimes lateral margin also yellow. Tergites 1, 3 and 4 black, tergite 4 sometimes with frontal margin yellow ( Fig. 13 View FIGURE 13 )................................. P. bicolor sp. nov.

- Tergite 2 black medially with lateral edges broadly yellow, tergites medially 3 and 4 black, usually also with lateral edges yellow. Tergite 1 black ( Fig. 20 View FIGURE 20 )............................................................. P. flavoorta sp. nov.

10. Thorax black. Abdomen black or red, at most faintly iridescent blue on posterior margins. Postpedicel usually dark brown or black, occasionally dull orange with a brown dorsal edge..................................................... 12

- Thorax and abdomen iridescent blue or green. Postpedicel bright orange......................................... 11

11. Abdomen faintly iridescent blue, almost black. Calypter entirely pale ( Fig. 22 View FIGURE 22 )........................ P. livida sp. nov.

- Abdomen iridescent indigo blue, mostly extremely bright, in some specimens just a little iridescent. Calypter dark at least at margin, usually entirely dark brown ( Fig. 11 View FIGURE 11 ).................................................. P. azurea sp. nov.

12. Abdominal tergites 2 to 4 mostly or entirely red ( Fig. 17 View FIGURE 17 )........................................ P. cuprea complex

- Abdominal tergites entirely black, sometimes with faint iridescent blue posterior margins or with long bright yellow-orange pile............................................................................................... 13

13. Face faintly iridescent blue. Pollinosity on face restricted to two lateral triangles below antenna. Tergites 2 to 4 with faint posterior iridescent blue margins ( Fig. 15 View FIGURE 15 )........................................................ P. calva sp. nov.

- Face black. Pollinosity on face uniform. Tergites 2 to 4 never with faint iridescent blue posterior margin............... 14

14. Scutellum entirely to almost entirely white pilose, with at most two apical and a few anterior black pile (Figs 8,9). Tergites 3 to 5 with long, dense, bright orangish-yellow pile in female ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 ), in male with shorter, very dense black pile ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 )................................................................................................. P. auricauda

- Scutellum with mixed black and white pile, or entirely black pilose. Female never with long, dense, orangish-yellow pile on tergites 3 to 5, male with less dense, mostly partly white pile on tergites 3 to 5 ( Fig. 35 View FIGURE 35 )................ P. tristis complex

15. Face faintly iridescent blue. Pollinosity on face restricted to two lateral triangles below antenna. Hind femur with a distinct apicoventral equilateral triangular carina ( Fig. 24 View FIGURE 24 )............................................ P. mcqueeni sp. nov.

- Face colour variable. Pollinosity on face covering most of face. Hind femur with either a low triangular carina or a distinct lobe-like carina...................................................................................... 16

16. Hind femur with distinct lobe-like posteroventral apical carina, extending downwards from ventral side of femur at an approximate 30° angle ( Fig. 47D View FIGURE 47 )............................................................................. 21

- Hind femur with low posteroventral apical carina, not extending downwards, in line with ventral side of femur ( Fig. 47C View FIGURE 47 ). 17

17. Body metallic blue. Face with extremely long, dense, yellow pile ( Fig. 23 View FIGURE 23 )......................... P. longipila sp. nov.

- Body black or partly yellow. Face with pilosity variable, but never with long, dense, yellow pile...................... 18

18. Wing with apical tip dark brown. Large black species with mostly black legs ( Fig. 14 View FIGURE 14 )............. P. brunnipennis sp. nov.

- Wing colourless or with anterior half faintly tinted brown. Never with distinct apical brown spot. Size variable, legs often orange............................................................................................... 19

19. Facial pile entirely pale ( Fig 27 View FIGURE 27 )................................................................... P. nitida

- Facial pile at least partly black, usually with pile closest to eye pale ( Figs 26 View FIGURE 26 , 33 View FIGURE 33 ).................................. 20

20. Male genitalia with inner lobe of surstylus broadest near base, very nearly parallel-sided. Lateral edges of tergite 3 with many long, pale pile ( Fig. 46A View FIGURE 46 )............................................................... P. spathistyla sp. nov.

- Male genitalia with inner lobe of surstylus paddle-shaped, broadest near apex. Lateral edges of tergite 3 black pilose ( Fig. 44E View FIGURE 44 )................................................................................ P. nigripila sp. nov.

21. Tergites 3 and 4 with long, dense, tangled, bright yellow pile. Black species with orange legs ( Fig. 32 View FIGURE 32 )..... P. solata sp. nov.

- Tergites 3 and 4 with black and/or white pile, never with long, dense, tangled, bright yellow pile. Body colour variable.... 22

22. Face dull orange to brown. Thorax metallic blue. Abdomen metallic green ( Fig. 36 View FIGURE 36 )................ P. viridescens sp. nov.

- Face black. Thorax and abdomen variable................................................................. 23

23. Carina on hind femur entirely covered in thick black setulae on posterior side. Frons pale pilose. Abdomen faintly iridescent green ( Fig. 34 View FIGURE 34 )....................................................................... P. spinifemur sp. nov.

- Carina on hind femur usually with setulae only on ventral rim. If medial side of carina completely covered in setulae, then frons black pilose. Abdomen variable......................................................................... 24

24. Thorax and abdomen distinctly iridescent blueish-green in ground colour. Pleuron usually shining, free of pollinosity. Frons pale or black pilose. If pleuron pollinose, then frons always pale pilose.......................................... 27

- Thorax black in ground colour, abdomen black or at most black with faintly blueish-green metallic sheen. Pleuron densely pale pollinose. Frons black pilose in male, in female black pile sometimes restricted to small area above lunula or missing completely............................................................................................. 25

25. Halter yellow to orange ( Fig. 10 View FIGURE 10 )........................................................... P. auripila sp. nov.

