Macroptatus deppens Prena, 2023

Prena, Jens, 2023, Two new species of Optatus Pascoe and Macroptatus Heller (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Baridinae), with a reappraisal of generic characters, Zootaxa 5244 (4), pp. 377-386 : 380-381

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Plazi (2023-02-22 07:35:33, last updated 2024-11-28 00:15:02)

scientific name

Macroptatus deppens Prena

sp. nov.

Macroptatus deppens Prena , new species

( Figs. 6, 7 View FIGURES 5–7 , 9 View FIGURES 8–11 , 15 View FIGURES 12–15 , 19 View FIGURES 16–20 , 23 View FIGURES 21–24 , 27 View FIGURES 25–28 )

Diagnosis. This large species is readily recognized by its khaki vestiture with transversely arranged dark spots ( Figs. 6–7 View FIGURES 5–7 ). The widely spaced procoxae and the finely punctate pronotum are shared with M. championi and distinguish Macroptatus from Optatus .

Description. Habitus as in Figs. 6–7 View FIGURES 5–7 ; integument black, dense vestiture of light khaki, appressed setae interrupted by small dark setae on pronotal disc and in transversely arranged spots on elytron; female rostrum and head combined as long as elytron, male rostrum shorter, rostrum moderately corrugated ventrolaterally in both sexes ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 16–20 ), submentum edentate, antenna inserted at mid-length, club elongate spindle-shaped; pronotum wider than long, bell-shaped, with greatest width at base, finely and evenly punctate except along midline; prosternum with notosternal suture distinct in basal half, procoxae separated by about 1/4 their own width, canal slightly wider than intercoxal prosternal process, shallow, laterally without distinct carina ( Fig. 9 View FIGURES 8–11 ); metaventrite anteriorly not protruding below apex of mesocoxa ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 12–15 ); elytra broadly triangular, with sides gradually converging and apices narrowly rounded, interstria 9 with median carina obliterated in distal half, all others without carina; profemur ventrally with large, anteriorly directed blunt tooth, meso- and metafemora each with ventrally direct acute tooth; male protarsus fringed with long dark hairs and with basal 2 tarsites laterally expanded ( Fig. 27 View FIGURES 25–28 ), all legs with second tarsite moderately buckled dorsomedially ( Figs. 23 View FIGURES 21–24 , 27 View FIGURES 25–28 ); claws subconnate basally; total length 11.1–15.1 mm, standard length 10.5–14.3 mm.

Distribution. The species is known from two sites in México east of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and one site in El Salvador.

Life history. One paratype was collected from Annona . Despite inquiries to local producers and phytosanitory authorities, no more specimens could be obtained (J. Luna Cozar, personal information).

Etymology. The specific epithet is a patronymic noun in Frederician genitive honoring Ferdinand Deppe (1795–1861), the first significant explorer of Mexican wildlife.

Material examined. Holotype male, México, labeled “ Chichen Itza / Yucatan Mex / VI-29”, male (MfNB) . Paratypes 2: México, San Fernando near Tuxtla Gutiérrez , Chiapas, on Annona sp. , female ( UAQM) ; El Salvador, San Salvador, V . Wellborn , 1939, 26, female ( SNSD) .

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FIGURES 5–7. Macroptatus, dorsal and lateral habitus. 5, M. championi, female, Costa Rica (JPPC); 6, M. deppens, male holotype, México (MfNB); 7, M. deppens, female paratype, El Salvador (SNSD).

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FIGURES 8–11. Prosternum with variously developed basal process and canal. 8, M. championi; 9, M. deppens; 10, O. palmaris; 11, O. fasciculosus.

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FIGURES 12–15. Metaventral protuberance, females. 12–13, M. championi, oblique and frontal views; 14, large O. fasciculosus; 15, M. deppens.

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FIGURES 16–20. Male rostrum, lateral aspect. 16, O. palmaris; 17, O. stockwelli; 18, O. fasciculosus; 19, M. deppens; 20, M. championi.

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FIGURES 21–24. Metatarsus. 21, O. palmaris; 22, O. fasciculosus; 23, M. deppens; 24, M. championi.

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FIGURES 25–28. Protarsus (male left, female right), sexual dimorphism, width and setation. 25, O. palmaris; 26, O. fasciculosus; 27, M. deppens; 28, M. championi.


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium











