Sulawesidrobia crutzeni, Haase & Rintelen & Harting & Marwoto & Glaubrecht, 2023

Haase, Martin, Rintelen, Thomas von, Harting, Britta, Marwoto, Ristiyanti & Glaubrecht, Matthias, 2023, New species from a ‘ lost world’: Sulawesidrobia (Caenogastropoda, Tateidae) from ancient Lake Matano, Sulawesi, Indonesia, European Journal of Taxonomy 864 (1), pp. 77-103 : 91-93

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Felipe (2023-04-18 12:47:10, last updated 2024-11-27 11:45:40)

scientific name

Sulawesidrobia crutzeni

sp. nov.

Sulawesidrobia crutzeni View in CoL sp. nov.

Figs 2D View Fig , 3G–H View Fig , 5C View Fig , 6F View Fig , 7G–H View Fig , 8G View Fig


This new species is a large conical Sulawesidrobia and the only one in which no bursa copulatrix was seen. The single inner denticle of the lateral tooth is very large. The four diagnostic alignment positions are all only of type 3 ( Table 3 View Table 3 ).


Sulawesidrobia crutzeni sp. nov. is named after the Dutch meteorologist, atmospheric chemist and 1995 Nobel Prize winner Paul J. Crutzen (1933–2021) who not only studied the effect of mankind on climate change but also coined (together with the freshwater biologist Eugene F. Stoermer) and popularized the term and concept of the Anthropocene, a proposed new epoch in the Quaternary period.

Material examined

Holotype ( Fig. 2D View Fig )

INDONESIA • Sulawesi, Lake Matano , N shore, SE of Nuha, on rocks; 02°27.721′ S, 121°23.125′ E; 24 Oct. 2005; Glaubrecht leg.; MZB Gst. 12122 . GoogleMaps

Paratypes ( Fig. 3G–H View Fig )

INDONESIA • 15 specs; same collection data as for holotype; MZB Gst. 12123 GoogleMaps 13 specs; same collection data as for holotype; ZMB 191838 View Materials GoogleMaps .


SHELL ( Figs 2D View Fig , 3G–H View Fig ). Conical with convex outline, appearance fairly massive, sutures shallow, about 1.5 times as high as wide, periostracum and translucent shell brown with white subsutural band; protoconch structure not verified due to corosion, comprises ca 0.8 whorls; entire shell with 3.875 to 4.375 whorls, teleoconch without structure apart from growth lines; umbilicus a narrow slit; aperture slightly higher than wide, outer lip orthocline.

OPERCULUM. Very light yellow and thin, paucispiral, nucleus eccentric.

EXTERNAL FEATURES. Epidermis entirely black with the exception of mantle rim and areas over distal genital glands and stomach; tentacles with small ciliated field ( Fig. 5C View Fig ).

MANTLE CAVITY (N = 3). 20–23 ctenidial filaments; osphradium elongate underneath central two thirds of gill.

DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. The radula has the formula R 3-4 1 3-4/3 3, L 1 1 4-5, M1 14-18, M2 23-26, inner denticle of lateral tooth very large ( Fig. 6F View Fig ); stomach without caecum and pigment; intestine follows pallial genital glands, in females closer than in males.

FEMALE GENITALIA (N = 2; Fig. 7G–H View Fig ). Ovary starts ca 1.25 whorls below apex, comprises 0.5–0.7 whorls, covers stomach chambers; renal oviduct first coiling 180° clockwise, distal part more variable, in one individual coiling then 270° counter-clockwise and again 180° clockwise ( Fig. 7G View Fig ), in the second female dissected 180° counter-clockwise and then 270° counter-clockwise ( Fig. 7H View Fig ); no receptaculum seminis; no bursa copulatrix seen; albumen gland anteriorly opaque-white merging gradually into a milky-white posterior portion, capsule gland with a smaller anterior white and a larger posterior yellow portion.

