Nanomela tiniheke, Leschen & Reid & Nadein, 2020

Leschen, Richard A. B., Reid, Chris A. M. & Nadein, Konstantin S., 2020, Generic Review of New Zealand Chrysomelinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Zootaxa 4740 (1), pp. 1-66 : 51

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Plazi (2020-02-18 08:21:10, last updated 2024-11-26 00:46:50)

scientific name

Nanomela tiniheke

sp. nov.

Nanomela tiniheke , sp. nov.

( Figs 10C, D, F View FIGURES 10 , 12B View FIGURES 12 , 14D View FIGURES 14 , 15A View FIGURES 15 , 16B, D View FIGURES 16 ; map Fig. 20B View FIGURES 20 )

Diagnosis. Head relatively short and broad. Eye coarsely facetted and consisting of about 15 ommatidia. Antennae with antennomere 8 as large as 7th, distance between insertion and margin of eye less than diameter of insertion. Posterior margin of the pronotum trapezoidal. Elytra with 9 distinct, but weakly impressed striae. Aedeagus with median lobe acute and arrow-shaped.

Description. Length 2.0– 2.3 mm. Body elongate-elliptic slightly dorsoventrally flattend (greatest depth 0.80– 1.00 mm); entirely dark brown. Vertex wide, nearly flat, inner margin of eye without a small seta. Head relatively short and broad. Eyes small, short-elliptic, coarsely facetted and consisting of about 15 ommatidia. Frons shorttrapezoidal, wider than long, anterior margin straight. Antennae with antennomere 8 as large as 7 th (ratio of antennomere lengths: 0.9/0.6/0.5/0.4/0.5/0.4/0.4/0.5/0.5./0.5/1.0), distance between insertion and margin of eye less than diameter of insertion. Pronotum transverse (1.50–1.80 x wider than long), posterior margin of pronotum trapezoidal, lateral sides of posterior margin nearly straight, not strongly rounded medially. Elytra elongate (4.40–4.50 x longer than pronotal length) and broad (4.40–4.50 x the greatest elytral width); punctation striate, punctures arranged in 9 striae, epipleura moderately wide, flat, distinctly inclined, visible in lateral view. Spermatheca with short and thick collum and receptacle, strongly curved, collum with acute apex, duct very short. Median lobe of aedeagus with large and rounded basal opening, medial third gradually and gently widened towards apex, apex distinctly arrow-shaped (triangular and acute), median lobe inside with long and thin flagellum that straight in apical third and curved in basal two thirds.

Comments. Differs from mainland Nanomela spp. by the shorter and wider head, larger eyes with more facets, the posterior margin of pronotum is not evenly rounded with lateral sides of posterior margin nearly straight and medially not strongly rounded, the elytral apices are narrower and more elongate, and the spermatheca has an acute collum and a short duct.

Distribution. The Snares Islands.

Etymology. The species name derives from Tini Heke, the Mâori name for the Snares Islands (feminine).

Type material examined. Holotype ( AMNZ): sex not determined, “ NZ: THE SNARES Broughton I, 30.xi.1976, JW Early, litter of Stilbocarpa robusta L7996” . Paratypes (36). SN: Snares Is , Broughton I, 48.043056S, 166.620833E, in litter of Stilbocarpa robusta , 04.11.1972, D.S. Horning (1, AMS; 1, NZAC) GoogleMaps ; Snares Is , E end Sinkhole Flat, Penguin Colony, 48.016667S, 166.533333E, in peat of Stilbocarpa robusta at colony edge, 04.12.1974, D.S. Horning (2, NZAC) GoogleMaps ; same except 03.12.1974 (1, NZAC) ; Snares Is , Sinkhole area, 48.01894S, 166.60230E, Olearia lyalli litter, 27.01.1971 D.S. Horning (1, NZAC) GoogleMaps ; same except Stilbocarpa robusta foliage, 24.01.1971, D.S. Horning (3, AMS; 2, NZAC) ; same except 25.01.1971, Olearia lyalli, Tullgren [funnel] from leaf litter (1, AMS; 1, ANIC) ; Snares Is , nr Station Pt, 48.02290S, 166.60959E, Olearia lyalli forest logs, 9.1. 67 P. M. Johns (2 AMS; 1, ANIC; 1; LUNZ; 3, NZAC) GoogleMaps ; Penguin Ck , 26.10.1972 DS Horning, in wet litter Olearia lyalli (1, ANIC) ; Snares Is , S. Side Goat Harbour, 48.016667S, 166.533333E, litter of Senecio stewartiae , 26.03.1972, C.J. Horning (1, NZAC) GoogleMaps ; Snares Is , Broughton I, 48.043056S, 166.620833E, JW Early litter of Stilbocarpa robusta L7996, 30.xi.1976 (12, AMNZ) GoogleMaps ; same except litter of Stilbocarpa robusta L8913, 14.i.1977 (1, AMNZ) .

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FIGURES 10A–F. Habitus of Nanomela spp.; A, Nanomela sp., dorsal, length 1.5 mm; B, Nanomela sp., ventral, length 1.5 mm; C, Nanomela tiniheke, dorsal, length 2.2 mm; D, Nanomela tiniheke, ventral, length 2.2 mm; E, Nanomela sp., lateral, length 1.5 mm; F, Nanomela tiniheke, ventral, length 2.2 mm.

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FIGURES 12A–N. Habitus and genitalia; A, Nanomela sp., dorsal, scale = 1 mm; B, Nanomela tiniheke, dorsal, scale = 1 mm; C, Maurodus maculatus, aedeagus, dorsal view; D, Maurodus maculatus, aedeagus, lateral view; E, Maurodus occiduus, aedeagus, dorsal view; F, Maurodus occiduus, aedeagus, lateral view; G, Maurodus nunni, aedeagus, dorsal view; H, Maurodus nunni, aedeagus, lateral view; I, Maurodus supernus, aedeagus, dorsal view; J, Maurodus supernus, aedeagus, lateral view; K, Zeaphilon marskeae, aedeagus, dorsal view; L, Zeaphilon marskeae, aedeagus, lateral view; M, Zeaphilon mirandum, aedeagus, dorsal view; N, Zeaphilon mirandum, aedeagus, lateral view.

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FIGURES 14A–D. Ventral SEMs of Nanomela spp.; A, Nanomela sp., body; B, Nanomela sp., prothorax; C, Nanomela sp., meso-, meta-, and abdominal ventrites; D; Nanomela tiniheke, meso- and metaventrite.

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FIGURES 15A–H. SEMs of Nanomela structures; A, Nanomela tiniheke, head, dorsal view; B, Nanomela sp., head, frontal view; C, Nanomela sp., head, frontal view; D, Nanomela sp., metatarsus, ventral view; E, Nanomela sp., male mesotarsus, dorsolateral view; F, Nanomela sp., left elyton, ventral view; G, Nanomela sp., male middle leg, anterior view; H, Nanomela sp., male middle leg, anterolateral view. Photo B by Sue Lindsay, Australian Museum.

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FIGURES 16A–E. Nanomela structures; A, Nanomela sp., aedeagus, dorsal view; B, Nanomela tiniheke, aedeagus, dorsal view; C, Nanomela sp., spermatheca; D, Nanomela tiniheke, abdomen showing spermatheca, ventral view; E, Nanomela sp., hindleg, posterior view.

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FIGURES 20A–B. South Island with subantarctic Snares Island (insert).


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