- Halter with at least knob dark brown..................................................................... 26

26. Male genitalia with apex of outer lobe hooked sharply downwards towards base of surstylus. Abdomen black ( Fig. 42G View FIGURE 42 )............................................................................................... P. femoralis

- Male genitalia with outer lobe curved smoothly downwards. Abdomen with faint metallic blueish-green sheen ( Fig. 47A View FIGURE 47 )......................................................................................... P. zophos sp. nov.

27. Pleural pile almost entirely black, at most with a few pale pile near anterior and posterior spiracle. Scutum entirely dark pilose. Frons pale pilose. Antenna orange. ( Fig. 16 View FIGURE 16 )........................................................ P. coerulea

- Pleural pile entirely white or with some dark pile intermixed. Scutal pile entirely dark pilose or with pale pile intermixed. Frons pilosity variable. Antenna variable in colour............................................................... 28

28. Pleuron white pollinose and white pilose ( Fig. 29 View FIGURE 29 )............................................ P. pollinosa sp. nov.

- Pleuron shining and free of pollinosity, white or black pilose.................................................. 29

29. Antenna entirely dark, black to dark brown. Frons extensively black pilose ( Fig. 21 View FIGURE 21 )................ P. fuscifrons sp. nov.

- Antenna entirely or almost entirely orange, at most with some brown on dorsal surface. Frons usually entirely pale pilose, sometimes with frons entirely black pilose or mixed black and white pilosity..................................... 30

30. Calypter pale or greyish, sometimes with dark brown rim. If calypter with brown rim, then pleural pile white........... 32

- Calypter entirely dark brown. Pile fringe on rim of calypter pale or dark. Pleural pile black or white................... 31

31. Pile on rim of calypter yellow, except at corner where upper and lower calypter meet, where pile is dark brown. Pleural pile mostly white with some interspersed black pile ( Fig. 31 View FIGURE 31 )..................................... P. smaragdina sp. nov.

- Pile on upper calypter entirely white, pile on lower calypter entirely dark brown. Pleural pile white ( Fig. 6 View FIGURE 6 )............... P.................................................................................. .. alexanderi sp. nov.

32. Tergites 3 and 4 mostly black pilose, with only lateral edges of tergite 3, and lateral and apical edges of tergite 4 white pilose. Frons with some black pilosity ( Fig. 28 View FIGURE 28 )..................................................... P. occidua sp. nov.

- Tergites 3 and 4 with at least basal half of tergite entirely white pilose, sometimes entirely white pilose; never entirely black pilose medially with white pilose lateral edges. Frons pilosity colour variable..................................... 33

33. Legs partly orange, fore- and mid tibiae almost entirely orange. Calypter entirely white. Frons entirely pale pilose ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 ). Male genitalia with outer lobe of surstylus smoothly curved downwards over entire length ( Fig. 42E View FIGURE 42 ).... P. darwini sp. nov.

- Legs dark, tibia mostly orange with at least dark apical half posteriorly. Calypter often with a dark brown rim. Frons entirely pale pilose or with some black pile interspersed ( Fig. 37 View FIGURE 37 ). Male genitalia with outer lobe of surstylus bent downwards sharply at one-third its total length, with apex bent backwards towards base of surstylus ( Fig. 46G View FIGURE 46 )..................... P. viridis

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FIGURE 5. P. aislinnae sp. nov., A) female dorsal habitus, B) female anterolateral face, C) female lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 6. P. alexanderi sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 7. P. apiformis sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 8. P. auricauda sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 9. P. auricauda Curran. A) female dorsal habitus, B) female anterolateral face, C) female lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 10. P. auripila sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 11. P. azurea sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 12. P. basalis Walker. A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 13. P. bicolor sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 14. P. brunnipennis sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 15. P. calva sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 16. P. coerulea Macquart. A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 17. P. cuprea Macquart. A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 18. P. darwini sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 20. P. flavoorta sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 21. P. fuscifrons sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 22. P. livida sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 23. P. longipila sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 24. P. mcqueeni sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 25. P. metallica sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 26. P. nigripila sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 27. P. nitida (Macquart). A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 28. P. occidua sp. nov., A) female dorsal habitus, B) female anterolateral face, C) female lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 29. P. pollinosa sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 30. P. purpurea sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 31. P. smaragdina sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 32. P. solata sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 33. P. spathistyla sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 34. P. spinifemur sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 35. P. tristis Klocker. A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 36. P. viridescens sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 37. P. viridis Macquart. A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 38. P. xanthostoma sp. nov., A) male dorsal habitus, B) male anterolateral face, C) male lateral habitus. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 42. Lateral and dorsal male genitalia of A, B) P. calva sp. nov.; C, D) P. coerulea Macquart; E, F) P. darwini sp. nov., and G, H) P. femoralis Schiner. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 44. Lateral and dorsal male genitalia of A, B) P. mcqueeni sp. nov.; C, D) P. metallica sp. nov.; E, F) P. nigripila sp. nov., and G, H) P. nitida (Macquart). Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 46. Lateral and dorsal male genitalia of A, B) P. spathistyla sp. nov.; C, D) P. spinifemur sp. nov.; E, F) P. viridescens sp. nov.; and G, H) P. viridis Macquart. Scale bar =1 mm.

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FIGURE 47. Lateral and dorsal male genitalia of A, B) P. zophos sp. nov.; posterior view of metafemur of C) P. nigripila sp. nov.; d) P. auripila (Macquart). Scale bar =1 mm.









