Chaerilus Simon, 1877

Kovařík, František, Lowe, Graeme, Ranawana, Kithsiri B., Hoferek, David & Š, V. A., 2016, Scorpions of Sri Lanka (Scorpiones Buthidae, Chaerilidae, Scorpionidae) with description of four new species of the genera Charmus Karsch, 1879 and Reddyanus Vachon, 1972, stat n, Euscorpius 220, pp. 1-133 : 88-96

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Felipe (2021-11-30 05:11:22, last updated 2024-11-26 04:41:19)

scientific name

Chaerilus Simon, 1877


Chaerilus Simon, 1877 View in CoL

( Figs. 13 View Figures 12–15 , 200 View Figures 193–200 , 428–457 View Figures 403–429 View Figures 430–435 View Figures 436–439 View Figures 440–445 View Figures 446–453 View Figures 454–457 )

Chaerilus Simon, 1877: 238 View in CoL ; Fet, 2000: 323–328 (complete reference list until 1998); Kovařík & Ojanguren, 2013: 131–145, figs. ZN.1–7, 617–776 (reference list until 2013); Kovařík et al., 2015: 1–21, figs. 1–91.

= Chelomachus Thorell, 1889: 583 (syn. by Kraepelin, 1899: 157).

= Uromachus Pocock, 1890: 250 (syn. by Kraepelin, 1899: 157).

TYPE SPECIES. Chaerilus variegatus Simon, 1877 View in CoL .

DIAGNOSIS. Total length 15–75.4 mm. Orthobothriotaxy type B; pedipalp femoral d 3 – d 4 trichobothria configuration points toward dorsoexternal carina; pedipalp patella with 3 ventral trichobothria and pedipalp femur with 9 trichobothria, 4 of them dorsal. Cheliceral fixed finger with median and basal denticles flush on surface, not conjoined on common trunk; ventral edge of cheliceral movable finger crenulated; dorsal edge of cheliceral movable finger with a single subdistal denticles; ventral surface of cheliceral fixed finger with denticle. Sternum, type 1, exhibits subtle wide horizontal compression; maxillary lobes I spatulate. Hemispermatophore fusiform. Pedipalp patella with "6-carinae" configuration. Median denticle row of pedipalp chelal finger arranged in oblique groups; pedipalp chela exhibits "8-carinae" configuration. Fifth metasomal segment with single ventral carina. Legs without tibial spurs, but with prolateral and retrolateral pedal spurs. Tarsi of legs bear two rows of ventral setae and median row of spinules. Telson without subaculear tubercle.

DISTRIBUTION. Oriental region from India to Melanesia.

FET, V., W. D. SISSOM, G. LOWE & M. E. BRAUNWALDER. 2000. Catalog of the Scorpions of the World (1758 - 1998). New York: The New York Entomological Society, 689 pp.

KOVARIK, F & A. A. OJANGUREN AFFILASTRO. 2013. Illustrated catalog of scorpions Part II. Bothriuridae; Chaerilidae; Buthidae I., genera Compsobuthus, Hottentotta, Isometrus, Lychas, and Sassanidotus. Clairon Production, Prague, 400 pp.

KOVARIK, F., G. LOWE, M. SEITER, J. PLISKOVA & F. STAHLAVSKY. 2015. Scorpions of Ethiopia (Arachnida: Scorpiones). Part II. Genus Babycurus Karsch, 1886 (Buthidae), with description of two new species. Euscorpius, 196: 1 - 31.

KRAEPELIN, K. 1899. Scorpiones und Pedipalpi. In: F. DAHL (ed.), Das Tierreich. Herausgegeben von der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft. Berlin: R. Friedlander und Sohn Verlag, 8. Lieferung. 265 pp.

POCOCK, R. I. 1890. Description of a new genus and species of scorpion belonging to the group Jurini. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 6 (5): 250 - 252.

SIMON, E. 1877. Etudes Arachnologiques. Part X. Arachnides nouveaux et peu connus. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 5 (7): 225 - 242.

THORELL, T. 1889. Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmanie e regioni vicine. XXI. - Aracnidi Artrogastri Birmani raccolti da L. Fea nel 1885 - 1887. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova, 27: 521 - 729.

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Figures 12–15: Maps showing the known geographical distribution of the Sri Lankan species.

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Figures 193–200: Distal segments of leg IV, retroventral view of Sri Lankan Buthidae and Chaerilidae genera. Buthoscorpio sarasinorum, male from locality 15CF (193), Charmus laneus, male from locality 15CO (194), Hottentotta tamulus, male from locality 15CK (195), Isometrus maculatus, female from locality 15CI (196), Isometrus thwaitesi, female from locality 15CO (197), Lychas srilankensis, male from locality 15CJ (198), Reddyanus basilicus, male from locality 15CS (199), and Chaerilus ceylonensis, male from locality 15CD (200).

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Figures 403–429: Telson, lateral view of Sri Lankan Buthidae and Chaerilidae species. Figures 403–404. Isometrus maculatus, male from locality 15CP (403) and female from locality 15CI (404). Figures 405–406. I. thwaitesi, male from locality 15CH (405) and female from locality 15CO (406). Figures 407–408. Lychas srilankensis, male (407) and female (408) from locality 15CJ. Figures 409–410. Reddyanus basilicus, male (409) and female (410) from locality 15CR. Figures 411–412. R. besucheti, male holotype (411) and female from locality 15CG (412). Figures 413–414. R. ceylonensis sp. n., male holotype (413) and female paratype (414) from locality 15CI. Figures 415–416. R. jayarathnei sp. n., male (415) and female (416) paratypes. Figures 417–418. R. loebli, male (417) and female (418) from locality 15CG. Figures 419–420. R. ranawanai sp. n., male holotype (419) and female paratype (420). Figures 421–422: Buthoscorpio sarasinorum, male from locality 15CF (421) and female from locality 15CG (422). Figures 423–424. Charmus laneus, male (423) and female (424) from locality 15CO. Figures 425–426. Charmus saradieli sp. n. male paratype (425) (MHNG) and female holotype (426). Figurs 427. Hottentotta tamulus, male from locality 15CK (427). Figures 428–429. Chaerilus ceylonensis, male (428) and female (429) from locality 15CD.

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Figures 430–435: Chaerilus ceylonensis from locality 15CD. Figures 430–431. Male in dorsal (430) and ventral (431) views. Figures 432–435. Female, dorsal (432) and ventral (433) views, and chelicera ventral (434) and dorsal (435) views.

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Figures 436–439: Chaerilus ceylonensis from locality 15CD. Figures 436, 438. Male, chelicerae, carapace and tergites I–II (436), and sternopectinal region with sternite III (438). Figures 437, 439. Female, chelicerae, carapace and tergites I–II (437), and sternopectinal region (439).

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Figures 440–445: Chaerilus ceylonensis from locality 15CD. Figures 440–442. Male, metasoma and telson, lateral (440), ventral (441), and dorsal (442) views. Figures 443–445. Female, metasoma and telson, lateral (443), ventral (444), and dorsal (445) views.

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Figures 446–453: Chaerilus ceylonensis from locality 15CD. Figures 446–449. Male. Pedipalp chela, dorsal (446), external (447) and ventral (448) views. Movable finger (449). Figures 450–453. Female. Pedipalp chela, dorsal (450), external (451) and ventral (452) views. Movable finger (453).

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Figures 454–457: Chaerilus ceylonensis from locality 15CD, male (454), female (455), female with juveniles after first ecdysis (456), and female with newborns (457).