MALE GENITALIA (N = 1; Fig. 8G View Fig ). Lobate testis starts ca 1 whorl below apex, comprises ca 1 whorl, covers stomach; vesicula seminalis coils along anterior half of testis; vasa deferentia insert close to middle of relatively small, almost rectangular prostate; penis with massive, broad base and long, slender and tapering distal end, distally grey.


This is the only species of Sulawesidrobia apparently lacking a bursa copulatrix. It would be desirable, though, to check this characteristic in well-fixed material as here the preservation was far from ideal and only few specimens were available. Mosaic similarities with all three above described species are discussed under their respective Remarks.As S. crutzeni sp. nov. was paraphyletic (see below, Figs 9–10 View Fig View Fig , Supp. file 1), it was not surprising that the four diagnostic alignment positions were all only of type 3 ( Table 3 View Table 3 ).

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Fig. 2. Holotypes. A. Sulawesidrobia wilsoni sp. nov. (MZB Gst. 12116). B. S. carsonae sp. nov. (MZB Gst. 12118). C. S. ehrlichi sp. nov. (MZB Gst. 12120). D. S. crutzeni sp. nov. (MZB Gst. 12122). E. S. dinersteini sp. nov. (MZB Gst. 12124). Scale bar = 1 mm.

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Fig. 3. SEM micrographs of paratypes, all from type localities. A–B. Sulawesidrobia wilsoni sp. nov. (MZB Gst. 12117). C–D. S. carsonae sp. nov. (MZB Gst. 12119). E–F. S. ehrlichi sp. nov. (MZB Gst. 12121). G–H. S. crutzeni sp. nov. (MZB Gst. 12123). I–J. S. dinersteini sp. nov. (MZB Gst. 12125).

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Fig. 5. SEM micrographs of cephalic tentacles. A. Sulawesidrobia wilsoni sp. nov. (ZMB 191842). B. S. carsonae sp. nov. (ZMB 107079). C. S. crutzeni sp. nov. (ZMB 191838). D. S. dinersteini sp. nov. (ZMB 107092). Arrows indicate field of cilia. Scale bars: A–B, D = 20 µm; C = 50 µm.

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Fig. 6. Radula. A–C. Sulawesidrobia wilsoni sp. nov. D. S. carsonae sp. nov. E. S. ehrlichi sp. nov. F. S. crutzeni sp. nov. G–H. S. dinersteini sp. nov. Note different shapes of denticles on central and lateral teeth across species. Arrows indicate enlarged denticle on marginal tooth 1 in S. wilsoni sp. nov. Scale bars: A, C–G = 10 µm; B, H = 5 µm.

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Fig. 7. Distal female genitalia. A–B. Sulawesidrobia wilsoni sp. nov. C–D. S. carsonae sp. nov. E–F. S. ehrlichi sp. nov. G–H. S. crutzeni sp. nov. I–J. S. dinersteini sp. nov. Abbreviations: aa = anterior albumen gland; ac = anterior capsule gland; bc = bursa copulatrix; bd = bursal duct; od = oviduct; pa = posterior albumen gland; pc = posterior capsule gland; vc = ventral channel.

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Fig. 8. Penis. A–B. Sulawesidrobia wilsoni sp. nov. (ZMB 191842). C–D. S. carsonae sp. nov. (ZMB 107079).E–F. S. ehrlichi sp. nov. (ZMB 107095).G. S. crutzeni sp. nov. (ZMB 191838).H. S. dinersteini sp. nov. (ZMB 107092). Arrow indicates lobe in H. Scale bars: A–F, H = 50 µm; G = 100 µm.

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Fig. 9. Bayesian phylogenetic analysis. Outgroup pruned from tree. Taxa represented by “species name_ZMB catalogue number and specimen_abbreviation of lake”. Numbers at nodes are posterior probabilities> 0.50. Scale in substitutions per site.

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Fig. 10. Maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis. Outgroup pruned from tree. Taxa represented by “species name_ZMB catalogue number and specimen_abbreviation of lake”. Numbers at nodes are bootstrap support values> 50. Scale in substitutions per site.


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