Polyceratocarpus pellegrinii Le Thomas, Adansonia ser . 2, 5: 451, 1965

Couvreur, Thomas L. P., Dagallier, Leo-Paul M. J., Crozier, Francoise, Ghogue, Jean-Paul, Hoekstra, Paul H., Kamdem, Narcisse G., Johnson, David M., Murray, Nancy A. & Sonke, Bonaventure, 2022, Flora of Cameroon - Annonaceae Vol 45, PhytoKeys 207, pp. 1-532 : 316-317

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scientific name

Polyceratocarpus pellegrinii Le Thomas, Adansonia ser . 2, 5: 451, 1965


Polyceratocarpus pellegrinii Le Thomas, Adansonia ser. 2, 5: 451, 1965 View in CoL

Figs 95 View Figure 95 , 96 View Figure 96 ; Map 12E View Map 12


Gabon. Ogooué-Lolo; Poungui, Le Testu G.M.P.C. 7754, 10 Dec 1929: lectotype, sheet here designated: P[P00363348]; isotypes: BR[BR0000008805041]; P[P00363347] .


Tree, 5-6 m tall, d.b.h. up to 10 cm; stilt roots or buttresses absent. Indumentum of simple hairs; old leafless branches glabrous, young foliate branches glabrous. Leaves: petiole 5-6 mm long, 2-3 mm in diameter, pubescent, slightly grooved, blade inserted on top of the petiole; blade 13-31 cm long, 3.6-5 cm wide, oblong, apex acuminate, acumen 0.5-1 cm long, base narrowly cuneate to shortly attenuate, coriaceous, below glabrous when young and old, above glabrous when young and old, (concolorous or) discolorous, whitish below; midrib raised above, above glabrous when young and old, below glabrous when young and old; secondary veins 13 to 17 pairs, glabrous above; tertiary venation intermediate. Individuals andromonoecious, male and hermaphrodite inflorescences similar, ramiflorous on old leafless branches, axillary. Flowers with 9 perianth parts in 3 whorls, 1 to 2 per inflorescence; pedicel ca. 10 mm long, 3-4 mm in diameter, pubescent; in fruit 5-6 mm long, 5-6 mm in diameter, pubescent; bract 2-3 mm long, ca. 1 mm wide; sepals 3, valvate, basally or entirely fused, cup shaped, 3-4 mm long, ca. 6 mm wide, triangular to ovate, apex acute, base truncate, green to brown-red, densely pubescent outside, glabrous inside, margins flat; petals free, outer petals longer than inner; outer petals 3, 20-25 mm long, 5-7 mm wide, oblong to elliptic, apex acute, base truncate, yellow, margins flat, pubescent outside, glabrous inside; inner petals 3, valvate, 10-14 mm long, 6-7 mm wide, elliptic to oblong, apex acute, base truncate, yellow, margins flat, pubescent outside, pubescent inside; stamens 160 to 200, in 8 to 10 rows, 1-2 mm long, linear; connective discoid, glabrous, white; staminodes absent; carpels free, 8 to 9, ovary 3-4 mm long, stigma cylindrical, pubescent. Monocarps sessile, 5 to 7, 50-110 mm long, 20-30 mm in diameter, oblong, apex rounded, glabrous, irregularly and transversally ribbed, otherwise smooth, dark green when ripe; seeds 12 to 14 per monocarp, 15-20 mm long, ca. 10 mm in diameter, ellipsoid; aril absent.


From Cameroon to Gabon, and one collection from Democratic Republic of Congo; in Cameroon known from the Littoral and South regions.


An uncommon and rarely collected species in Cameroon; in lowland or premontane primary or old secondary rain forests. Altitude: 0-600 m a.s.l.

Local and common names known in Cameroon.

None recorded.

IUCN conservation status.

Not evaluated.

Uses in Cameroon.

None reported.


Polyceratocarpus pellegrinii is distinguished by its conspicuous raised midrib unique within the genus, and yellow flowers (versus white in P. parviflorus , color of P. microtrichus unknown). Le Thomas (1969b) indicates that the fruits are unknown but they have since been collected (e.g. Couvreur 575 from Gabon) and are here described.

Specimens examined.

Littoral Region: Mapubi 30 km before Edea on Yaounde-Edea road On forestry road 5 km direction to Sanaga river, 3.84°N, 10.38°E, 28 February 2018, Couvreur T.L.P. 1178 (MPU,WAG). South Region: 20 km From Kribi N of Lolodorf road (SFIA logging road), 3.01°N, 10.05°E, 15 July 1969, Bos J.J. 5049 (WAG); Ongongondjé Hill (Ambam), 2.38°N, 11.28°E, 27 December 1975, de Wilde J.J.F.E 8718 (BR,K,MO,P,U,WAG,YA); Colline au SE de Ndengué 15 km S d’Ebolowa, 2.78°N, 11.12°E, 26 March 1970, Letouzey R. 10248 (P,YA) GoogleMaps .